I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 142: Zeng Meihui

Chapter 142: Zeng Meihui

"Begin!" Shen Rong brought his hand down in a chopping motion, indicating that the semi-finals match has already started.

After cupping my hands and walking towards the stage, I saw Zeng Meihui wearing a mischievous smile on her face as she just stood there, obviously trying to intimidate me. However, she needs to do more than that to make me nervous.

With a swift motion of her hand,  a violet-like substance came out of her palms, making her look like she was shooting out some sort of mysterious liquid from who knows where. Well, that was probably what she was doing but the liquid didn't shoot through the air, it just dripped on the ground, covering the entire arena with it.

Plainly, she was trying to make the entire arena with that liquid to make her more powerful, sort of like the ice domain that Wu Yan uses. In my opinion, Wu Yan's ice domain looked indubitably better than Zeng Meihui's poison domain. The more I see it, the more inelegant it seemed.

"You should've defeated me before I completed my Poison Domain. Now you can't escape from me." Zeng Meihui licked her lips as she charged towards me. With arms outstretched, she began forming what seemed like a ball of violet liquid on her palms, intending to shoot it at me.

She was moving so slowly so I had plenty of time to think of my next move. Should I dodge it or not? Well, dodging it would enrage her even more and she'll probably be desperate in trying to defeat me. And if I didn't dodge it, there's a good chance that she'll become distressed and concede. It was obvious what I should pick.

The ball of mysterious liquid slowly came up to me, making my body want to flinch but I held it in. In just a few seconds, the ball of violetish liquid hit me squarely in the face. Seriously,  she had plenty of time to aim and she dared aim it on my face? What insolence indeed.

"And Yong Rui was hit in the face with Zeng Meihui's poison! Now, will he surrender or will he fight to the bitter end until the poison overcomes him?" Shen Rong announced with enthusiasm.

I mean, what? I'm your Shelter's representative and you're cheering for my opponent. But then again, it just goes to show just how unbiased he was when it comes to the Red Sea Tournament.

"This poison is something that has been passed to me directly from my mother. It took her more than a decade to master this type of poison but I was able to have mastery over it in just five years. And now that I've almost broken through the Ancient Realm, any cultivator who's in the Immortal Realm or below would easily fall prey to my poison." She announced as she backed off and returned to her side of the arena.

She's probably planning to keep her distance until the poison kicks in. And then, it's all downhill from there, assuming that the poison would work on me. Unfortunately, it won't, or rather, it can't.

I haven't really good anyone about my constitution as a rabid human and I guessed no one realized it yet. Or maybe, she's just too fixated on trying to beat me that she forgot about my fight with Xiang Xiaoqing when she tried to poison me. Or maybe she thought that her poison is much more powerful compared to that.

There's no doubt that her poison is more potent than other poisons since she learned it directly from her mother who is the most powerful cultivator who uses the poison element. She doesn't really belong to any sect back then but now, she probably owns a shelter. It's been more than five years since I last met her that I didn't even know she had a daughter. I wonder where she is right now.

"So this is the Death Layer Poison, huh." I casually brushed off as I slowly approached Zeng Meihui. She was still trying to distance herself from me but it wasn't working at all. "Did you really master it? From what I can remember, after a minute of coming into contact with the Death Layer Poison, one would be numb and be unable to move. After two minutes, one would have difficulty breathing, and after three minutes, the poison would reach the brain as it travels through the bloodstream. Once that's over, an overwhelming pain would be felt while the poison starts melting one's organs."

"Y-you, how did you know all that?" Zeng Meihui asked as she backed away. Her expression showed that she wasn't expecting what I said at all. "But whatever, even if you know what it is, that doesn't mean you have the antidote for it. And if that poison doesn't work, then I'll just use an even better one. That's not the only poison my mother bestowed upon me."

"I see, then how about I tell you about your Wrath Venom Domain?" I said, pointing towards the purple gooey liquid on the arena grounds. "This domain can extend up to two hundred meters in diameter and it allows the user to be immune to all poisons. As someone who uses the Poison Element, this is probably one of the few skills you have to learn first since dealing with poisons can be dangerous and deadly. Well, that's not all, this Wrath Venom Domain also increases the potency of poison by one hundred percent. That's why you look so confident, right?"

"H-how do you know that? Do you know my mother?" She voiced it, clearly threatened of me. Because of that, intimidating here was made easier.

"And how many minutes do you think have passed?" I asked. "It's been three minutes and I still haven't shown any signs of dying. Did you really learn the Death Layer Poison?"

After being backed into a corner, Zeng Meihui's aura started getting more ominous. The once purplish aura turned blackish as it grew bigger and bigger until it was almost as tall as the height of the coliseum. Zeng Meihui's eyes turned bright blue as she extended both her hands in front of her. "You really are a worthy opponent. I'm impressed. There aren't very many people who could take on Death Layer Poison." She said with her shaky voice. I get that she was trying hard to sound as convincing but she wasn't doing a good job at it.

"Take this!" She shouted.

Compared to the Death Layer Poison which formed a purple orb of liquid on her hands, this condensed liquid orb was of a reddish color. Of course, even though it doesn't look like poison, I still decided to not dodge just in case it would work on me. I doubt that it would work on me though.

But what do they say again? Second time's a charm? Maybe it will work this time... and then I'll be in a bind.

The reddish orb of liquid, once again, hit me squarely in the face. Unlike the first one, I immediately felt something in my body as soon as the liquid came into contact with my skin. From the soles of my feet and palms of my hand, I felt a light scorching heat that became stronger and stronger by the second. I clenched my teeth as I stared at my soles and palms. For a moment, I thought that they were already burning, almost charred, and about to turn into ashes. But to my surprise, they appear to be fine. Whatever it is that I'm feeling, it's just a mere illusion.

Nevertheless, the burning sensation was so strong that I feel like I could die!

"Hah~ you can't hide it! You can feel it right? This Poison is called the Scorch Poison. It is an extremely strong poison that constantly eats the flesh, starting from the soles of your feet and the palms of your hand. Now, do you concede?" Zeng Meihui confidently announced as she placed both her hands on her hips. Regardless of how she acted, she still looked prepossessing as ever.

If only she could do something about that attitude of hers. Sigh~

Although I really felt like my palms and soles were being eaten by this Scorch Poison, I gritted my teeth through the pain as I act like nothing's happening to me. So far, my Qi Cores aren't agitated so they weren't taking action and I don't particularly like using my Blood Element Skills since there's a huge chance I might go berserk when I do. Unless I'm in an open area, I'd prefer not to use them.

The Scorch Poison, I've only ever heard it from the Hundred Poison Lady herself and she told me that there's only one antidote for it. The antidote was called the Deep Freeze Poison but it's extremely hard to use. If someone were to use it on a person who got poisoned by Scorch Poison, then there's a chance that the person would die. After all, the Deep Freeze Poison could act as an antidote or it could act as a poison, depending on what the person's intent was. That's why the Scorch Poison is extremely complicated.

Furthermore, since it's a legendary poison, everyone here knows about it. I don't really have to explain it to Zeng Meihui.

Now, this has become a real pain.

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