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Chapter 307

Chapter 307

Chapter 307: Vampire Transformation

In the Blood Temple

Since learning a lesson from Iron Mans last attack, Dracula had set up a sentry outside the temple.

However, the notice brought by the sentry today surprised Dracula.

He saw a group of mutants headed by Magneto from the monitoring.

These mutants were Mystique, Juggernaut, Sabertooth, Roberto, Toad, and Quill. Most of them had tattoos and their expressions were slightly frivolous.

Dracula, I know you are inside. Let us in, Magneto said loudly.

There was audio equipment in the monitoring room, so Dracula could hear him.


The alloy gate outside the Blood Temple opened.

Inside, the atmosphere was pressing, and several bats flapped their wings and flew into the depths.

A vampire elder stood at the door with a gloomy expression on his stiff face, and he coldly said to Magneto, Come with me.

He is the guide sent by Dracula to welcome the Brotherhood into the Blood Temple.

There were many secret paths outside the Blood Temple. If no one led them, it was easy to get lost.

Magneto could see that the vampire elder greeted him, showing Draculas intention.

If he didnt care about them, then the guide could just be a lower vampire and not an elder, who was second only to Dracula in status.

Not long after, they met Dracula.

Although it was only a few hours after they called, it wasnt until he saw him that Magneto felt the bone-chilling coldness on Draculas body.

At this time, Dracula also looked at Magneto only to see his mouth slightly opened.

Welcome, Eric. You come to me with the main members of the Brotherhood. It looks like you have come to a decision?

Yes, I came here to help you deal with the Avengers.

Very well. With your assistance, the Blood Clan will surely be able to achieve a brilliant victory. Immediately afterwards, Dracula glanced at Magnetos men and suddenly smiled.

Eric, do some of your subordinates want to become a vampire? After speaking, his eyes looked at Quill and Toad.

The two saw Dracula looking at them, turned to look at Magneto, and saw that the latter nodded at them, so they slowly walked towards him.

Yes, their abilities limit their growth, so I brought these mutant brothers here to help them improve their strength through your ability. Magneto embraced the two.

Dracula could see that Magneto had tried everything for the two of them, so when they looked at Magneto, they always looked grateful.

Such people wouldnt only be loyal to Magneto even if they were converted into his own blood.

No problem, Eric. I will do my best. Dracula smiled. He had already forgotten Magnetos disrespectful words to him on the phone.

In his long life, there were too many such people. He had already become a man who could bend and stretch.

After that, he walked in front of the two, stretched out both hands, squeezed out a drop of blood, and let them drink it.

When they consumed the blood, Magneto saw their pupils begin to become blood-red, and it was obvious that they had entered the transformation state of a vampire.

Sweetdream, take them to a guest room, seeing that the two had entered a state of transformation, Dracula said to a coquettish woman with red hair beside him.

The two followed her and left the hall like a puppet.

When passing by Magneto, she did not forget to cast a wink.

After being seduced, Magneto remained still. Because through the induction between strong mutants, he knew that this woman who seemed ridiculous was also a fifth-level mutant.

Seeing this, Mystique frowned, obviously not feeling great towards her.

Sabertooths eyes moved slightly when he realized that a casual woman around Dracula could become a fifth-level mutant, while he had been stuck at level four for a long time.

He decided that as long as he saw Quill and Toad improved after the transformation, he would also find Dracula to be a vampire.

The burly Juggernaut behind them showed a disdainful expression. Obviously, he wouldnt appreciate the power of the blood clan

Magneto looked at the expressions and movements of the three through the corner of his eyes. Then, turning his back to the three people, he said, If there is nothing wrong, you can leave first. I have something to talk about with Dracula.

Yes, The three answered in unison.

As the three of them left, Magneto looked at Dracula with a sullen smile, and then said unhappily, In the mutant country, there are many unlucky mutants like those two.

They have all awakened their abilities and can deal with ordinary people. However, they are not very useful against powerful mutants.

If Quill and Toads transformation is good, I will ask you to transform more.

After Magneto finished what he wanted to say in one breath, Dracula frowned. Im afraid that will be a bit difficult, Eric.

If I converted them to blood slaves, it doesnt matter how many I convert.

Dracula said his unspeakable secret, Blood slaves are just the basic transformation of vampires. Mutants who transform into blood slaves will not gain any increase in abilities, only vampire abilities.

But I know that the transformation you really want is for them to awaken new abilities and even strengthen their mutant abilities. Of course, I can do this too.


This will consume my blood, so I can only transform one person a day, otherwise it will damage my body.

It is already an exception that I will transform Toad and Quill for you today.

At this time Magneto fell into deep thought after hearing Draculas words. There were many fourth-level mutants around Dracula, as well as fifth-level mutants.

According to his investigation, these Blood Clan almost all emerged out of thin air in a short time.

It was obvious that Dracula was telling lies. He was unwilling to transform these people definitely because he had seen that these mutants have long been favored by him.

Even if he changed them, they wouldnt listen to him, so he was playing procrastination tactics.

But this left him at a loss.

This was Draculas plan. Since he called it, this round has been set.

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