Disciple of Immortal

Act 2: Chapter 56: Light Conversation With Immortal Being

Act 2: Chapter 56: Light Conversation With Immortal Being

「Kanata, what happened to you after you left 《Cocytus》? That should’ve been the first time you entered a human country of this world, right?」

I nodded upon hearing Lunaire’s question.

「Yes. I ended up getting myself involved in a lot of trouble, but… I think it’s not that bad.」

I replied with a wry smile to Lunaire.

The culture shock wasn’t as drastic as I’d imagined. I mean, there’s no problem with food or hygiene at least.

I mean, this world was after all originally created by Gods, or Nyalhotep, for them to enjoy watching the lives of the invited otherworlders. Due to that, there were many points to it that made it similar to Earth.

Though being targeted by other adventurers, the whole chaos caused by Zorophilia, and the Ragno incident this time around has been quite a headache, I’ve still enjoyed it.

「Thanks goodness. Uhm… what about the other people then… have you built relationships with the people on the surface?」

「Eh… You mean comrades?」

「I-I’m just curious since it’s been quite a while since the last time I saw you.」

「You’re right… there’s some who have a bit of a dangerous air around them. The one I’m most careful with is Gannet-san.」

Speaking of the incident in this city, the first person that I thought about was Gannet.Reason being that he acted as a central power in Manarak’s goverment.Even though he kinda saved us before, I honestly was a little wary of him. And thanks to his status, I ended up meeting frequently with him.

Upon hearing Gannet’s name, Lunaire’s eyebrows twitched, looking slightly puzzled.

… Was she worrying about me?

「He’s both Manarak’s adventurers guild’s guild master and the leader of the alchemy division, 《Mithril’s Cane》…」

「… What about the other people? You have another acquaintance, right?」

Lunaire asked so with a slightly impatient voice.

「Eh… then, there’s Philia-chan who I met in another city…」

The story about Zorophilia might have caught Lunaire’s interest.

「Could it be that you deliberately avoided mentioning a certain someone since you feel guilty about something?」

Her heterochromatic eyes were looking into my eyes.

「… Eh?」

「D-Don’t mind it. Come to think of it, you’re also traveling with an elf, right? I noticed this due to her long ears and her proficiency with spirit magic but…」

E-Eh, why did she… mention an elf out of nowhere?

Lunaire was looking at my face as if trying to gauge my reaction.

「Uhm… are you by chance wanting to hear about Pomera-san?」

「I-I don’t, but I want to know more about Kanata’s comrades after all.」

「So you know that she’s my comrade huh…」

Lunaire’s shoulders twitched when I replied with big smile on my face.

「N-No, it just simple process by elimination…」

「Meaning that you’ve seen Philia-chan and Pomera-san before right, Lunaire-san? And here I’ve been wondering whether the person back then was really you…」

「T-T-That’s… no, it just…」

A tinge of red became clearer on Lunaire’s face.

She kept swinging her hands, her line of sight was swimming around.

… I guess I shouldn’t pursue that futher than this.

Though I knew that she would calm down immediately if I didn’t press on with this matter… I couldn’t help but enjoy Lunaire’s extremely adorable reaction.

「… I, It wasn’t me.」

「Eh? B-But…」

「Y-You must’ve mistaken me for another person. I have hades’ impurity, remember? I would cause a great commotion just by entering the city. S-So the person you saw back then wasn’t me. I don’t even know anything about a black robe.」

Lunaire spoke in quick succession.

She was so desperate trying to deny it to the point that she was almost crying.

「Uhm… Lunaire-san. Let me say this, I will never hate you no matter what you do. So…」

Lunaire’s face flushed further the moment she heard those words, as if she was embarrassed.

She faced down and used her long locks to hide her face.

After glancing at me, her expression tightened as if she’d decided on something.

After she shut her eyes and breathed carefully, she turned to look at me again.

「T-The truth is… uhm, there’s something that I want to tell you.」

「Something to tell me?」

「Yes, that black robe was actually suppressing hades’ impurity…」

R-Robe that… suppresses hades’ impurity?

Something like that exists eh… wait a minute, could it be that she created that robe to go outside?

I see so that’s the reason why she could go out in the city.

The reason she wore that black robe at that time was that that black robe could suppress her hades’ impurity.

Originally, Lunaire had no guts to step outside thus she never considered the option of using an item to suppress her hades’ impurity.

I-If that was the case… did that mean Lunaire could enter and leave Cocytus as she pleases from now on?

「Are you by chance… want to travel outside with me!?」

「… I said I didn’t know anything about a robe.」

At that moment, Lunaire snapped, she pressed her hands on her lips as if she just realized her blunder.

「… Eh?」

「… S-Sorry, as expected, please forget about this.」

「It’s okay Lunaire-san! Rather… I think I understand the situation right now!」

「Y-You’re mistaken, i-it’s definitely not me! I-I absolutely did not secretly follow you or hid while trembling in excitement after seeing you again!」

「Eh, seriously!?」

Lunaire’s figure froze stiff, her mouth wide open upon realizing what she just blurted out.

「W-Well, I’m really happy that we got to meet by chance today. I-I’m looking forward to our next meeting.」

A magic circle appeared in mid-air as soon as Lunaire said so.


Lunaire dodged to the side when I tried to catch her arm to stop her and then tapped lightly on my forehead.


「Time-Space Magic, 10th Rank《Gate(Transfer Gate)》」

A brilliant light then enveloped Lunaire’s figure.

I tried to embrace her this time but I didn’t make it in time.

《Gate》 of space-time magic was magic that allowed the user to teleport to a faraway place depending on their mana. It was one of the most complex spells and should take a long time to invoke.

And yet, Lunaire only needs a second to invoke that.

「… Let’s think of a way to detain her the next time we meet.」

I muttered so as I sat on the ground.

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