I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 7: Chapter 1: Part 3

Book 7: Chapter 1: Part 3

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Part 3

So, Yuuya-kun, Im going to give you a massage.

Whats the reason for that?

After we finished eating, Iris-san suddenly said that with a lovely smile. And then she tilted her head in wonder.

Is there something wrong?

Um how did you come up with that idea?

Ara, its quite simple. Im your master, and taking care of my apprentices body is one of the most important things a master can do. Thats why Im going to help you relax your tired body.

Huh? B-but, Master Usagi has never done that for me before.

Well, it cant be helped. Its Usagi, after all. But, Im not Usagi! Therefore, please leave it to me!

I was pushed over the edge and ended up accepting a massage from Iris-san.


Hmm? What are you doing? Take off your clothes first.

Take off my clothes? Why?

Of course, because Im going to use this.

What Iris-san showed me was a thick orange liquid in a clear bottle.

W-whats that?

Its an oil that I have formulated myself. It can be used to heal your muscles effectively. By infusing my Holy power into it, your body will be healed even more effectively. So come on, take it off!

U-ugh Y-yes

Fortunately, I had a swimsuit thanks to my trip to the beach with Kaori and the others some time ago, so I changed into that swimsuit. And Iris-san, who had finished her preparations, looked back at me.

Now, we are rea dy

Huh? I-Iris-san?

For some reason, Iris-san froze at the sight of me. Then, gradually, her face turned red, and she turned away from me with great force.

W-wait! After thinking about it, its the first time that I will touch a naked man! W-w-w-what should I do?


Huh? I-Im sorry. W-well then can you lie down there?

I was asked to lie face down on the bed. Then, oil dripped on my back. Ugh its a little cold

I was surprised at the oils coldness for a moment, but then Iris-sans hand joined in.


At first, it was very ticklish and embarrassing because of the feeling of the thick oil and the fact that someone was touching my body, but Iris-sans massage was very pleasant. What can I say? Iris-san was right; I could feel that she was rubbing and healing my muscles that I had overworked during my training.

Of course, there were no wounds on my body. Still, as Iris-san massaged me with the power of the Holy, I felt the fatigue that had built up in my body disappear, and I was healed from the core of my body.

This was going to be addictive But rather than that, I was starting to feel sleepy

A message suddenly appeared in front of my eyes as I began to doze off over the pleasant feeling.

You have acquired the skill [Holy Soul].

Eeehh? Ho-Holy Soul?

Why did I suddenly acquire this skill, and what are its effects?

Although I would usually check right away, I was too sleepy to do so right now. At first, I tried to fight the drowsiness, but in the end, I succumbed and fell asleep without checking the new skill I had acquired.


When the massage caused Yuuya to fall asleep, Iriss mind was in serious trouble.

(Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! I-Im now touching the skin of a man!)

While desperately trying to calm her inner turmoil, Iris continued her massage. The only person who had ever given this massage to Iris was her master, the previous generation of Sword Saint.

This was the first time she had given a massage to a man, and she was confused. She had never been in any relationship with the opposite sex before. The only man she was close to was her father, so she had never had the opportunity to get this close to a man, much less touch their skin.

But Iris wasnt the only one getting flustered.

Aaaarrggh! S-Stop it! H-hey, Yuuya! Wake up! Wake up and stop this woman!

While Iris continued her massage, Kuro, who was inside Yuuya, was screaming. This was because the massage that Iris was giving used the Holys power, and by pouring it into Yuuyas body, combined with the effects of the oil, it was healing Yuuyas body.

Thats why this massage was nothing but torture for the Evil Kuro, who was originally an enemy of the Holy.

Hey, Sword Saint! Stop that hand right now! If it continues I will be gone!

(W-whoa A-as expected M-men are very strong)

N-no, my eyes are completely turned off!

Kuros cry did not reach Iris. Instead, Kuros voice can only reach Yuuya, so it could be said that it was a futile resistance.

(More than that, Yuuya-kun, hes sleeping right? Its really a beautiful face when I look at him like this).

Iris, who was able to look at Yuuyas face more closely than usual, was naturally drawn to his face.

(When I think about it, this boy saved me from Quarros attack I never thought of having a man save me before)

Iris blushed again as she remembered how Yuuya had held her and saved her when Quarro attacked.

Even though Iris didnt seem to be concentrating on the massage, her hands were precisely taking care of Yuuyas body without the slightest hesitation.

Damn it! This woman doesnt look like shes concentrating at all, but shes pouring the power of the Holy into Yuuyas body! She shouldnt use her skill as Sword Saint here!

Kuros cry was plausible. If Usagi had seen this scene or had witnessed Iriss cooking, he would have been just as appalled as Kuro.

Iris used her power as the Sword Saint for her daily life.

However, as a result, Iris was able to effectively use her power as the Sword Saint in any situation, which was probably why she was called the strongest among the Holy.

In the meantime, Yuuyas lips suddenly entered Iriss field of vision.

Hey! Sword Saint? What the hell are you thinking? Your eyes are getting scarier!

(Huh? Y-you cant do that, Iris! Yuuya-kun is much younger than you! To do that to such a boy moreover, he is unconscious!)

Iris contemplated this, but her gaze remained fixed on Yuuyas lips. And she naturally swallowed her saliva.

T-this woman, could it be! She wants to kiss Yuuya?

(J-just a little I think its okay if only a little)

Kuro finally came to understand what Iris was trying to do to Yuuya. Aside from the panicked Kuro, Iris gradually brought her face closer to Yuuya while her face turned red.

H-hey! Yuuya! Wake up quickly! If not you will be kissed by this woman!

Kuro repeatedly called out to Yuuya, but Yuuya still would not wake up.

And then.



Just before Iriss lips touched Yuuyas lips, Yuuya finally woke up.

Iris, who instantly sensed his presence, fully displayed her physical abilities as the Sword Saint and distanced herself from Yuuyas face with unstoppable speed.

Yuuya, who had no idea what was happening, rubbed his eyes sleepily.

Ah I-Im sorry I must have fallen asleep because it felt so good

Iris then shook her head with all her might to Yuuya, who said that with an apologetic expression.

I-its okay! I-its not a problem! You must be tired from the training! It cant be helped!

T-thank you very much. Um, whats wrong?


Iris made a strange voice in response to Yuuyas question. But Iris did her best to maintain her composure as she answered Yuuya.

I-its nothing! Yes, nothing!

I-is that so? Thats fine then

For Yuuya, who twisted his head with a somewhat strange expression, Kuro was relieved that the power of the Holy was no longer pouring into Yuuyas body, but he also cursed.

Nothing, my ass! She afflicted me with a lot of pain, and then she tried to give Yuuya a strange kind of trouble.

Eh? Strange kind of trouble?


While confused as to why Kuro seemed to be in a bad mood, Yuuya recited Kuros words. Then, Iris froze when she heard it.

W-w-w-what are you talking about? I just wanted to make sure that Yuuya-kuns body was in good shape. Theres nothing else yes, nothing!

Yuuya felt a little uncomfortable with Iriss behavior but realized that the treatment was over and stretched out.

Hmm! Aaahh! That was amazing! My body feels so much lighter now!

R-really? Thats good to hear.

Yes! Thank you so much!


In front of Yuuyas innocent smile and his ignorance of this whole event, Iris turned her face away. However, Iris did not intend to end here.

T-then, for the future training


Whenever you finish your training, I will give you a massage, so keep that in mind, okay?


Eh? T-this is not the only time?

Yuuya raised his voice in surprise at Iriss words, and Kuro raised his voice of disgust from the bottom of his heart. However, Kuros voice could not reach Iris, of course, so Iris continued without any sign of concern.

Its natural, isnt it? If you dont take care of your body every time you finish your training, its meaningless. Its not that you dislike it, is it?

Thats, well

Hey, Yuuya! I dont like it! I almost died while you were sleeping.

Eeh? Why?

Of course its because she poured the power of the Holy into me! Im the Evil! The Holys power is a deadly poison to me!

Oh, thats right

What do you mean by that?

Kuro was speechless when Yuuyas answer was too simple.

But its also true that my body felt great

Guh its certainly true that the massage itself is painful, but my body is also more comfortable now than before.

Is that so?

Yuuya did not understand, but it was no exaggeration to say that Kuro lived in Yuuya. The condition of Yuuyas body was directly related to Kuros comfort. Therefore, the healthier Yuuya was, the more comfortable the environment would be for Kuro.

Knowing this, Kuro couldnt argue strongly with Yuuyas words. Thinking that by enduring the pain for a short time, he would be able to be more comfortable in Yuuyas body, Kuro did not say anything more.

Iris tilted her head at Yuuya, who was lost in conversation with Kuro.

Whats wrong?

I-its nothing!

Really? Well, anyway! Im going to keep massaging you, so please keep that in mind, okay?

Y-yes. Well then please take care of me.

Iris made an agreement with Yuuya for massages and inwardly posed a gut pose.

She had the opportunity to touch Yuuyas body legally This was the result of Iriss persistence, as she had been unlucky with the opposite sex until this age and had missed out on marriage.

Thus, the strict and lenient training life of Yuuya continues.

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