I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 113: Lin Anxin probably had to face the consequences of her action after her return. (4)

Chapter 113: Lin Anxin probably had to face the consequences of her action after her return. (4)

The tactics of the two valedictorians from HSAU stunned everyone.

Even the teachers sitting in the wait area were equally stunned.

Teacher Guo, thats a great strategy. Who came up with that? Some of teachers next to the teacher of HSAU and asked with regret.

More teachers came over and chimed in. Yeah, these two students worked so well together. They have had trained a lot before this competition.

Being asked by the other teachers around, Teacher Kao smiled with a guilty conscience: That really wasnt a tactic that the teachers had come up with. He was as surprised as everyone else there, alright?

Nevertheless, Teacher Kao had a proud look on him in no time. He chuckled and said, We really didnt train all that much. Mainly our students are more or less on the same level.

What the heck on the same level?!

So what if you had two valedictorians!!

Aye, aye. They wished they could have a few of those themselves too!

Thought the other teachers.

The ones most rattled were the teachers from Liming. Gu Xi was one of theirs but now she belonged to HSAU.

Looking back at how Liming was doing. They were obviously frazzled.


Over in the venue.

Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan had more or less completed the questions that the other had missed with the exception of one.

233, I cant answer this one either. Sheng Xiuyan turned and said to her.

Gu Xi, too, glanced over at 233 one more time and waved her hand. She then looked over at Sheng Xiuyan and said, Should we just guess?

Sheng Xiuyan, Lets do it.

Gu Xi, I am going to go with C?

Why not? Sheng Xiuyan looked away ugh, was too nervous to even look.


Their conversation baffled everybody else in the wait area.

Only one more to go. Why did they stop?

What are they talking about? They could only see that they two were talking with each other, but there was no audio.

They were talking about the final question? Dont tell me neither one of them could solve it.

Em, from Gu Xis lips, it sounded like she was saying to just randomly guess an answer?

For realz? They are going to guess?

Oh shoot. Thats exciting.


Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan still didnt know that they had gotten everything else correct up to this point. As such, when the others were watching the sea of green with one empty dot, they were more nervous than the two doing the test.

It looks like they are going to go for it.

Here we go. Here we go. Shes about to pick. Everybody else held their breath reflexively.

They stared at Gu Xi depressing the C button without blinking.

Almost at the same time, a green dot lit up at the last blank spot.

Oh darn. They got the right answer!

All of a sudden, a loud roar erupted in the wait area. On the other side of the wall, the rest area for the parents seemed very lively as well.

As the audiences were making too much noise. Worried that the ruckus would affect those who were still in the competition, someone from the organizer end came to quiet them down.

The competition is still ongoing. Please keep your volume down and dont affect those who are still working on their test, alright?

Having said that, the individual from the organizer side, too, turned to look at the screen and even he looked like had just seen a ghost.

Never mind that the students were shocked, even someone who had seen everything like him from the organizer side were shocked. As far as he could remember, there had only been three instances when all of the questions were answered in the final round and there were more questions this time than any other times in the past.

The two werent just answering the questions, they were slaughtering them!

Ahem, ahem. The individual from the organizers side cleared his throat some and said, There had been instances where a team answering all of the questions correctly. Theres no need to be shocked by it.

Recalling what his supervisor had told him, the worker carried on to say, In addition, in order further promote this competition, our WeChat page had been set up. Do follow us. On there you will find information regarding this competition as well as grades from past years.

It was said that the site was built by the bosses overnight.

What the worker had said didnt concern those from the other schools much: They didnt care about what had taken place in the past; all they cared right now was when HSAUs perfect score would be recorded on the site and enter into history.

This, however, meant a lot for those from HSAU and Liming.

If we can see grades from the past, that means we will also be able to look up each individuals scores as well, right? said someone from HSAU.

I would think so.

Thats great. Lets go and see how Liming did last year.

Gao Zifan said that Gu Xi was the one who dragged him down. Gu Xi, on the other hand, stated that Gao Zifan was the one who performed poorly but Gao Zifan had denied it. And those from Liming clearly sided with Gao Zifan.

After todays competition, however, everybody felt that Gu Xis words were more believable.


On this side, Yang Mengmeng quickly visited the site and pulled up the grades from the year before. Everybody stuck their heads over to look sure enough, Gao Zifan lied.

Those from Limings side did the same and were stunned the very next second.

They werent only shocked that Gao Zifan had lied and accused Gu Xi but also that Gu Xi did so much better than Gao Zifan!

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