A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 87: (2)

Chapter 87: (2)

So, is our work here done now?

Yes! What are you thinking of doing next?

Then lets go back to the monster habitat. We have a pocket dimension now, after all.

He wasnt afraid of going back to the monster habitat anymore since they had a pocket dimension where they could rest.

Are we going back to the Gami-an we were at last time?

No. This time, were going somewhere else.

Even though Gami-an, where they had spent the last 50 days, would be convenient, he needed to hunt named monsters.

They had already hunted many named monsters in the western forest, so the chances of finding more there were low. Searching for named monsters in that area would require more time and effort. Thats why he decided to go somewhere else this time.

Rieka, lets go to Vantigas this time.

Vantigas, one of the three central points of the Monster Wave, was where they blocked ocean monsters.

He had never been there, but he had heard that it was an area where damage occurred frequently due to the huge size and cruelty of the ocean monsters.

Oh! Isnt that the place written on the paper?


It was also one of the locations mentioned in the note left by Hoslian, the aura Masters note he found on the underground third floor of the Carsia Mansion.

The paper that Rieka had translated contained such information.

To those who want to know the truth of the Eunasia continent, come here.

He had no idea what he meant by the truth. Why had the Aura Master, who could obtain all the wealth and honor, left such a message, and why had he disappeared?

There must be a reason why he left that note. Its probably written in a language that ordinary people cant understand.

His curiosity was piqued. It was also a convenient time to enter a monster habitat.

If they were going to enter a monster habitat anyway, Vantigas, where new monsters and the secret Hoslian mentioned might be waiting, was the perfect destination.

**** ****

Irya! Run, Blackie!

[Kaiyan, are those the same guys as before?]

A day had passed since leaving Havinel Territory when someone discreetly began following behind Kaiyan. It might have been the same individuals who followed him before, but there was a slight difference this time.

No, back then, I didnt sense any aura from them. But now, it seems like those guys are clearly out to kill me.

This isnt just a simple pursuit; theyre following him to take his life.

He can tell just by the killing intent theyre emitting openly, without hiding anything.

[What do you plan to do? You cant keep running like this.]

Hmm for now, lets continue like this and see if we can assess the situation.

At the moment, Blackies speed is exceptionally fast, and for some reason, those guys havent managed to get too close. Kaiyan felt that there was no need to stop and deal with them immediately.

The aura emanating from those guys wasnt particularly strong.

If they think killing me is such an important task, theyll chase me to the end. Irya!

Hurry, Blackie!

Leaving the guys behind who were following, Kaiyan, consulting Barvans map, arrived at the border of the Havinel while riding Blackie. In the distance, the forest began to come into view.

According to the map, the forest was an absolute must-pass to head east.

A forest I should take a break there.


Yeah, and deal with those guys then.

No matter how relentless they were, they kept chasing even though the distance was increasing. At this rate, they would follow me all the way to the Havinel.

Just before entering the forest, Kaiyan slowed down Blackies pace and glanced back, seeing a dust cloud rising in the distance as the guys ran hard to catch up.

When they come in, well kill them. If they dont, well just let them go.

Thats not exactly encouraging them to come in, is it? Speak louder! You have to shout loudly for them to hear!

I didnt say it for them to hear. Lets just go.

Turning back to the forest once more and entering it slowly, Kaiyans senses, dormant until now, awoke and indicated the direction to go to his destination.

The Forest Predator, a title that only activated in the forest.

Following the direction provided in his mind, Kaiyan slowly moved Blackie.

This place has a pleasant aroma! I really like it!

Yeah, in a forest like this, youd rather not spill blood.

What should be called the Maron Forest was not like a dense forest in a monster habitat but rather a place where one could feel a sense of leisure, as if it were something out of a fairy tale.

A pleasant scent that seemed to come from somewhere, a fragrant smell that lifted the spirits, and even the sunlight filtering through the leaves.

Its over there!

He couldnt have gone far!

While admiring the forest for a while, Kaiyans senses sharpened as he heard loud noises from behind, and he turned his attention to the guys who had been trailing them.

They really dont know their place.


Kaiyan stopped Blackie, preparing for any unforeseen events, and stowed him in the dimension space. The five guys, their black, tattered masks now showing, came riding horses, crashing through the forest.

They looked quite ragged compared to the enemies Kaiyan had encountered so far.

Found you! Haha! This guys run is over, huh?

Whew! He might be worth 1000 gold!

Boss! Its a good thing we caught him before he fell! Haha!

1000 gold Probably from Lady Carsia, right?

From their jubilant words, Kaiyan deduced that they had chased him for 1000 gold, and Lady carsia, the wife of Marquis Carsia, was the only person he knew who would give such a sum of money to these guys.

While looking at them and thinking about what to do, the guy who seemed to be the leader drew his sword and walked forward.

Hehe If you dont resist, Ill kill you with one blow!

Before that, I have a question. Is it because of 1000 gold that youre after my life?

W-Well, how did you know that!

Alright, enough. Was this job assigned by Lady Carsia, the Marquiss wife?

H-How did you?


[Really, these guys are clueless. Sending guys like them means Lady Carsia doesnt take you seriously! She must think that youre either a fool or as insignificant as goblins! But Kaiyan is not a goblin, I tell you!]

Even though Riakas words sounded brave, they didnt make Kaiyan feel particularly good.

.I agree with that.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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