Becoming the Luna

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

I wake up with a feeling of confusion, I sit upright to see that I'm on my bed and the drapes are drawn so I can't tell what time it is.

Something is bugging me, ticking at the back of my mind but I can't seem to place my finger on it.

I whip my head to the side, finally remembering that I had a clock sitting on the drawer beside my bed, it says 2:58 pm.

I frown, that can't be right oh wait

I remember in a flash and I sink back into the bed with a sound of pain, how I had found a wolf which turned out to be Virgil and then found out that I had been left out of a very important secret my entire life.

The last thing I remember is sitting on the cold floor of the shower, how did I get here?

I sit up again to look in the direction of the bathroom and I groan, it's hanging loosely off its hinges, definitely Virgil.

I must have cried so much that I slept off, they must have been worried enough to break down the door but then again it didn't really take much for Virgil to get worried.

I feel sore all over and a lot of things are starting to fall in place, their family weekend trips, their ridiculous strength and code words

I hide my face behind my hands, maybe I overreacted a bit because now I wasn't sure I wanted to know all these, that my friends are Werewolves

They didn't exist right?

I hop off the bed to go rinse my face and mouth off in the bathroom, I needed to do some research.

I grab my phone and get on the bed, quickly tapping on the search icon.

What would I search on?

I wasn't a huge paranormal or fantasy fan but I had watched enough movies to figure that out at least, was Shana also one?

What about Mae?

Did other creatures exist then if Werewolves are real?

I had so many questions and I have a feeling that the internet isn't going to provide the answers I needed but it wouldn't hurt to check anyway.

I type in the words, feeling foolish, if the FBI truly checked on people then the agent assigned to me would probably be confused as hell.

The page loads and I startle at the scary picture that pops up, a huge wolf standing on its hind legs with blood splattered all over it's sharp fangs and claws, a maliciously evil look on its face.

I quickly scroll up, Virgil had looked nothing like that.

I end up scrolling through endless articles of lycanthropes, their origin from an old folklore and so on.

There was still no certainty that they were real, even though there are some acclaimed sightings of said Werewolves.

After spending a lot of time scrolling through a lot of contradictory information that has me getting a headache, some said that they only turned into wolves during the full moon and others say only at night.

I fall back on the bed with a groan, the only way to find out what I needed to know was to ask, now that I know there's no way they would keep the rest of the information from me.

Maybe, just maybe, I could understand why they would keep it a secret, I mean Virgil had turned up hurt on my front porch at midnight so it was obviously dangerous but still I pout, feeling petty.

I needed to go downstairs, I sigh it's already late and I've put everyone else in an uncomfortable condition, not to mention that I'm hungry.

I had just woken up in a mood earlier this morning but now that I think about it with a clearer head, it's not all their fault.

I take my bath and dress up in pajama bottoms and a loose top, I didn't plan on going anywhere and after I had gotten my answers I would grab Apple and come and hide out in my room again.

It was just like me to be unable to stay mad at them for long, I would start to feel guilty because I know that if they were mad at me I would be miserable but that didn't mean I wouldn't give them all the silent treatment.

I was going to get back at them either way, whether I was angry or not and in this case, I'm not anymore.

I slowly open the door, peeking out first, I don't think I want to see either Virgil or Dale yet actually mostly Virgil, just Virgil.

Dale and I haven't known each other for so long so I wouldn't blame him for not telling me, I mean if I were one I don't think I'd go around telling everyone about it, it definitely wouldn't be safe.

But Virgil!

I think darkly, we knew each other practically forever even before Shana came along so maybe I'm still a little bit mad at him.

There's no one sitting outside my door and I heave a sigh of relief, I'd rather startle them by just showing up out of nowhere than bumping into them.

The house is strangely quiet and I wonder if they're all out, well there's only one way to find out.

Straightening my back, I make my way down the stairs, slowing down when I get to the end.

I peek around the corner and see my mom, Mae and Shana sitting quietly in the living room, they look so gloomy that I feel a shard of guilt for making them like this.

"Hi." I greet softly, stepping into the room. There's no sign of Virgil or Dale and I absently wonder where they could have gone.

Everyone startles at the sound of my voice and even though my mom's eyes look glassy, I go to sit on a separate chair.

"Hayden?" My name gets called simultaneously in surprise but I just coolly settle into my seat, crossing my legs comfortably.

They watch me warily but I can't help but act differently, it would take some time to get accustomed to the fact that I've been living with so grand a lie but it wasn't bad enough that things wouldn't go back to normal that I was sure of but right now, I'm really curious.

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