Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 333: The Fate of the Emperor of Ming Kingdom

333 The Fate of the Emperor of Ming Kingdom

Yan personally interrogated the Emperor. However, the Emperor didn't have any intention to say that what he did as wrong. In his eyes, he was the ruler, and everyone should follow him unconditionally.

A person status was determined since birth, so the emperor fully believed that he was the rightful ruler. This kind of view was common among the nobles, especially the leaders since they believed that they were the ruler chosen by the Heaven.

However, in the war era, the number of people claiming that they were the one chosen as the ruler was more than one, making the land being separated into several kingdoms. This was the one that gave birth to the endless fighting and war throughout the years.

"Even the massacre is something you had to do?" Soujin's eyes were calm, but there was a murderous glint in them. After all, he did lose his father in the massacre.

The emperor laughed, "Every person in my kingdom life is inside my hand. It's up to me whether they could live or not!"

'He's insane,' Ming Hui thought to himself. Although the emperor is his father, he rarely met with the former because he was cross dressing in the past and the emperor never inquired about her except to arrange marriage. Because of that, he only knew a little bit of the emperor rashness.

However, his view about him has already worsened terribly since a long time ago. After all, seeing his own mother, the only person who close to him, died in a terrible scheme and him being almost poisoned to death were not good experiences.

"But it's the massacre that leads you to your downfall, don't you think so?" Yan said in a hard tone.

"That's true, if only I didn't leave anyone behind, there will be no threat for me," the emperor said in a rueful tone. He was the emperor and ever since young he believed that everyone has to serve him. They belonged to him, so he could do anything to them. If they didn't do as he wanted, he could punish them however he liked.

Ming Hui felt his blood boiled at the Emperor's remark. He already almost massacred everyone, and left only the weak to survive. Still, the emperor hadn't realized the true reason his father could lead the kingdom even while leaving those powerful retainers around.

On the side, Yan couldn't contain his feeling as he punched forward. Clasping his fist, he stared at the Emperor, "Even though you're my uncle, I can't stand you anymore."

The Emperor's eyes widened as he looked towards Yan. He was sure that he never told him that Yan was not his son, which made him unable to become the crown prince when he was still the emperor, but Yan already knew about it.

Meanwhile, Soujin was far calmer than Yan, but his eyes contained a murderous gaze. Looking towards the Emperor, he instead agreed with him, "You're right. You should have killed all of use in the massacre years ago."

Yan exclaimed, "Soujin!"

"If you were to kill all of us years ago, you would already die years ago. Don't you think so?"

The question thrown from Soujin was the fact. When the emperor suppressed the Jun Family to concede fully to him, there were already many revolts happening. Should he really kill even the young Jun Hua and the others, the number of people rebelling against him would increase several folds because they saw their emperor as someone violent and heartless.

Many people would be afraid of the emperor, but the example from the Jun Family would only drive them to move. After all, if today the Jun Family fell, would the emperor choose my family for the next example?

That was the move from his own father, so Soujin knew very well that the people in the Ming Kingdom would not lie down when their lives were threatened. After all, the emperor was not a skillful one, and they could clearly see that the emperor was freaked out by the power from the big families. Otherwise, why would he choose to massacre them so openly?

"As the emperor, it's only right for me to suppress the powerful one, so I can control them!" the emperor said again despite his heart rejected his reasoning.

He was not entirely stupid. Strategist Wu had told him in the past that he was not allowed to kill the weak or the people would go against him. In the first place, he didn't have that good of image and his skill in court and others were severely lacking.

Many people were aiming to make use of him. Though their scheme failed due to the people he had chosen to stay on his side. Still, those people fell one by one because of the retaliation from the people, especially the big family.

"Suppressing is one thing, a massacre is a different thing. Innocent people are dying just for your reckless move, you're unsuitable to be a leader," Ming Hui sighed.

"There are things you can do as a leader without having to resort to killing," Jun Hua added.

That voice… the Emperor stared at Jun Hua with disbelief. Although the voice was still high like any other girl, the childish tone was that of Jun Min. Looking towards the young lady who wore the veil, he guessed that she must be Jun Hua. However, upon hearing that voice, he has the feeling that the one in front of him was not that timid lady, but rather the towering young general that had accomplished so much in the battlefield.

No way… did it mean that the Jun Family had been tricking him all these years? The one they claimed as their adopted son was actually the daughter from the Lin Family? Still, his heart denied it because he couldn't believe a girl would have that much skill and ability.

Yan noticed the surprised look on the emperor, "You forgot to change your voice. But even if you know about it, there is nothing you can do anymore, emperor."

So… it was true. The Emperor deeply regretted allowing the Lin Family to give birth to this girl. Many of his plans were ruined due to her appearance and ability.

"Without these big families, the Ming Kingdom would have fallen to the other kingdoms. You never realized how much they hate you, don't you?"

After visiting them, Yan knew very well that the other kingdoms were aiming to divide the Ming Kingdom among themselves. With the rich soil and resources, the Ming Kingdom was a treasure. With the addition of the emperor being such an ambitious person, they schemed to take the kingdom down.

Jun Hua shook her head lightly. This man didn't understand that if he followed his father footsteps, he could achieve what he did. After all, the previous emperor managed to rein the four big and powerful families without using force and suppression like this foolish emperor. Now, everything had gone from his hand due to his wrong method.

Jun Hua turned toward Soujin, "Well, Soujin, we leave him for you."

Soujin waved his hand to them, and they got out of the room while Soujin finished his work. He didn't tell anyone what happened inside the room and the other also didn't ask. All they could hear was the painful wail from the previous Emperor, but no one has the slightest intention to help the man.

"I think, I no longer have any kind of affection for him," Ming Hui said in a low voice as they got out. "Even if he's my father, I don't think I will ever feel regret about this decision of mine."

Yan nodded his head. "Don't think too much. Let's head back to the palace and help me out."

"You just want to have a helping hand in handling those matters, lazy emperor."

"You know me very well."

Jun Hua didn't follow after the two of them as she stood in front of the building. She thought that she would feel delight upon seeing the one who changed her entire life died, but she felt rather empty. All she felt was a relief for the fact that the man wouldn't be able to do anything anymore.

Time passed swiftly and before she knew it, the wailing sound faded. Soujin walked out of the building and looked towards the woman in front of him. The two of them stared at each other as they spoke through each other's eyes. There was no need for words.

"Let's go back," Soujin finally broke the silence.

He stepped forward and took Jun Hua's hand into his own. The two of them walked away from the place and gathered again with the others. No one talked about what happened inside the building anymore. The only thing that they agreed was telling everyone that the emperor had died on war.

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