All My Disciples Are Kings

Chapter 1289: The grudge is settled and the realm soars!

Chapter 1289: The grudge is settled and the realm soars!

The magic array can evoke the most fearful thing in everyone's heart and then amplify it infinitely.

The strength of the phantom array is nothing more than the extent to which it can amplify the fear in a person's heart, and the true extent of the phantom array.

And the Immortal Fate Illusion Formation is nothing more than the most top-notch Illusion Formation in Fang Qiongs hands now.

After countless trainings, he has mastered the Immortal Fate Illusion Array to the point of proficiency.

At this moment.

Above the restaurant, everyone in the City Lord's Mansion and the Jidong Sect had their pupils out of focus, but their faces were constantly twitching and their whole body muscles were trembling!

Obviously, he has been addicted to the illusion of immortality and cannot extricate himself.

Everyone present could not help but roll their throats as they watched this scene. Their eyes looking at Fang Qiong were full of fear and disbelief.

A few years after the Fang family was destroyed, the only legitimate son who escaped returned and grew to such a terrifying level.

Not only was he related to the Immortal Emperor, but he also single-handedly trapped everyone present in the City Lords Mansion and the Jidong Sect in the illusion, unable to escape!

However, this is not over yet.

Fang Qiong made a seal with his palm, and a seal entered the fairy formation.

The function of this seal is very simple. When they fall into the fear of the phantom formation, they can still unconsciously observe what is happening in the outside world.

The purpose of this is that Fang Qiong wants them to watch the City Lord's Mansion and the Jidong Sect be completely destroyed while falling into the fear of the illusion!

Hands slightly raised, under the horrified gazes of everyone.

I saw Fang Qiong dragging everyone in the City Lord's Mansion and the Jidong Sect, flying in the direction of the Jidong Sect.

Everyone looked at each other in shock when they saw this, and immediately followed him. They also wanted to see what would happen to the two top forces in Lindong City.

Everyone in the Cheng family also followed.

The Jidong Sect is not too far away from here.

With Fang Qiongs strength, it took only half a stick of incense to reach the peak where the Jidong Sect was located.

I saw that there were still outer disciples and some elders practicing or walking around below.

Fang Qiong looked calm, spread out his hands, and produced the breath of annihilation. At the same time, the illusory formation of immortality and three swords appeared at the same time!

Annihilation Illusion Killing Formation plus Small Killing God Sword Formation!

The terrifying power of destruction filled the top of Jidong Sect.

All the disciples and elders in Jidong Sect looked up to the sky with horrified expressions.

However, before they could react, the Annihilation Illusion Killing Formation and the Small God-killing Sword Formation landed directly on the mountain peak where the Jidong Sect is located!

The huge destructive wind turned into a violent tornado, covering the entire mountain peak!

The disciples, the buildings, and everything inside were turned into powder under this strong wind!

Above, although the leader of the Jidong Sect is in the illusion formation, he can still feel the scene outside at this moment, and his face is twitching even more violently!

The mouth is slightly open and the sound of "ah...ah...ah" is made intermittently.

It seems to be wailing, and it also seems to be begging for mercy.

But Fang Qiong seemed not to notice it and continued to rush towards the city lord's mansion.

A group of people followed Fang Qiong, looking back from time to time to look at the Jidong Sect that had been moved to the ground, and there was no longer any breath of life...

Just one strike destroyed the entire Jidong Sect.

Is this something that the Immortal Emperor Realm can do?

I'm afraid they have already reached the level of Immortal Lord...

In just a few years, it has grown to this point, which is so terrifying!

Soon, the City Lords Mansion also fell to the level of the Jidong Sect.

Following the footsteps.

Fang Qiong stared blankly at the destroyed city lord's mansion.

Then with an expressionless face, as if without any emotion, he returned to the old site of the Fang family with the people of the Jidong Sect of the City Lord's Mansion who were trapped in the phantom formation in an unusually calm manner.

Arrived here.

Fang Qiong waved his hand, and the restaurant disappeared in an instant!

At the same time, raise your fingers upward. From the location of the restaurant, there are stone pillars protruding from the ground.

Continuously paddling toward the void.

On those stone pillars, the names of everyone in the Fang family suddenly appeared!

After doing all this, Fang Qiong looked at the stone pillar in front.

His mother's name is engraved on it.

There is sadness in those plain eyes...

Mother...I did it.

Immediately, he pressed his hand fiercely towards the location of the City Lords Mansion and the people of the Jidong Sect!

These people immediately fell to their knees on the ground, and at the same time their heads were heavily carved on the ground!

Lets use their blood to honor the spirit of the Fang family... Fang Qiong said lightly.

Amidst the extremely frightened expressions of these people, the palms of their hands passed by.

In a matter of seconds, the necks of everyone in the City Lord's Mansion and the Jidong Sect were cut off, and their heads fell to the ground.

Blood spurted out from the severed head, spreading across the land like a fountain. Gradually, the land was dyed red with blood, but the stone tablet of Fang Qiong's mother was not stained with blood.

Because he knew that his mother did not like **** things.

After doing all this, a barrier enveloped the place, and then turned to look at the people in Lindong City, with stern eyes and a cold tone, saying: "Whoever dares to destroy this place, Fang will kill you immediately." !

As soon as the words fell.

The breath in Fang Qiongs body surges!

The breath that seemed to have been blocked in the body was released at this moment, and the terrifying breath swept through Fang Qiong's limbs and bones!

The breath begins to rise.

Half step to the realm of God Emperor!

The realm of the God Emperor!

At this moment, the hatred is over, the knots in the heart are untied, and the thoughts are clear!

The already solid realm has now entered the realm of the God Emperor as if it were a matter of course!

The head of the Cheng family looked at this scene and sighed with horror: "In a few years, I have entered the realm of the Immortal Emperor. I am afraid that this son will become someone like His Majesty the Immortal Emperor in the future..."

At this time, Fang Qiongs figure also disappeared in Lindong City.

Now that the hatred has settled, its time to return to the mortal world.

time flies.

March has passed in the blink of an eye.

Ninety-two years have passed in the floating life picture.

At this moment in the mortal world, basic facilities have been rebuilt.

At the same time, a shocking news quickly swept the entire mortal world!

Qingxiao College, known as the first missionary college in the mortal world in ancient times, was rebuilt and began to recruit students for the first time.

Among them, Ning Chenxin serves as the dean of Shantianyuan, and Hongying serves as the dean of Huangtianyuan.

At the same time, the Honorable Dean of Qingxiao College is served by Mr.

Hongying and Ning Chenxin were also remembered by everyone during this battle.

Powerful talent, strong strength.

It can be said to be the pinnacle of the mortal world today!

They are also qualified to rebuild Qingxiao Academy.

What's more... Anyone who has participated in the final battle knows that there is a master standing behind them, and that person's strength is not even a match for the gods of the gods...

Most people noticed this and rushed towards the ancient battlefield in the endless sea!

However, under the ancient battlefield, Lu Changsheng looked at the mythical beast in front of him, which was just the tip of the iceberg, but seemed to be like a mountain range.

This is...Kunpeng? (End of chapter)

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