I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 138: She had seen that name before. Except it was Xie Yaobai, not Gu Yaobai. (3)

Chapter 138: She had seen that name before. Except it was Xie Yaobai, not Gu Yaobai. (3)

Gu XueEr didnt let it get awkward for herself. She looked over at Gu Xi and asked curiously, Did you just transfer to HSAU, Xixi?

Yes, I did. Gu Xi nodded.

Gu XueEr smiled and said, No wonder I had seen you around school before.

Having said that, Gu XueEr asked caringly again, How are you adapting to the new school?

So far so good, said Gu Xi.

Im glad to hear that. Gu XueEr then said affectionately, I am in Class 6 of the junior grade. You are welcome to come to me if you need any help.

As soon as Gu XueEr had finished saying that and Gu Xi was about to thank you politely, she heard Gu Chenyi grumbling softly, We wont need you for that.

Gu Xi looked over at Gu Chenyi. She, too, was baffled if Gu XueEr was part of the Gu family, how come nobody had ever mentioned this Third Uncle and Gu XueEr in the past?

Noticing Gu Xis befuddlement, Gu Chenyi said to her softly, Ill tell you in our group chat.

In addition to the [One Happy Family], [Make The Family Happy] etc. etc. chat groups, Gu Xi was also added to a new group that they had just started: [Stronghold of the Gus Four Handsome and Beauty].

Gu Xi didnt even know where to begin with that name. All she felt was that it could rival [Battle at the Summit of Tianchuang] in her other app.

[Gu XueEr did not grow up with the rest of us. We dont know her very well,] said Gu Chenyi in the group.

Then Gu Yanxiao also added, [Besides, she isnt exactly part of the Gu family.]

Gu Xi, ?

Finally, it was Gu Yanlin who summarized it for Gu Xi, [Third Uncle isnt Grandpas child. He was a child of an old friend that Grandpa had adopted. Third Uncle had moved out of the Gus over ten years ago and he doesnt come around much. Mainly we just get together on major holidays. As such, we dont see Gu XueEr very often.]

The two younger ones Gu Yanxiao and Gu Chenyi didnt know much about Third Uncles family but Gu Yanlin had heard a little of it from his father.

Grandpa and Grandma had always been a loving couple and, when Grandma was pregnant with Fourth Uncle, a woman by the name of Yang Wanni showed up one day, bringing a one-year-old child with her.

Yang Wanni was a nurse at Old Mr. Gus unit at the time. She had disappeared for a while and already had the child with her when she returned.

Yang Wanni insisted adamantly that Gu Qinghua had taken advantage of her when she was asleep and that was how the child came about.

There was no surveillance camera in the patient room and Old Mr. Gu was one of Yang Wannis patients at the time.

Yang Wanni was not from a wealthy family but her family was still well-off. That, on top of her docile personality, gave others the impression that she was a nice girl.

As such, when the words spread, most others believed in her words and Old Mr. Gu was unable to clear himself.

Paternity testing wasnt wildly available back then and it took Gu Qinghua a lot of work to prove that the child was not his and that he had never laid a finger on Yang Wanni.

Unfortunately, Yang Wanni had died before Gu Qinghua had a chance to go look for her. Words had it that she had been ill and it was terminal.

The child was left at the Gu family.

Out of compassion, Old Mr. Gu talked to Madam Gu and decided to adopt who was now the Gu familys third child.

That was why Gu Yaobai and Gu Shao were about the same age.

As he grew up and started finding out about his past from the others, Gu Yaobai gradually separated himself out from the Gu family.


Gu Xi finally learned of the whole story after Gu Yanlins explanation. She nodded. So that was the story.

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