Hellmode ~A Hardcore Gamer Becomes Peerless in Another World with Retro Game Settings~

Chapter 581: Earth Labyrinth RTA (5)

The sun was rising on the east, shining light on Allen through the window.

Knock knock

Someone knocked on the door of his room.

"Allen, everyone is ready."

"A-ah, got it. I'll be there in a bit."

Everyone knew Allen had been awake until late at night, so they let him sleep as much as they could. He took a quick shower and ate a Mormo Fruit and Hukama while he walked out.

Shortly after him, Cecile also came out with sleepy eyes.

Everyone else was ready to depart and waiting for them outside.

There Allen spoke to the dragon so large that his shadow covered the magic tent.

"Matildora, are you feeling alright? It's a bit of a long way, so don't push yourself too hard."

He was an early dragon, and they were about to fight continuously for 24 hours.

Even if Allen and the rest had stats above 10000, they still would get tired.

Matildora had seemed to be in high spirits yesterday, but Allen spoke to him just in case.

'I'm perfectly fine. Don't treat me like an old cripple! Hmph!!'

The Dragon King was taller than 100 meters, and he spat fire from his mouth while spreading his wings, which had a wingspan over 300 meters long.

'Me too! Gyau!!'

Haku did not want to miss out from that, and also spat fire into the air.

"I haven't been in a dungeon in so long I can't wait."

Dogora held his two axes on his shoulders while grinning happily.

(Dogora looks excited too. Though we'll go to the Paradise of Primordial Beasts in two days.)

Allen, Cecile, Sophie, Dogora, and Kiel would go reunite with Shea later.

Everyone went down the stairs and arrived at the small room with the dirt sculpture.

'Will you challenge the Earth Labyrinth?'

"Yes. Also I was told the Dragon God Magra is within this dungeon, could you tell me on which floor he is?"

Allen tried to gather more information.

'I can't answer that.'

"I see. Can you tell me why?"

'Everyone contained within the labyrinth committed crimes, for the safety of the divine realm, I can't disclose any information pertaining to them.'

(Why did Isiris tell us that then? Maybe she just has a loose tongue. Though well, she seems pretty careless overall, and that's why she isn't allowed to have angels anymore.)

The sculpture could not mention anything about the ghosts contained within the dungeon.

"I see. We'll go in then."

'Good luck. And carry this.'

The sculpture gave them the mini-sculpture with the 24 hour countdown.

Then everyone left the room and began going through the first room.

Galara and Merle called their 16 golems, which created an enormous formation, but each floor of the dungeon was a square with sides 1000 kilometers long, and 10 kilometers tall.

The corridors were also many kilometers long, so even the Dragon King fit without issue.

'The magicians and healers should gather in the middle.'

Allen sent out orders with his Bird F summon's Special Skill [Transmission].

That way he could also fill in the new members on how to move through the dungeon.

Everyone listened attentively, since Allen's orders had worked well in the S Rank Dungeon too.

Frontline: Tam-Tam, Cecile, Sorcerer King, Sorcerer King, Phantom Thief King Rosetta

Center: Allen, Dogora, Kiel, Sophie, Luck, Venerable, Venerable, Habarak

Above: Dragon King, Merus, Kuwatoro

Right side: 5 of Galara's party's golems

Left side: 5 of Galara's party's golems

Rear: Galara and 3 of Galara's party's golems

Below: Haku, Graham, Makris

While the formation was being formed, Allen sent 5 pairs of Bird A and E summons as scouts.

'The sides, rear, and lower groups should focus on defending the center ones. Those above and in front focus on exterminating enemies!!'

Golems consumed a large amount of mana to function, so they were mostly defensive.

Only Tam-Tam that had a lot more firepower was in charge of attacking.

The golems were more than 100 meters tall, but their defense was not flawless.

Their formation left a lot of space between members, so attacks could sometimes go through.

But everyone still followed Allen's orders, though one person with a potato face was grumbling.

"Hey, why am I defending!!"

Dogora was unhappy being in the center, protecting the healers and other weak members.

"Hm? You want some action then? You can switch with someone on the front then."

"Huh? Are you sure? Umm…ahh…"

Dogora had not expected that response, so he was a little confused.

(I'm sure he'll understand soon enough.)

Everyone was under the effect of Kuwatoro's [Floating Wings] to fly and move faster.

"Luck, you use the Skill to double the effect of Skills."

"Leave it to me."

Luck looked happy to be of use. He was there because one of his Great Spirits had a Skill that doubled the length a Skill was active, which included buffs and Extra Skills.

(They've had to stop their training for this though.)

Luck and Rosetta had to stop their dagger training in the Divine Arena.

Allen deemed the rewards from the Earth labyrinth to be more valuable.

Especially for Rosetta, who did not enjoy the training and gained little from it.

(Alright, I'll have 2 Mary's accompany Rosetta, hopefully that hastens things.)

They had to reach the 99th floor in 24 hours.

Allen summoned 2 Wraith C summons next to Rosetta, and the formation kept on moving.

Eventually the corridor widened up, they had entered a room.




The snake ghosts they had seen before attacked them, but there were 10 of them this time.

They spread out, as if trying to surround Allen's group.

"Alrighttt! I've been waiting for this!!"

Dogora charged at them with his axes. But the Dragon King's flames were faster.


He roared loudly and all the ghosts were burned to ashes.

"B-b-but they were my enemies…"

There were only ashes and Spirit Stones where the ghosts had been.

"Rosetta, are there traps in this room?"

"Trap Detector! Hmm…there's some here and there."

Rosetta used her Skill [Trap Detector], which made the traps start glowing.

Once Allen saw them too, he sent the Wraith C summons to deal with them.





The summons' Special Skill [Poltergeist] hit the traps and they exploded.

"So the two traps were mines, huh. Let's get going."

"Huh? What are you doing?"

Allen had explained everything last night, but Dogora had gone to train instead of listening.

Dogora was still confused as everyone moved into one of the next corridors at random, since the stairs had not been found yet. There were more ghosts at the next turn.

"Oh! Now's finally my turn!!"

Dogora charged with his axes again, but Cecile and two magicians launched fire magic.

"Flame Lance!"

"Flame Lance!"

"Flame Lance!"

Coutless fire spears rained on the ghosts, killing them instantly.

"Huh? Ahh…"

"Do you get it, Dogora? Everyone here is specialized at long range attacks, except you."

(Even a spearman would struggle here, I need more archers.)

Dogora finally seemed to understand, and Allen stepped forward to explain everything to him.

Allen had mentioned many times that everyone should attack from range the instant ghosts appeared, except for Galara and his golems, who would stand as defenses.

Whoever was best for each type of enemy would fire first.

"Oh, you should've told me earlier. I'll stand back then."

Dogora understood the situation, even if he did not like it, and exchanged places with Allen.

Allen believed Dogora was a better fit to protect the healers if an enemy got too close.

"I get that you're impatient, Dogora, but everyone has a role."

"I'm not impatient. I just feel like I haven't been of use anywhere lately…"

(He's impatient like crazy. Usually that happens to characters that get stronger first though.)

Dogora felt like he had not been a big part of any recent fights. Even in Prostia he had been defeated by Basque and the strange sword Onuba.

The Gates of Trials had mostly been about Kurena too.

Everyone else was getting into Extra Mode, and Dogora wanted to be of use again.

Allen looked at him, while thinking back to his past life. Usually characters that were strong in the early game fell behind characters that joined later in the game.

Early game characters were needed to overcome early hurdles, while characters with more vast skill trees were helpful later in the game. That was also why Allen wanted Cecile to enter Extra Mode. He was convinced she would gain a lot more power from that.

(Though sometimes early game characters get to undergo two evolutions to keep up, Dogora.)

Allen kept those last thoughts to himself though, looking ahead instead.

"Trap Detector!"


"Over there? Poltergeist!!"

Rosetta's Skill [Trap Detector] highlighted the traps on the corridor, and the Wraith C summons used their Special Skill [Poltergeist] to destroy them.


There was a loud explosion which left a crater hundreds of meters deep.

Looking into it they saw there was a hole leading into the next floor.

"Wait, you can actually find ways to the next floors this way…"

Cecile was baffled that Allen's plan was working.

"I knew it was a good idea to bring Rosetta."

"Oh, I like that~ Praise me more~"

"Stop that, Rosetta. Maintain the formation!!"

Rosetta began clinging onto Allen, which made Cecile's face get red as she yelled at Rosetta to return to her position.

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