Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 328: 328 The Rise of the Council

Chapter 328: 328 The Rise of the Council

      While Zhao Lingxin was doing personal errands on the moon, citizens and governments have turned their attention to the introduction of cutting-edge technology such as smartphones. A corner of the empire suddenly became uninterested. It was an excellent opportunity as if it had been planned for a long time.

Empire is as bright as clouds were soon obscuring the sun.

At the Imperial Parliament Building, This place has been closed for almost six months.

The parliament building was finally reopened for use. This restores the legislative powers to the members of parliament to be able to hold political power again.

On this day, more than five hundred members of the prestigious Council comprising Dongzhou and Shenzhou investors, including the Sage Graduates and Tsinghua City, all came to the meeting in unison.

The first meeting of the year of the Imperial Parliament has begun.

In the beginning, the meeting was full of boredom. There were only nonsensical words from the capitalists that stretched out to make them sleepy.

But on this day, Speaker of the National Assembly Gu Heng looked unusually cheerful. Finally, he ended everyone's discussion.

"Everyone, I have some important stories that I would like to say. I hope you all will pay attention to me." Gu Heng's words had awakened some of the sleeping council members.

"Too chaotic. In the end, all the same, things keep going around." Sun Yuan, who was sleeping, was displeased. Where Gu Heng's booming sound woke him up, but at this moment, everyone was staring at Gu Heng at the very front of what he wanted to say.

"Everyone, think about how much power our money has now."

Then, Gu Heng began to ask everyone to think critically.

"We businessmen are the empire's most important ruling class.

Without us, this country would never be like this. With the industrial power that we possess, Let's just stop ordering production for one day.

The entire empire would immediately be in turmoil. You see, this is a great power that we possess." Gu Heng awakened everyone and quickly regained consciousness.

Such a sentence is what represses every capitalist's heart, just that no one dared to speak out openly because they are afraid that they may cause harm to themselves.

But Gu Heng's blatant remarks at the Council Have made everyone aware of the power of the capitalists they currently possess.

"Yes, I have over thirty food factories. Let me just stop producing for one day. I want to know what's going on." Some capitalists began to boast of their industrial power.

      "I have tens of thousands of retail outlets throughout the empire. Just let me double the price. Even the Prime Minister must bow down to us." Many capitalists are becoming more and more courageous. The more they exchanged ideas, the more they reflected their great power. If they can join forces, The ruling class in the empire needed to listen to them.

"Everyone, think about it. With the power that we have, Why do we have to sit and argue like this foolishly? The power in our Council is just a blank sheet of paper."

Gu Heng reflected the dark truth of the imperial parliament whose status is no different from a puppet-like toy of the Almighty to order whatever.

"Well, Gu Heng's words made sense today." Even Sun Yuan, who was on Shenzhou's side. There is also an attitude that secretly agrees.

The three giants of the capital knew better than anyone how immense the power they possessed. The technology, inventions, and heavy industry that Sun Yuan kept More potent than all capitalists. They have enormous economic power as long as they move. So the empire's economy would be affected immediately.

"Why does the government have to monopolize power in one place? We must not let them press our heads any longer. Therefore, I propose to increase the powers of the National Assembly even more," Gu Heng said at the council meeting to increase their powers one step further.

"I agree"

"I agree." Many capitalists immediately raised their hands in support.

Even intellectuals are ready to accept such an offer.

Almost the entire meeting room had already raised a hand in support. Only a few hundred members of the Council were left. The Shenzhou line address was waiting for Sun Yuan's supreme attitude.

"Now, it is only you who will agree or not."

Gu Heng turned his gaze to Sun Yuan.

Sun Yuan saw a large number of people waiting for his decision.

Sun Yuan was also shaken by the gravity of his own political power. It is difficult for anyone to resist the attraction of violence. At that moment, Sun Yuan raised his hand in support.

"I agree that there will be an increase in power for the Imperial Parliament," Sun Yuan said.

Gu Heng heard that and smiled.

"Great, then everyone agrees with it." The Imperial Parliament passed the Self-Amplification Act ultimately.

At that moment, as everyone was discussing, Gu Heng said a strange word.

"Since everyone joins in signing and agreeing, This time we stand on the same side." Gu Heng's strange words immediately made some people have a premonition of this abnormality.

      "Now, I declare that the National Assembly will reclaim power from the government. Everything had to be under the administration of the imperial parliament. We won't be puppets anymore." Nearly half of the meeting room rang in overwhelming support. But some of the people were temporarily quiet. Because what happened next was too alarming.

Gu Heng has announced plans to amend the constitution. First, abolish Zhao Lingxin's monarchy. Who gave the supreme power to the emperor? They delegated all administrative authorities under the imperial parliament.

"Zhao Lingxin has violated a number of agreements and provisions. Obviously, his power doesn't deserve to exist anymore." Gu Heng utterly condemned Zhao Lingxin. It also said the forbidden name to attract anyone's attention.

"We, the Council members, will replace the government in the governance of the country. And now, I declare to deliver this bill to the Royal Palace." Gu Heng brought the documents prepared in advance to show everyone.

"It is time for the imperial constitution to change."

This time, Gu Heng had made a significant strike to such a degree that everyone was extremely shocked. Even the idea of limiting Zhao Lingxin's royal power.

Sun Yuan had a stunned look as he sat down violently.

"How did things get to this point?" Sun Yuan could hardly believe his ears that Congress would have such a brave mind. Prepare to fight Zhao Lingxin directly.

"I don't agree with Gu Heng at all." Sun Yuan cursed himself in his heart. Just a moment ago, he signed in support of the Act to bring power to parliament. Who would have thought that Gu Heng had a bigger idea? Thinking to fight Zhao Lingxin directly.

In the past, the incredible power of the emperor was ingrained in everyone's hearts. Until most people do not want to resist But Gu Heng's action this time took it to the next level that some of them couldn't get up in time.

Sun Yuan turned around and saw that the counselor was an intellectual. So they all agreed with this Act. Which the story is like being prepared from the beginning.

"Come for the Great Imperial Council. We will be the agents of this transformation." Gu Heng quickly stepped up to lead the transformation. Gu Heng's expression was filled with confidence. As if not afraid of Zhao Lingxin's actions in the slightest.

"For the Council and the People of the Sacred Great Zhou Empire." More than three hundred members of the Council stood up to pay tribute to the National Assembly in place of the Supreme Leader Zhao Lingxin.

"Let's go. The situation is not good right now." Sun Yuan was extremely afraid of this action. So he quietly withdrew himself from the chamber of Congress. He no longer wanted to be involved in the movement.

A Shenzhou capitalist who is the same as Sun Yuan. They followed Sun Yuan together because they can't accept what happened today.

On the side of government officials who came to observe the meeting today, Their faces were startled, their mouths agape as they had never imagined before. Seeing the parliament show signs of resistance to the supremacy of the emperor.

"Hey, how dare they do this?" The officer expressed his fury. To him, the emperor was the anchor of the mind. But what these dirty capitalists are doing? is to take away Zhao Lingxin's power to himself until the end.

The moment the officers were furious about what had happened. They suddenly realized what to do next.

"I can't do it. Hurry up to inform the government now." Government officials did not delay.

They quickly reported the shocking incident to the government. To find a way to cope as soon as possible.



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