I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 169: Unfinished Business

Chapter 169: Unfinished Business

"What on"

I stopped myself short since my body started signaling me that it was in pain, first it was my stomach and then my ribs started hurting as well. I flinched in pain. I realized that my body bolted upright due to White causing an uproar.

"We have to go now! We don't have time to waste! Together we can stop the impending doom in the Middle Plane." White enthusiastically said. It was obvious he was looking forward to going back to the Middle Plane.

In the first place, how do we even get to the Middle Plane? Is there like a minimum cultivation level to get inside? Or can anyone get in as long as they get there through some other means? Is there an occasional portal to get there? How did White even get here?

For the past few days, I've been hearing more and more about the Middle Plane but now that I pondered about it, I don't think I know much regarding it. I know that the Black Spirit Sect is dominating the entire Plane just like how they dominated the Lower Plane five years ago with the outbreak. But other than that, I don't know anything about it.

"I can't." I simply answered. "Or at least, not yet. I still have a lot of unfinished business in this Plane."

"But you can always go back. Right now, the Black Spirit is getting more formidable than ever. If we don't go now, we might not be able to catch up with their raw strength."

"Right now, we have a group of elite cultivators waiting for my return. With their intellect, we might be able to decipher the ancient power from the memory fragment." White reasoned. "It's only a matter of time before they find our hidden shelter. If we're too late, the Middle Plane might get wiped out at this rate."

I sighed. Why is it that trouble is just like a thorn on my side. It just wouldn't leave me alone. I just finished fighting someone whose cultivation level is Beyond Transcendence Realm, and then I had to fight a minotaur that's ten times or so stronger than me. And after that, I had to climb stairs that would literally make me explode from the inside out. The exhaustion is indescribable indeed... and I don't think I'll be taking on another quest so soon.

Besides, I still have to take care of Tang Shelter before I go. Right now, my first priority is unifying the whole Lower Plane. And then I'd have to cultivate until I reach Beyond Transcendence Realm. After that, I have to go catch up with everyone in the Tang Shelter. There're a lot of things to do but so little time.

This damned Black Spirit Sect just won't make me take a break. I ought to teach them a lesson as soon as possible.

"White, no matter how early or how late we get there, nothing will change." I began, shaking my head as I tried to 'beat' some sense into him. "And also, even though I have nothing to do with the Middle Plane, I have a deep grudge and resentment towards the Black Spirit Sect. That's why I need to reform the whole Lower Plane and unify them before I head over there. That way, I won't worry about losing everyone here. I also have a couple of unfinished business with the Tang Shelter and with my disciples, so I need to stay here for a little bit longer. Just a week or so is enough, I hope you understand."

After saying that, I bowed down and cupped my hands to show my sincerity in my request.

White's expression changed a few times as if his emotions were conflicting with each other. He bit his lips, probably trying to reach a mutual agreement with me and my decision.

Despite having enough power to overwhelm, or quite possibly kill me, White didn't resort to such tactics and instead, tried to talk me out of my decision. But then again, he must've realized how big of a commitment he was asking from me. He's basically telling me to leave everything behind and go on a suicide mission with him. And even if we succeeded, there's no guarantee that the Lower Plane would manage to survive without my help.

They've survived until now, but based on Hui-ying's predictions, another Rush Hour Event is bound to happen soon. The first Rush Hour was stopped by me, but if I'm not here, then how would they be able to survive the second, more powerful Rush Hour. I doubt they would. That's why I said I have a lot of unfinished business in the Lower Plane.

"Sect Master, don't worry about us. We can take care of ourselves." Ye Zhiyun assured us. "If the Middle Plane needs you, then we'll support you on your journey, wherever that is."

"Um, Zhiyun?" Shi Meili softly called, leaning in and whispering something to her. Since she was whispering in a secretive manner, I was only able to hear a few words from her. Based on those words alone, I could tell that she was telling Zhiyun about the Middle Plane.

Hearing Shi Meili's explanation, Ye Zhiyun pursed her lips and furrowed her brows. She probably thought that the Middle Plane is somewhere on this planet. If it were, then I wouldn't have had a hard time deciding.

"I... I understand." White conceded as he drooped his shoulders. "I know how hard it is for you to decide to go with me. I can sympathize since I've done the same thing before I went to the Lower Plane. It's hard to say that you'll leave everything you ever knew behind and go to an unfamiliar place. Besides, if I hadn't met you, then it would've taken me at least months to find the Ancient Power that lies in a random dungeon. That's why I'll believe in you and help you in your unfinished business, whatever that is."

"Thank you for understanding," I said, cupping my hands once again.

With that out of the way, my body eased itself on the bed as my breathing evened out. White saw that as a signal to leave the room, which was nice of him. I haven't had a moment's rest ever since I met him so he probably thought that it's fitting if he gives me some time to relax. I don't know what White had been through but judging from his pained expressions, he might've had experienced something worse than I did. He probably saw cities falling down and being devoured by monstrous rabid humans. After all, the residents of the Middle Plane had a higher minimum cultivation level... that means the rabid humans on that Plane are extra powerful as well. Heck, they might not even be comparable to the ones I've fought.

Just as I mentioned before, not only do I need to prepare the Lower Plane for the second Rush Hour Event, I should also prepare myself for the Middle Plane before going there.

"Master, are you going to take any of us with you?" Xiao Liang asked. By the looks of it, he must've wanted to ask the question ever since White mentioned something about going to the Middle Plane.

"No, but I plan to fix everything here before leaving. Also, it's not like I'll be gone forever. White managed to get here from some sort of portal. I'm guessing I'll be able to do it as well. Right now, I need to check the state of the Tang Shelter, the state of its neighboring shelters, and your current alliances, and then I'll guide you as much as I can so you can further improve the efficiency of running a Shelter. I've stayed in Red Sea Shelter for some time now so I more or less know how it works. Just leave it to me and I'll make sure you survive the next Rush Hour Event."

"Rush Hour? Another Rush Hour is coming?" Ye Zhiyun asked in shock. Even Luo Zehn and Xiao Liang were surprised as well.

"Yes, that's why I can't just leave all of you behind. I will not repeat the same mistake I made five years ago. This time, I won't leave any of you behind." I continued. "And once that's over, if we still have a bit of time left, I need to go somewhere and look for someone... or rather something."

"Then, we'll go with you. We'll accompany you with that White person." Xiao Liang eagerly said.

"Don't be stupid, Xiao Liang. We have a Shelter to run. We can't leave the overseeing to Yu Yan and the others, definitely not. They may be capable but they do not have the experience. One small mistake and Tang Shelter might see its place in the afterlife of shelters." Luo Zehn pointed out. "Remember, you're the main support person/ Ye Zhiyun's assistant in Tang Shelter. Even if you're the only one to leave your post, we will still greatly suffer."

Ye Zhiyun opened her mouth as if she was about to join in on Xiao Liang's offer. But after thinking about Luo Zehn's pointers, she decided to keep her mouth shut.

"Luo Zehn, Xiao Liang, Ye Zhiyun, you don't have to worry about that. My last unfinished business would only take a few hours at most so you don't have to accompany me." I reassured them. "Also, my unfinished business is all in due time "

" right now, I need to sleep."

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