I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 129: Enemy

Chapter 129: Enemy

Reiji was familiar with the Inferno Wolves as one of the Hunter Teams in Farahn Village, Eight Thunder Claws, had encountered them before and made a report to the Hunter Association. 

They are wolves that shouldn't have existed in the Wailing Forest. The environment they are used to were in hot places like the Scorching Gorge, Mount Galpo, and others. 

Their existence in this place can be called abnormal unless it was brought by the Beast Tamers. 

As Stella and Reiji were talking about them, the Arcanist made a sound as he put down his quill pen.

"I'm done" Lord Castillo gave the last ring to Stella after finishing his task. 


He glanced in the direction of the Beast Tamers and Inferno Wolves outside the village.

He quickly noticed what was happening outside after he removed the barrier created by his Arcana. 

It seems that the tent couldn't block his senses as well...

"Alright Here's the payment"

Stella brought 500 gold coins with her so she has enough money to pay the Arcanist

'Urgh I worked hard for this money But he managed to earn this much just by using his Arcana. How lucky I want an Arcana that can earn me money as well.'

She was unsure how complicated his work was but she only saw him use the magical pen for a little It wasn't even that long and he earned 450 gold coins! 

"Are you sure you don't want me to appraise it?"

"Ahh, right How much should I pay if I ask for an appraisal?"

"Just 10 gold coins each I will give full details of the Magic Items, their effects and name are included. I can even identify their creator Aside from that, I can trace its previous users too. You'd normally need different appraisers to do all of that, but with my skills, it wouldn't be a problem to get all these pieces of information"

The Arcanist said as he proudly explained his capabilities as an Appraiser. 

So he wasn't just someone who can create and repair Magic Items, but he can also appraise them to a higher degree!

Although Stella was impressed, Reiji didn't think that it was too special. After all, his guide can similarly identify these details.

However, after thinking about it The appraisal job of other Arcanists may indeed be lacking 

One of the reasons he thinks of that was when the information about Magic Items in the academy's Market Hall was lacking. 

For example, the details about the Holy Sword Replica were extremely lacking, and the Novice Wooden Sword that Diether bought also had missing information.

It means that whoever appraised them may not be as good as this man or perhaps these items were just too special that it was too difficult to normally appraise them.

It seems to have the same logic with how he can't appraise other items or materials not related to weapons and equipment like beast cores, their valuable parts, potions, and others.

Anyway, the only things that Reiji was thinking now were their methods of appraising materials without using an Arcana Although it wasn't that important, he was still quite curious about it

Reiji then gave instructions to Stella.

"Thank you, Lord Castillo I will think about it later. I don't need that much information with my Magic Items for now. I can just hire an Arcanist in the Association to check their durability..."

"I understand" The noble smiled at Stella as he took the pouch of money on the table and without bothering to count it, he pocketed them inside his coat.

"I will take my leave now. Thank you for repairing my items."

"Hoho~ Thank you for seeking my expertise Be careful on your way outside. There seems to be some trouble. You have to immediately return to your home."

"I will" Stelle then bowed a little as she headed outside. 

'Master Is there any trouble? What's going on outside?'

'Mhmm I can't clearly see what's going on. I just felt the presence of those Inferno Wolves The Knights are confronting them but they seem to be outnumbered'

'How about the Hunters? The village guards?'

'The Hunters are preparing something for the Inferno Wolves The guards had to ensure the safety of the residents so they're staying behind the Knights.'

Their confrontation hasn't escalated to a large-scale battle yet as it seems that Hendrick was trying to negotiate with the Beast Tamers

'I'll better head back now They should be able to handle it'

'What? Don't be scared, some villagers are watching from behind. Just join them.'

'Er Alright, Master'

Stella answered as she wore the rings on her fingers, strapped the shinai on her back, and held the wooden cane, like she was bringing a toy. 


The wolves' howl was heard throughout the village as if they were giving their last warning to the knights.

As soon as Stella arrived at the area, she quickly saw the 10 fully-armored Chaos Knights and squires together with the Hunters behind them 

On the other hand, the Beast Tamers, who were all wearing black hooded cloaks to hide their faces, numbered around thirty!

There are too many of them! 

It seems that their failure during the student's Forest Trial made them decide to take the matter even more seriously. 

Did they bring more members from their organization? Where did they come from in the first place?

This question wasn't just in Reiji's mind but also in Hendrick's consideration. Their appearance here shouldn't be a random occurrence. 

The thirty tamers brought thirty Inferno Wolves with them. If they have other beasts that were hiding, it would be extremely difficult for the Knights.

The only advantage they have was the terrain The village was a little elevated and the Arcanists that could use Arcane Magic from a distance could easily bombard the enemies if needed. However, there was a limit on what they could do as well.

"Tsk! So, you're saying that you people were not from the Beast Tamers Organization in the Dukedom? Hah! Who would believe that?! Just lower your weapons and surrender to us!"

Hendrick taunted them as he confronted the representative of the cloaked individuals. 

There was no way that they would admit their origin since this matter will blow up if they did that The forces that would hunt them will increase and they will have difficulty surviving once they were overwhelmed by the kingdom's forces. 

"That's right We're not from the Dukedom You don't have any proof. It just happened that we have these little cubs with us"

"Then remove your cloaks and show us your faces!"

"We can't do that Anyway From now on, we're claiming the Wailing Forest so you are not allowed to enter We are warning you!"


"You dare!" 

"Let's see what you can do to us!"

"Do you think that you can fight the whole kingdom with your number? No, I think that even if we just gathered all the strong men in the nearby villages, you won't last for a day!"

The people exclaimed after hearing their absurd announcement. 

However, the leader of the cloaked group just chuckled at Hendrick and the villager's taunting attitude 

The suspected Beast Tamers were fully confident that if they forced themselves fighting the trained Knights now, they would have a high chance of winning, but they would also suffer more casualties and perhaps fail to complete their true mission. It wouldn't benefit them if that happened.

In truth, these Knights already interrupted them a couple of times 

So after their reinforcements arrived today, they quickly displayed their forces to the Knights so they would think twice if they still wanted to disrupt their work

After all, if the Knights decided to take the fight within narrow caves where their objective lies, it would be extremely difficult for them as well Especially the Inferno Wolves who weren't used to fight within the narrow places.

In short, they were hoping that the Knights would also decide to gather reinforcements and if that happened, they would have some time to work and they would have completed their mission by the time that the reinforcements arrived. 

'Go ahead and gather your forces in the nearby villages' The leader thought before he commanded his team to return to the forest.

The group just left unhurriedly as they were confident that they will not be pursued by the Knights. The Inferno Wolves tailing them would be their first opponent if that happened. 

After confirming that the Beast Tamers had left, the crowd started to disperse leaving the Knights and the Hunters 

As Stella was about to follow the crowd and leave, she saw Sir Cartel and Lord Castillo approaching the Chaos Knights

They seem to be worried about the situation.

As they were about to ignore them, Reiji heard their conversation

The 3rd-Class Arcanist actually has an idea where did these people had come from!

"Knight-Captain Hendrick I have an Arcane Magic similar to a Tracking Skill and I noticed that most of those Tamers we saw still has a lingering scent of Cao Fruit"

"Cao Fruit?"

Reiji, who heard them whispering, had no idea what it means but the Knight's faces immediately showed a grim expression

"Is it the Greiner family Have they betrayed us?!" 

Ulysses, one of the Knights under Hendrick angrily asked. Misha quickly stopped him from saying any more words as this matter is very serious. They can't let anyone hear their conversation. 

"Let's have a meeting first..." The female knight said as she also wanted to discuss their next course of action.

Hendrick, on the other hand, only kept his silence as he tries to piece together what was going on.

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