Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

Chapter 96 Scream For Me Mistress!! (2) (R18)

She smacked her lips together. Her expression turned distasteful the more she looked at me.

With a snarl escaping her lips, she replied "You know, just because this a brothel doesn't mean that you shouldn't respect the women working here. Asking me if I am among your request will get a pass by me as a compliment But asking for my price like a cheap whore will get you kicked out of here if you are not careful with your words".

I raised a brow.

What kind of reasoning is that?

I mean…. isn't the most expensive whore a cheap whore to someone with the right amount of money?

Besides, I am looking forward to having her scream under my dick.

My lips curved in displeasure "Alright. Name your price".

Her head locked on my body. Her hands boiled into a fist, and her breathing grew sharp. For a moment, I thought that she was going to do something rash and attack me, but her raging emotion instantly disappeared the instant it emerged.

"You know this is the first time in a long time since a man had tried so hard to sleep with me" She said "Everyone is either too scared or unwilling to do so. And as a woman of high standing, I seriously can't force myself on any of them even if I possess such an establishment".

Tell me your price women!! I was beginning to find this long talk annoying.

"But fine" She raised her palms and spread her finger apart.

"I will charge you 6,000 gold coins for one session with me. But if that is not enough for you, I will charge you 5,000 gold coins for every hour".

I frowned.

Her lips widened into a mocking smile "But if that is also too much for you, then we can have a 10-minute quick session right here for only 3,000 gold coins, and you don't get to remove my clothes. Just stick your dick in and pull after the time has elapsed".

So a quickee seems to be the cheapest, huh!!

She crossed her arms under her breasts and stared at me, awaiting my decision.

I felt like I was in an episode of some low-budget porn film that was lucky enough to be shot in a hotel suite, being tormented by the useless script that I had to say as an actor before doing the deed even though the end results were obvious.

Sure, this was real life, and not some porn without a plot. But the fact that I felt like I could stick my dick into anything I wanted to currently made the whole conversation amusing to me.

Sure, I had my standards, but no matter what, I will still get the pussy!!

And so, I removed any redundancy from my words and uttered "Come in!" I widened the door, letting her see the destruction and depravity that I have on the room and her workers.

"We have a long night to go. And because I feel like it, we will be taking it slow".

She gulped "S- So that means you picked the second option"

"Yes" I replied.

She dragged more of her phlegm down her throat. And her expression right now was a mirror life image of unbelievable shock.

"A-re you sure?" It wasn't hard for me to sense the suspicion in my voice.

"Of course I am"

She breathed in and out. She repeated her actions again, and again.

Suddenly she stopped. She stared at my body before staring in into the room and I could see the varied negative emotions on her face as she stared at her workers sleeping peacefully on the bed.

"Wait outside, and don't leave for whatever reason" She turned and spoke to the other woman close to her.

Closing her eyes, she walked in. After walking into the room, she snapped them open and coldly, said to me "If I find out that you don't have the money, I will make sure that I squeeze every dime from your head to the last thread of your life".

I snapped the door shut and nodded my head in understanding.

With my cock pointing like a compass towards its destination, I matched forward to the woman that I knew was several times my age, dressed in a semi-transparent blouse with unnatural big breasts that made it seem small and a wide curvaceous hip and round sexually enticing ass that made her maxi skirt seem like an obstruction and a slit that went all the way to her waist, showing the outline of her bare fleshy thighs.

"Let's get started then" I uttered, and buried my cock in between the garment of her ass while I hugged her from behind.

Damn!!I could even feel her ass cheeks warming up my cock as it divided through the hunchback depiction of an ass.

I was about to understand the real reason dogs invented doggy styles for their bitches..


Trembling under the satisfying hands that messaged her boobs, her hips moved, and matched the movements of the naked man, gyrating his dick in between her ass cheeks.

This had to be the weirdest request she had ever received...


She shook her head. The request was weird, but the man who requested it was weirder.

How.... How would she have known that after he found out that she wasn't wearing any panties, he would request to thrust his dick in between the fabrics of her ass while he sneaked into her clothes and messaged her bra altogether with her breasts?

Oh heavens!! This is not supposed to feel good…..

This is not supposed to feel good...

Her mind stumbled. Her gyrating hips push back and forth against the dick in her ass crack, thus betraying her thoughts. A wave of sickening pleasure assaulted every fibre of her flesh...…

"Ahh~~ mmmhh~" She moaned. Her moans escaped her lips traitorously.

Faster -

The friction in between her buttocks got faster. She wheezed and whimpered in protest, trying her hardest to not show that she was enjoying their fetish acts. Yet, they all feigned disagreements as a finger stroked her nipple, causing her back to curve as another wave of pleasure hit her.

Thus, causing her to push her birth-breeding hips backwards and her unnatural fleshy mounds forwards, into the hands of her assailant.

"Come on, don't hold it back" He whispered. A delish temptational whisper penetrated her ears and sent miniature waves of goosebumps down her body.

She clenched her cheeks together, fighting the urge to release her desires and vocalize how every touch made her body temperature boil like that of an oven.

Two hands pinched and drew her nipples forward "AHHHH~~~" She moaned.

Her legs shivered at the sounds of her moans. Her knees jammed together in a standing K-position as she felt her body drained of every ounce of energy she once possessed, with the only thing keeping her upright was the man molesting every part of her body, making sure he drives her down the deep chasm of sexual gratification and immorality.

Feeling a warm liquid dripping down from her legs, her mind went blank.

She cummed.

'I -I cummed…..I cu-cummed' Her thoughts raced through her head like a race track, making her lose herself a moment 'How?".

No matter what, she couldn't believe it. Her, Mistress Celia, a woman who has turned other women into a dazed state of sexual satisfaction just by stepping on their pussies has now been brought down on her knees by a man, grinding his bare dick against her clothed ass cheeks.

The depravity- -

The sensation - -

This weird fetish from an equally weird man made her cum.

"Tear!!" Her blouse was ripped apart like paper in her dazed state, jail-breaking her motherly melons from its prison.

She couldn't see his expression, but his hands that barely cupped her breast with one hand and another that snaked down to her boiling pot told her all she needed to know.

"Haa~~~ Ah~~" A finger stroked her pussy lips like a musician reuniting with his long lost instrument.

"Oh~~ Oh~~" Two…No three fingers plunged into her pussy, sending her reeling back in pleasure and making her rest her head on his shoulder.

If this goes on like this, she could potentially become addicted,

Addicted… The thought was enough to make her whole body tremble.

Finally, she could understand why her workers were each laying unconsciously in a such mess considering the short amount of time they have been here.

This man….. drove them crazy!

And now, she too was being driven crazy by..... him!!

"Oh~ Oh~~ AHHHH~~" She released, again. Drops of sweat beads surrounded her forehead as she no longer fought with her thoughts.

She accepted it. She could no more deny it. This man? She was at his mercy.

She felt the fingers plunging out of her pussy and removing themselves from the spaces in her skirt. Watching as the hand grew closer to her face, she gazed as he licked his fingers, thoroughly sucking her cum down his throat.

She gulped, in arousal.

Oh!! Heavens, she was at his mercy.

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