Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Chapter 108: Little Pony Soy

"Sister, sister..."

The little prince rushed forward wholeheartedly, wanting to jump into his sister's arms, his steps quickened.

When he came close, his legs and feet went limp, and he fell forward and fell directly into Su Qingluo's arms.

"Xuan'er, you succeeded, you can go by yourself."

Su Qingluo didn't wait for the little prince to grin aggrievedly, hugged him and spun around on the spot several times, cheering happily.

"Sister, dizzy."

The little prince was so dizzy, he really forgot about the grievance, hugged her neck tightly, and acted cutely.


Su Qingluo hugged her soft and cute body and spun around several times. Her cheerful laughter echoed in the small courtyard for a long time.


The mountains were covered by heavy snow, and the hunters relaxed again, gathering in twos and threes, drinking and punching, enjoying the rare leisure in a year.

The mountains are high and steep, and the snowy roads are slippery. Su Hu's family also stopped hunting in the mountains and spent the winter at home with peace of mind.

Li Xiu'e took out the cabbage and radishes stored in the cellar in autumn, pickled them, and made them into hot and sour dishes to prepare for the New Year.

Su Hu felt sorry for his daughter-in-law, so he also spared his free time to help.

The husband and wife worked together to marinate two large vats of hot and sour cabbage and radishes, and store them in the cellar. When they are going to visit relatives and friends during the Chinese New Year, they will also send some to relatives and friends.

The adults are busy buying new year's goods, while the children are playing carefree and happy.

The academy was on winter vacation, and Su Zixuan had time to spare, so he devoted himself to cultivating a relationship with his new partner, the little pony soybean he just bought.

Soybean is a pony selected by Su Zixuan in the horse market.

Su Hu had long intended for him to choose by himself, and took him to Furong Town several times, but he never met the pony he liked.

Soybean is a colt. It was difficult to give birth when it was born. The umbilical cord in the mare's stomach strangled her neck, and she was covered in bruises. She was born with only one breath left. It is a miracle that she survived.

The owner of the horse wanted to abandon him and take it to the horse market, but he also wanted to dispose of it at will, and it didn't matter if he sold it to a butcher.

Maybe the heavens are pitiful, and they don't want the weak life to die unexpectedly.

When Huang Dou was paying the butcher, he bit off the rein and escaped, and happened to meet Su Hu and his son.

The first time Su Zixuan saw soybeans, he was overwhelmed by its courage not to succumb to fate.

Regardless of Su Hu's obstruction, he insisted on buying the pony that looked skinny and weak.

Su Hu had no choice but to negotiate with the seller, gave the butcher double the compensation, and snatched the pony back from the hand of death.

The two father and son took the pony home and told their family how they bought the pony.

Su Zixuan's act of kindness received unanimous praise from Gale, Gale, and the two royal guards.

Su Qingluo even patted his heart and promised that he would take good care of the pony, and let it grow up healthy and healthy before the winter vacation, and play with his brother.

Su Qingluo did what she said, and under the nourishment of her generous spiritual power, the little pony is getting healthier day by day.

Su Hu was delighted to see it, and also helped to feed it meticulously.

With the experience of raising black wind and red dates, Su Hu can feed the foals with ease.

The little pony is also very obedient and obedient, staying in the stable obediently.

Eat on time, don't talk, don't provoke, don't run around, live in peace with black wind and red dates.

After two months of careful feeding, before the winter vacation came, the foal was safe and healthy, as Su Qingluo had promised, and it grew up healthy and transformed into a shiny, strong foal.

Su Zixuan liked it very much, and gave it a very appropriate name for him, Huangdou, which is only one letter different from Doudou.

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