Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1165: Warmoth's Treasury (1)

Chapter 1165: Warmoth's Treasury (1)

"Did I... did I just get kicked out?" Replicus said to himself, a dumbfounded look on his face. It appeared so.

He had been evicted from the Third Layer on account of being... underwhelming. Apparently, he did not meet the bare minimum requirements for a successor of the Warmoth, even in terms of his presence for instance, which was handled by one of his racial skills that empowered the air he radiated. The state it was in, was abysmal according to the creature he had just faced.

Of course, Replicus wasn't at all fazed. He had already begun to doubt his current prowess as the Warmoth's Progeny since fighting Caxellac, noting that there was a great sense of disconnect between his new arm configurations, his transition from Penetrator to Warmoth and his new weaponry - the Warmoth's Spine in particular. He had hardly used it.

He needed a lot more practise to synchronise and even understand how Ju`wtte fully worked. Replicus recalled that the evolutionary description for the Colossus Warmoth's Progeny explained many uses of Ju`wtte, most of which he had yet to even apply with his basic ejection of Ju`wtte with the Ju`wtta.

So, indeed, the fact that he was lacking was no surprise, but the means to overcome this dire sense of lacking was what he needed to find.

It was yet unclear how he was supposed to improve.

Short of meeting the Warmoth itself, he wasn't sure if he could learn enough in time to face Skullius confidently.

Replicus sighed and looked up as though hoping to catch a glimpse of the being who had so rudely rejected him.

'I'm unworthy of taking even a whiff of the air the Warmoth left behind, huh?' Replicus thought.

He wondered, what was that thing?

It appeared to be some kind of super Strawler, capable of speech and not so willing to submit to him like the others. It also addressed the Warmoth as Jan`ind, which Replicus assumed meant something akin to 'Master'.

'Well, I guess my hopes got the better of me. Should have known there are going to be a few hicks,' he thought and looked behind at his Strawlers who remained stationary, keen to hear his commands.

Replicus, seeing no reason to stay in the Empyrean Hatcher any longer, went down to the First Layer and exited through the great, black double doors.

He looked closely at the exterior of the building. The great, rectangular protrusions coming out of it, hoisting great mansions on their tops seemed completely disconnected from the three Layers inside.

Replicus wondered - with mild interest - what purpose they served, but then, with his mood having been soured by the rejection from the Third Layer, he quickly lost the drive to explore these things and the rest of the Empyrean Bosom right now.

Quite like his Unlimited, Yuyui and Baddan, Replicus had been drained mentally by the battles he had powered through today.

He had orchestrated the plan to isolate Em-Sul in order to retrieve the Harmonic Ember. He had then had to fight the Bishop and Warding Pride on his own.

Replicus had then participated in the battle across the Null Remnants, which had been extremely taxing as he had had to adjust to a new body, fight multiple different opponents and construct a multi-pronged plan to steadily learn a new concept and develop it rapidly in order to earn a victory.

Last, but certainly not least, the Warmoth's Progeny had had to fight the real Null Devil King. The weight of the revelations he had just heard from Sause was also quite weighty on his mind..

'Yeah, I need something geared more towards a muscle-brain. Primal excitement,' Replicus said and he extracted a large, golden key.

He, along with the six Strawlers following after him streaked along the beautiful paved pathway of green-gold-glass, moving a decent distance away from the Empyrean Hatcher and then he pressed the golden key into the open space.

Ju`wtte flew in all directions wildly, though it didn't seem to cause any damage to the surroundings whatsoever unlike when it sprang forth in Aigas.

To Replicus' surprise, a colossal set of pristine white double doors, riddled with bold, dark writing appeared before him. They were quite the ones Replicus was used to in terms of dimensions. Instead of a pair of large eyes and tusks, however, they had two large copies of Replicus' Ju`wtta protruding from each door, crossing in the middle.

'Wow...' Replicus thought.

He didn't even attempt to read what was written on the doors. Again, it was incomprehensible, obviously.

With a great groan, the doors opened and Replicus eagerly walked into the bright space that was teased between them.

The first thing he identified upon feeling a clear transition from the Empyrean Bosom, was the limited space.

The Treasury looked like an old, worn-out underground cavern made entirely out of rusting, yet dense metal.

Of course, it was by no means small by average standards, but when compared to where Replicus was coming from, it might as well have been a cupboard.

There were high, massive platforms which featured scraps of broken metallic objects and pools of molten material aglow because of the intense heat to the side. Replicus had to fly up to view these things. It was almost as though he'd entered the workshop of a massive being.

Above these tall platforms, on a wall, were a plethora of colossal tools lit with runes, looking to also be extremely worn but functional.

Nearly a thousand of these platforms with their heated material stretched forth on either side of the space. What came next was blocked by a partition that blocked Replicus' view. Somehow, unlike the indifferent feeling he got from seeing these platforms, obviously meant for forging a slew of different artefacts, he felt a pulse of excitement for what he was about to see beyond the partition.

He quickly flew over, eager to see what came next.

It didn't disappoint.

A great hall, longer and smarter than where he was coming from stretched out before his eyes, spotting a plethora of shining and lustreless weapons, armours and artefacts of different


They were too many to count and each pulled on the eyes of the Progeny.

Where to start?

What to scrutinise first?



Replicus almost felt himself gulp audibly.

His eyes were quickly stolen by something shimmering at the very end of the hall, its size greater and its appearance way too complex and beautiful for common and even advanced


Even a Deity would have been swallowed by the desire to claim this prize.

It appeared the legends echoing in the Null Verse were true.

There was indeed a treasure that the Warmoth possessed which was worth scouring for his belongings, his legacy, for millions of years!

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