I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 6: Prologue Part 3

Book 6: Prologue Part 3

And heres a bonus chapter sponsored by Patreon, enjoy~

Part 3

The story is once again set on the Earths Ousei Academy.

Phew I really studied hard today!

Well, studying is what students are supposed to do anyway.

The classes were over for the day, and Kaede stretched in an exaggerated manner. Looking at her friend, Rin laughed in amusement.

Uuh yes, I know that but for me, its always better to be moving around

But the test is just around the corner. If you get a failing grade, you wont be able to participate in club activities, will you?

Noo! I dont want to hear about the test!

Rin laughed again at Kaede, who was covering her ears and shaking her head.

Geez Ill have to look after you more.

T-thank you very much for your help

Kaede, who had always relied on Rin to help her study when a test was approaching, bowed her head honestly.

Yes, yes By the way, is it okay if you dont go to your club activity?

Ah, yes! Ive got the day off. So I can play as much as I want!

Isnt this when you should go home and study?

R-Rin-chan, youre so mean!

Kaede shivered at Rins teasing words.

Then Rin spotted Yukine, who was about to leave the classroom.

Oh, are you going home too, Yukine?

Oh, Yukine-chan, if youre going too, lets go home together!

Yukine was surprised for a moment but then shook her head.

I have a club activity today.


Oh, youre in a club now, Yukine?

The two of them widened their eyes as they realized that Yukine was participating in a club activity for the first time.

Yukine-chan, werent you in the going home club before?

Yes. But I recently found a club activity that looked interesting, so I joined it.

Really? What club is it?

Occult Research Club.

Occult Research Club?

Both Kaede and Rin were surprised by the unexpected club.

I-I really thought it would be the light music club or something

No, Kaede. That sounded like shes a member of a band or something, but isnt that a bit prejudiced?

I-I wonder?

Well, I didnt know there was an occult research club.

Yukine tilted her head curiously at the twos reaction.

What? Is it really that strange? The occult is interesting, you know?


What is it about it, by the way?

Its a place where you can study phenomena that dont exist in real life?

I-I see.

Then Yukine suddenly thought of something and approached the two girls.

Since youre free, would you like to come to visit?


Actually, we dont have many members, and even though I joined the club, its about to be closed down. So we need new members.

N-no Im already a member of the track and field club

Hmm I think its interesting.

Eh, Rin-chan?

Kaede rolled her eyes at Rins reaction.

Well, Ill give it a try!

That reasoning is acceptable. Why dont you just visit once and see for yourself? I got some interesting literature just today.

Really? Im curious.


Hmm? Are you scared, Kaede?

O-of course I am! The occult is about ghosts and devils, right?


See! How can you not be scared?

Rin, feeling a bit mischievous at Kaedes frightened appearance, told her with a smile.

Well, thats okay! Just listen to me today!

Eh, Rin-chan?

Hmm. Then I will guide you, said Yukine.

Wait, wait, wait! I didnt say I was coming.

Hmm? For the test, I will be accompanying Kaede in her studies, so you can accompany me to the club, cant you? You see, the test is coming up soon, right?


Kaede groaned in pain when she was struck there.

Now, lets go!

Yeah. This way.

Uuh! Rin-chan is really a demon!

Kaede was half crying, but she followed behind Rin and Yukine.

Kaede and the others arrived at one of the empty classrooms in a place they dont usually frequent.

This is the Occult Research Clubs clubroom.

Ugh the atmosphere feels a bit gloomy

Youre just worrying too much about that, you know?

I wonder

Despite the hesitation between the two, Yukine opened the door to the classroom.

Please come in.

When they entered, there was a space with a different atmosphere, with straw dolls, insect specimens, and a large pot filled with a strange colored liquid. There were also books on the desk, some written in Japanese but also others written in various other languages.

Rin looked around the room with admiration, as the atmosphere of the club room was more organized than she had expected.

Hee its better than I expected.


Kaede, are you afraid?

Because of fear, Kaede grabbed the hem of Rins clothes and shivered, but Rin couldnt help but laugh. 

By the way, what are you going to do today? Rin asked Yukine.


In response to Rins question, Yukine took out a book from her bag and showed it to Rin.

Whats that?

I found it in my favorite secondhand bookstore. Its a book about devil summoning.

De-de-devil summoning?

Hee, that sounds very occult.

Rin laughed brightly at Kaede, who was about to faint. Yukine opened the book and explained while looking through it.

I bought this, did some research at home, and bought some materials today, so Im going actually to draw a magic circle.

Y-youre going to draw it?

Hmm? Well, it seemed that there were no senpai or other members of the club around. Is it okay to do that without permission?

Its fine. There are only a few of us, to begin with, but each of us can research any field that interests us. My interest is in devils and stuff like that.

I see.

Yukine moved her desk to the edge of the classroom and laid a large piece of paper on the empty floor. She then drew a magic circle on the paper with a red magic marker, referring to the book on devil summoning she had picked up from the secondhand bookstore.

I thought you were going to use some kind of blood to draw the magic circle, but its just with the magic marker? said Rin.


I think its not a problem.

Thats very appropriate

Because it doesnt really have to be followed exactly.

The world is tough, after all.

In Yukines words, Rin shrugged her shoulders. Kaede was so shocked at the idea of using blood to draw magic circles that she stopped thinking.

In the meantime, Yukine finally finished drawing the magic circle.

Its done.

Let me see well, I have no idea whats drawn here, though.

I-i-i-it is really okay, isnt it?

Its okay. You just need to calm down

Anyway, once we have this magic circle, all we have to do is read the spell on it.

Thats pretty simple, huh?

Devils need to be summoned by humans to come to this world. So the simpler the process, the easier it is for them to be summoned by humans.

Hee? Is that so?

I think it is.

Youre just assuming that

Rin was involuntarily taken aback by Yukines confident assertion. However, Yukine didnt seem to be particularly bothered by this, and stood in front of the magic circle and began to read the spell in the book.

Even Kaede, who had been scared before, looked at Yukine as she read the spell in a serious expression.

And then.


And then she opened her eyes and read the spell out loud.



No change occurred in the magic circle. Yukine closed the book quietly and nodded her head once.

Well, I guess I cant summon it, can I?


Youre so honest, arent you?

Kaede and Rin were amazed and dumbfounded by the fact that Yukine was so straightforward.

This kind of thing is good because its unknown. Its not so romantic when you can figure it out.

T-then, whats the point of researching it?

Anyway, I failed this time. But it was fun, and I enjoyed the atmosphere, so its okay. I didnt bring any other books to try, so thats it for todays experiment.

Huh. It ended so quickly. Is todays club activity over then?


Well, since were here, why dont the three of us hang out and then go home?


Rin decided to make plans for the rest of the day, and the three of them decided to go out together, and Kaede was finally able to relax.


Yu-Yukine-chan, Rin-chan


Whats up?


Kaede, who seemed to have noticed something, pointed in that direction shakily. Rin and Yukine also looked in the direction of the finger pointing.


To their surprise, the magic circle drawn with a red magic marker had begun to emit a mysterious light.

W-whats going on here?

Amazing. This book is real

Thats not the point!

I-its bad, Rin-chan, Yukine-chan! The light is getting more intense!

Kaede started to panic more than before, but even Rin did not expect this situation and started to panic.

Yu-Yukine! What kind of devil did you say you were summoning?

I dont know. But I drew a magic circle that can summon the most powerful devil in the book.

I knew it

Rins cheeks twitched at Yukines response.

If what Yukine says is true, then the devil that is about to be summoned is a powerful being. Even the mere idea of a devil being summoned is a serious matter, but when its a powerful devil, its a disaster.

However, ignoring the three of them, the light of the magic circle increased, and finally, the entire classroom was filled with light.


Its so bright!

I wonder what will appear.

You have to be more serious, Yukine!

When the light finally subsided, Kaede and the others fearfully opened their eyes.


That is

Its strange. Theres nothing there!

There was nothing, not even a devil-like figure, in the magic circle where the light had settled.

Yukine. Can we see the devil properly?

We should be.

Ah, Yukine-chan?

Yukine nodded at Rins words and approached the magic circle in question without hesitation. And she tried to touch the magic circle and lifted the paper on which the magic circle was drawn, but no changes occurred.

Yes. It glowed that much, but it seems to have failed. Too bad.

W-what do you mean by too bad?

Well, I was surprised when the light came out of nowhere, but I guess I can understand the disappointment.

Its a shame that Yukines experiment failed, considering that they might be able to meet an unknown being, even if the word devil conjured up fear. For a few more moments, Yukine reread the book and checked the magic circle she had drawn, but she could not confirm the devils existence, so she finished cleaning up and left the club room this time.

I was afraid of what would happen, but this was a unique experience.

I was really scared, though

Im sorry! Ill buy you an ice cream or something now.

Ugh Then I will forgive you.

Sorry you had to wait.

No, I didnt mind waiting. Lets go.

The three of them had already forgotten what had just happened and were discussing their plans to have fun. At that moment, Yukine felt a vague sense of discomfort that she couldnt put into words and looked around.


Whats wrong?

No, its nothing.

No one noticed that there was something wrong withYukines shadow and that her eyes were red. Thus, various incidents were occurring in three different places at the same time.

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