Disciple of Immortal

Act 2: Chapter 55: A Little Shaking Reunion

Act 2: Chapter 55: A Little Shaking Reunion

「… Is it really that strange? I just came to see the situation since I happened to feel the presence of a powerful monster. I mean, a country might have been destroyed if I left it at to its own devices. In the first place, I do go out sometimes. I just never expected that Kanata was also in the same exact place.」

Lunaire spoke with a plain, dull voice.

「N-Nope, I mean, you’ve never left 《Cocytus》 before after all…」

Even when we’d first met, I knew that Lunaire had some sort of complex regarding her relationship with humans. She’d never said anything about leaving that place, but…

「Except for one part. There’s no need for me to explain everything, right?」


「Well, our encounter in this place certainly doesn’t seem like a coincidence. The only ones who can single-handedly enter the nest of an unknown demon king in this region is only Kanata and I after all. But then, why are you worrying about that, Kanata?」

Lunaire asked with a plain, uninterested voice.

「… Y-You’re right. No, my apologies.」

Yeah, she was right.

Lunaire’s feelings towards humans were definitely complex.

But still, the first time we met she still helped me despite knowing that I was a human and having no prior relationship. She even gave me a lot of high rank items and even trained me so that I could stand on my own.

Seeing her insistence, she really might have left cocytus from time to time, protecting the world from demon kings; an unsung heroine.

On the other hand, I got all conceited and thought that Lunaire might have actually left 《Cocytus》 since she was worrying about me when she was just strolling around in reality.

That was a pretty simple analysis but I ended up getting hyped myself.

「But well, it’s… not like I didn’t want to see Kanata too… I just felt that we might see each other someday.」

Lunaire looked at me while twirling the blood-colored tip of her hair and then turned her face away.


「I-I see, so Kanata is really happy to be able to see me, eh.」

Lunaire looked down as she spoke with an almost inaudible voice as if trying to digest my remark.

For some reason, I saw a tinge of pink on her cheeks.

When I tried taking a closer look, she quickly averted her face.


「Nevertheless… to think that such a large-scale demon king appeared out of nowhere.」

Lunaire kept looking away from me and then looking at the demon king of spiders, Mother’s corpse.

Mother’s flesh had already crumbled into sand, leaving behind a pool of blood and her skeleton.

Aside from her skeleton, I noticed that the huge jade crystal that was previously embedded in her body was also left behind, albeit already having lost its previous brilliance.

「I’ve never see such a gigantic demon king’s nest. The fact that it was never detected before must be because they grew rapidly, but…」

「So the scale this time around is really big, eh?」

「Yeah, have you confirmed her level?」

「Her level is 999. She has many subordinates but I guess those two are closer to her level…」

Lunaire’s heterochromatic eyes squinted upon hearing my remark.

「… It’s much worse than my prediction. Demon kings aren’t supposed to be left to their own devices till they become this powerful… I’ve got a really bad feeling about this.」

「Is level 999… really that bad?」

Lunaire heaved a sigh, looking at me with a dumbfounded look on her face upon hearing my remark.

「Well, I guess it can’t be helped since it hasn’t been that long since you’ve left and you’re indeed more familiar with 《Cocytus》… But, when it comes to a level 1000 demon king, even if an entire kingdom gathers their power to subjugate it, they’re still going to fail.」

「… Eh.」

Suddenly, the scene of Mother prostrating in front of the swaggering Philia appeared for some reason. Well, the latter was twice as powerful as the former after all.

If the strongest demon king could reach level 1000, then what kind of existence was Philia whose level could reach 3000?

「Listen, even the weakest demon king is at least level 300. And demon kings at that level alone can potentially erase a small country.」


… If I’m not wrong, Notts was level 400.

Did that mean he alone could annihilate a small country without Zorophilia’s help?

「Kanata can be quite dull in this regard… Well, I guess this is the side effect of getting used to those devils in the 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》, but your case is worse than that… But, uhm… I think that’s quite the adorable side to you.」

That was confusing.

I mean, I did notice that a lot of things felt amiss since the moment I stepped out of Cocytus. I mean, it wasn’t just once or twice that my sense of value seemed to be misplaced.

But still… since that was the case, there was only one conclusion.


「Is something the matter, Kanata?」

Lunaire replied with a sweet smile on her face.

「Uhm… you’re the one who told me that… I would only be safe outside once my level rises beyond 4000, right?」

The moment I asked that question, Lunaire’s eyes opened wide, the smile vanishing from her face.

「Since you say that level 1000… is enough to destroy a big country? T-Then, what about me?」

「Y-Y-You’re mistaken… U-Uhm, you know… the truth is…」

Lunaire stuttered as if she was troubled over how to answer my question.

「The truth is, it’s a fact, please trust me. I definitely did not think of something along the lines of trying to make you give up leaving 《Cocytus》 by giving an impossible training menu.」

「C-Calm down, Lunaire-san! That sounds scary but I’m not doubting you! But, uhm… I guess I’ve to get used to common sense outside of Cocytus after all…」

「Y-Yeah, uhm… I did raise the bar a little bit since.. uhm… I would feel lonely after Kanata left…」

Lunaire placed her finger on her lips after she calmed down a little bit.

「W-Well, level 4000 or 5000 isn’t big deal. I mean, a being of level 1000 destroying a big country is just an overstatement after all.」


「I-I mean, I fought against level 10000 opponent before.」

「… Really?」

「Y-Yesh… why should I lie to you?」

She replied with her usual expressionless face but, for some reason, her eyes were swimming around as if she was desperately trying to find an excuse.

「I see… so that’s the case huh. You must’ve raised the bar so that I won’t be left behind by the other otherworlders, right?」

Lunaire heaved a sigh as if feeling relieved when I showed some understanding.

「N— W-Well, I don’t think you’ll meet any big trouble at your level.」

… I really wanted to retort to Lunaire’s remark this time.

Well, the person herself said that she was lacking experience as a human since she died in her teens, but some part of Lunaire’s common sense was extremely screwed up.

I mean, some of that was ill-suited for humans.

I guess I owe an apology to Rosemonde.

I did realize that many of my actions caused her to blow her top due to how absurd it was from the standpoint of human common sense.

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