A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 106 - 101

Chapter 106: Chapter 101

I floated high in the desert, no living being in any direction besides me and Jinn who floated nearby, content to just observe.

My Sword of Destruction flew around me, a faint glow that even made me hesitate to touch it. That inky energy that ever so slightly pulsed off of the blade as I used my Aura to manifest my Power of Destruction.

With a thought, the sword shot down onto the dunes, a massive pillar of sand exploded upwards on the impact, only to visible disintegrate as my sword unleashed its torrent of destruction.

Grimm were rustled from their sleep, attracted to the attention in droves. Many I did not recognize, those that took refuge under the massive sands had decided to show themselves, baring their fangs and claws at me.

I couldn't help but smile as my sword just flew at them, almost comical in the way it cut through the horde like a hot knife through butter. Their bodies didn't even have time to dissipate in their 'normal' manner, my destructive energies consuming them entirely.

I wasn't just playing around, I wanted to see what the drain was like on my Aura reserves. While something that was noticeable with prolonged use, it appears as though I wouldn't 'burn myself' out immediately upon using my newfound power.

My reserves were still more or less around 90% and that was with me intentionally pushing more into it than I needed to just mess around.

Once all the grimm were dead, I slowly glided to the ground, Jinn following behind.

"Initial tests looking good."

"[Unrefined, but the power was definitely there.]" Ddraig replied, the gauntlet still manifested on my arm. "[It might be more important to fine tune your control at this point. Your Power of Destruction can easily go out of control if you aren't careful.]"

I scratched my head. "Yeah, I realized that. It was hard to rein in. I'm no where near using it against someone I don't want to completely obliterate yet." I let my other swords float out. I had another thought, after getting a feel for it, maybe I could make another attempt to utilize it without the sword in the future?

Well, that's something to consider down the line.

I admired my swords.

Sword of Destruction.





I admired my growing collection with glee.

"Any plans on collecting the other relics?" Jinn pressed up against my back, putting her chin on my head.

"No." I shook my head. "From what I saw, The Relic of Creation is keeping Atlas up in the air." I thought back to the information I was shown.

Atlas, the Kingdom to the north, a floating city. It was perhaps the technological focal point of Remnant, even drawing my attention by what they were able to create with Dust as the backbone of their technology.

It was an interesting creation, the Relic of Creation. It wasn't limited to 3 'uses' like the other Relics, but it had other restrictons. It couldn't be used to directly harm, and it could only create one thing at a time and anything created previously would disappear on the next use. Not to mention not being able to create life, among other things.

Their entire city was kept suspended in the Air due to the Relic, though in public they claimed, 'Gravity Dust'.

I couldn't in good conscious take that thing if it was quite literally supporting so many people's livelihoods.

"And the Relic of Choice...that just seems worthless to me." I pursed my lips. The Relic of Choice, the 'Crown'. It allowed one to peer into the future three times each century. I could pretty much guess that it would not function properly outside of Remnant, not to mention being utilized on something like me, an outside context it had no way to simulate possibilities with.

Yeah, it wasn't true 'future sight'. Essentially, it allowed one to peer into future 'possibilities'.

"What a name – 'Choice'" I snorted. "The best choice would to be to not use it." The future was fleeting, ever changing. Wanting to know the lottery number next month? Sure. Wanting to see who you marry 10 years down the line? Good luck, that future was probably shattered by your choice in viewing it.

"An interesting thought." Jinn said with a small bit of humor.

"Besides, it seems like those two Relics may help Remnant if it ever reaches that point. It seems that someone is aware of these things, based on what you've told me in the past." I looked up at the pointy-eared genie.

Jinn just hummed noncommittedly.

"I have a question –" Jinn was about to open her mouth but I stopped her. "About your existence." I clarified.

"Oh? What does my master wish to know~" She cooed.

"I'm your master now, huh?"

"I already offered up my everything."

"Keep that up and I'll take you right here." I gave her a little slap on the butt, hearing a cute little noise from her. "But my question is regarding if you can take anything inside the lamp with you."

She tiled her head, clearly thinking. "I have never had to consider this possibility before. I can not take any living creatures inside with me, why?"

I flipped my hand over, bringing out a stack of books. "Figured you may want some reading material." Jinn sucked in a long breath of air, hands reaching for the book on the top, looking at the title and not recognizing it. She grabbed it, hugging it to her chest. "I have a couple days to kill before I'm needed anywhere, didn't know if you would prefer to read those inside your lamp or not."

Jinn look at me then back at the pile of books. She waved her hand, turning them into smoke as they entered the lamp she held in her hands. She looked like she was about to go in herself, but she paused, peeking her head over her shoulder and running a hand over her rear. "This is yours whenever you want it." She declared, turning into mist and going into her little home.

I stared at the Lamp as it floated over into my hands. "Well then."

[Surprised you didn't follow up on that.]

"Me too." Gods know my libido is ridiculous, being a healthy young man and part devil. "But honestly....I kinda want my first time to be with one of my girls."

[That is sickingly wholesome. Doesn't she count as one of your girls?]

"It's not the same thing." I shrugged. "She's mine but not 'mine'." That was about the best way I could describe it.

"Anyways..." I willed The Sword of Destruction back over. "Lets find some more targets."

[Use the Boosted Gear too, I want to try some tricks out.]

"Sure, lets cut loose." I let out a laugh, seeing a small herd of Grimm on the horizon. "Plenty of targets."


I yawned, walking towards a familiar shop in Vale. The aged building a welcome sight as I walked inside, the bell expected. "I'm back." I greeted the old man behind the counter.

"You're just in time." He said slowly, looking rather tired himself. "I had to work through the night to finish this up before the deadline." He stated, pulling a wrapped object up from under the counter.

It was like Christmas as I unwrapped it. "Beautiful." I admired his work. "The black leather goes perfectly with the handle of my blade, and these golden enamel decorations are just amazing" They were simplistic, yet retained a certain elegance that complimented the sword.

"Well, don't keep an old man waiting, try her out." The old man impatiently said.

Bringing out Mirage, I slowly slid it into its new home. "Nice and snug."

"Hah." The old man laughed. "My wife used to say the same." I almost choked, catching a smirk from the old man. "I saw some youngsters putting posters up all over town of you." He eyed me. "I admit, I didn't take you seriously before, but you really going to compete, lad?"

"Damn right." I acknowledged.

"Well....in the interest of an earlier retirement." He leaned in. "What do you think your odds of winning are?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I have.....confidence in myself." I said politely.

He hummed to himself. "I tell you what, you win this thing, and I won't charge you, but if you lose, you cover 'all' of my losses."

"Alright, I'm in." It was a good deal considering I didn't plan on losing.

"Ohoh, I look forward to it, young man."

I smiled, bidding him goodbye as I left, new sheath in hand with Mirage stored inside. Admittedly, it felt a little strange walking around with my sword like this, but there was also a strange confidence that came with it by my side.

The trek to Junior's bar was grabbing MUCH more attention thatn before. People all over were turning their heads, pointing fingers, and whispering as I walked by. Hell, there were posters on practically every wall I passed, and I admit that Roman really does do good work with a camera.

Walking towards the Club, I flipped my hand, taking out the bag of bagels from the other day as I entered.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" I heard a voice shout at me.

"Happy to see you too, Miltia."I waived.

All attention was on me now, it seemed like the whole gang was here.

"Told you, boss man, kid wasn't going to get cold feet." Roman commented.

"Yeah, yeah. Can we get this show on the road, I do have to set up for tonight's preliminaries."

Miltia walked up to me in a huff. "I've been looking everywhere for you! Do you have any idea how much we had to run around because of you? We had to start making plans incase you didn't show up."

"Sorry, I was preoccupied." I held my arms up in surrender, though I offered the bag to her. "Bagel?"

She snorted, snatching the bag out of my hands, taking a bagel out and menacingly taking a bit out of it while giving me the stink eye. The bag suddenly disappeared from her hands, like glass shattering, Miltia huffed again, turning her gaze towards Neo who offered the bag to Roman while stuffing one in her own mouth.

"Thanks for the snack, kid." Roman waived happily.

I just rolled my eyes. "How've you been, Miltia?"

"She was worried about you, couldn't even sleep, thought you got in trouble." Melanie shouted, playing with an empty glass.

"Fuck off, Mel" Miltia growled, walking back up to the bar to sit down as I followed behind.

"Nice weapon, kid. Did you pick it up at an antique store?" Roman asked, eyeing my obvious addition.

"Yes, actually. And funnily enough, I saw that exact hat there." I pointed at the hat on top of his head.

"Hah, nice." He chuckled. "Well, at least you look presentable, thought I would have to give you some random mook's weapon."

Neo tugged on his sleeve, gesturing.

"Oh, right. Neo did give you a 'backup' weapon." He snickered along with his mute partner.

"Alright, Children." Junior silenced everyone. "Got a private bullhead booked, pilot is on the pay, he's going to disappear when we land, so don't expect him as your flight home." He turned to Miltia. "You remember how to fly one of those things."

"I'm still licensed." Miltia replied. I stared at her incredulously. "What!? I like flying, so sue me." She crossed her arms.

"When the flights inevitably get grounded, they'll be looking for our original 'Pilot' since he's on the paperwork, which will let Miltia and Melanie slip under the radar for a while. That also means the exit is going to be hot with air control on your asses before you can clear the city." Junior just nodded. "At the kid's signal, I'm going to move on the spider's people, clearing out Vale of all her eyes, so you should be safe once you get back with the stuff."

"Me and Neo will be hitting our spots. Neo's closer to the third location, but I'll join her by the time she finishes up, then we'll go to ground for a while." Roman nodded. "After this, the spider bitch will be on your ass even more, kid. She'll know you're related to me, and she was just robbed, putting two and two together is something she can do with a bit of effort."

"And the tournament is my best protection." I pointed out.

"As long as you win you'll have nothing to fear." He stated.

Well, I wouldn't have anything to fear anyways, but they didn't know that.

"Well, people." Junior put his hands on the counter. "Let's get this show on the road."


When Junior said 'private Bullhead' he wasn't kidding. This thing was luxurious.

I stared out the window, the ocean cover nearly everything as we passed by. I was surprised by how fast this thing was. Well, the continents didn't seem that far apart from one another, but even so, we cleared the distance in a few measly hours.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking, we will be arriving in roughly 5 minutes. I hope you all have a wonderful time visiting Mistral and that I never see you again."

I raised an eyebrow, looking at Roman.

"I'll miss this guy." Roman lamented. "Always knew when to quip on our getaways." Neo actually looked a bit sad at his words too.

What a strange pair.

"You're not going to kill him, right?" I asked a little worried now.

"Do you take me for a common thug?" Roman looked genuinely offended. "I booked him a two week vacation in Mistral as a retirement gift."

"Oh." I just accepted that. "Significantly more mundane than I would have thought. That's actually really nice on your part, I didn't think you would do something like that."

"Happy minions means jobs get done right. They get the works, health, dental, retirement package. This guy is dipping out early, he's been with me for....." He stared off for a moment. "7 years now? Damn it really has been a long time. Good help is hard to find, you have to treat your minions right or they'll fuck you over quicker than any police will."

Huh, makes sense I suppose.

The bull head jerked slightly, I peeked out the window to see the familiar city in the distance as we began to land.

"Alright kid, this is where we part. I'll be using Neo's Semblance for us to sneak away unseen. You can be as flamboyant as possible, actually.....take it up a few notches, really rub Malachite's nose in it." He smirked.

"Any last minute advice you want to give me?" I asked.

He walked up to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Don't fuck up." And he disappeared.

"Don't know why I expected any different." I chuckled. "Alright, girls, I suppose we part here?"

"Whatever." Melanie got up and left.

Miltia looked at me for a moment. "Try not to get yourself killed." She walked towards the door. "It's hard to find someone to shop with who isn't Mel." She left with that.

The place was even busier than when I was here the other day. Crowds upon crowds of people were pushing everywhere, but it was easy to spot where I needed to register. There was a large stadium to the north side, which housed many smaller arenas for these preliminary matches.

Doing my best to weave through the crowds, it took me a bit to finally make my way there.

Actually, there were people blatantly sitting at tables with signs for registration.

"Hello, I'd like to sign up." I approached.

"Fill these out." He pushed a couple sheets of paper to me.

They were basic things, age, name, origin, that sort of thing. And there was also a waiver saying they weren't responsible for any damage as a result of competing in the tournament with a bunch of other stuff I didn't bother to read.

I handed the papers back to him and he pulled out another tag and gave it to me. "You're number 702, pay attention to the screen inside, it'll announce who's fighting and when."

I just shrugged, pinning the little tag on my vest and walking inside.

The screen he was talking about was pretty eye catching, it was a massive thing that hung from the ceiling that displayed which people were fighting when and in which arenas.

Looking up and finding my name, I saw that I had about an hour before I would be up to fight, except, suddenly it changed, and I was given a 'bye'.

"Wow, Roman's people work fast." I just shrugged, finding a comfortable spot to sit down in. I would probably be here for a bit.


And so, it begins.

Anyways, if you want to read 5 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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