Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 127 Mammon Anger

Michaela's cold gaze remained fixed on Greed's body, which was currently possessed by Mammon. Daniel looked at Michaela, his curiosity piqued.

"Why are you even bothering to ask? Can't you simply banish it forcefully?" Daniel inquired, unaware of the potential consequences of forcefully banishing a demon from its host.

"My lord, I can indeed banish it forcefully, but demons, once they have manifested their will in this realm, do not go down without a fight. And when they resist, they will attempt to drag the host's soul with them to hell. I can certainly save Miss Greed's soul, but there may be some damage to a part of it," Michaela explained.

Mammon, eager to seize this opportunity and flee with the stolen body, realized that Michaela's power had it firmly ensnared. It also recognized that, with the host's feeble physical abilities, it wouldn't be able to escape the clutches of the archangel. Furthermore, if Michaela could physically touch the possessed body, she could use her powers more precisely to banish Mammon without causing harm to the host's soul.

Mammon scanned its surroundings, searching for a way out of this predicament. It then noticed that Daniel appeared unfazed by its presence.

Daniel, while examining his mindscape, made a pleasant discovery. He realized that one of his cards possessed the ability to target something unknown within Greed's body.

Card: Exorcise

Picture: The artwork depicts a priest holding a Bible, fervently praying to the heavens as a dark spirit is expelled from the body of a possessed victim.

Rarity: Rare

Type: Quick Spell

Mana Cost: 1 Light, 1 Non-Element

Description: Choose one:

Destroy target Enchantment.

Exile target Demon, Devil, Spirit, or Horror.

Flavor text: "By the decree of the gods, begone from this realm!"

In his mindscape, Daniel discovered that he could choose the option on the card to target the strange dark-golden aura emanating from Greed's body. He decided to destroy the target enchantment, as he had previously tested the exile option but found it couldn't target both Greed's body and the unknown miasma surrounding her.

[Does that black aura count as an enchantment? If I destroy it, it won't be considered an exile. But there's something else I need to confirm,] Daniel pondered, sending a telepathic message to Michaela. His telepathic ability allowed him to communicate with any creature within a certain range.

[Michaela, can you use your power to protect Greed's soul from harm?] he inquired.

[My lord, if I do that, I won't be able to banish the demon. I cannot simultaneously protect her soul and banish it,] Michaela responded through the telepathic link.

[No need for you to banish it. I have my own way of dealing with it. Just protect her soul when I give you the signal,] Daniel commanded, shifting his gaze to Michaela.

[Now, do it!] Daniel ordered through the telepathic message before redirecting his attention to Greed's body.

Suddenly, a radiant light bathed Greed's body, causing the dark aura Daniel had seen in his mindscape to ripple and fluctuate, as if startled and taken by surprise.

With swift precision, Daniel activated the spell card. In that moment, a spear of light burst forth from within the dark aura.

"Arrrrrrrrggggghhh!" Mammon let out a cry of agony as the unexpected spear of light corroded his manifestation within Greed's body.

As the spear of light pierced through the dark aura, it began to unravel and disintegrate. The aura, which was the manifestation of Mammon's will, was gradually destroyed by the radiant energy. As it crumbled away, fragments of the manifestation transformed into excess demonic energy, swirling around in the air. However, instead of posing a threat to the host, the energy was absorbed into Greed's body.

Greed's form shimmered momentarily as the demonic energy merged with her essence. The excess power found its rightful place within her, no longer a foreign presence but a part of her being. The transformation was complete, and the aura that once harbored Mammon's influence had vanished entirely.

Daniel observed the aftermath with a mixture of relief and curiosity. Greed's body seemed to regain its composure, and the intense golden light in her eyes gradually faded, returning to their normal hue. The sinister influence that had overtaken her was now suppressed, and Greed stood before them, her true self restored.

Michaela, still on guard, maintained her protective stance, ensuring that Greed's soul remained shielded from any lingering harm. She watched the scene unfold, ready to intervene if necessary, but for now, it appeared that the immediate threat had been neutralized.

Greed, taking a deep breath, looked at Daniel with a mix of gratitude and lingering vulnerability. She spoke softly, her voice devoid of the earlier seductive tone, replaced with a genuine sincerity.

"Thank you, Daniel. You saved me. I apologize for the trouble I caused you," Greed said, her voice carrying a hint of remorse.

Daniel, his grip on the gun loosening, nodded in response. He understood that the situation had been beyond Greed's control, and he held no ill will towards her.

"You're welcome, Greed. It wasn't your fault. We will find a way to prevent this from happening again," Daniel assured her, his tone reassuring and determined.

With the immediate crisis averted, the group now faced the task of unraveling the mysteries surrounding Mammon's intrusion and ensuring the ongoing safety of Greed's soul. However, the ordeal had taken a toll on Greed's mental and physical stamina, leaving her feeling exhausted. Recognizing her need for rest, Daniel made the decision to let her sleep in the master room alongside Koyuki and little Sylvana, under the watchful protection of Michaela.

As for Daniel himself, he settled for the comfort of the sofa in the living room, accepting it as a temporary sleeping arrangement. Despite the events that had unfolded, he found solace in the fact that they had managed to thwart Mammon's influence and restore Greed to her true self. With a mix of exhaustion and relief washing over him, he closed his eyes and allowed sleep to claim him.

In the depths of Hell, where Mammon, the Demon of Greed, held sway, a scene of opulence and excess unfolded. The fiery landscape was adorned with immense mountains of gleaming gold, radiating a sickly yellow glow that seemed to whisper promises of untold wealth and power. The air was heavy with the scent of decadence, mingling with the acrid stench of sulfur.

Mammon's dominion was a realm of indulgence and desire, where insatiable avarice was nurtured and cultivated. The ground itself seemed to be paved with precious gemstones, sparkling with every step. Sinister shadows danced among the pillars of gold, their forms flickering in the fiery glow. These were the demonic soldiers of Mammon, dressed in lavish armor that glittered with intricate engravings and adorned with glistening jewels from head to toe.

The halls of Mammon's palace, a monument to his insidious greed, were adorned with tapestries woven from threads of pure gold. Every inch of the walls was covered in lavish artwork depicting scenes of unimaginable wealth and abundance. Priceless artifacts and treasures lined the corridors, meticulously organized and displayed to showcase Mammon's insatiable hunger for possessions.

Deep within the heart of this infernal kingdom, Mammon, the Demon of Greed, perched upon a throne of pure gold, its surface adorned with intricate engravings that depicted scenes of wealth and opulence. His form took the shape of a young man with flowing locks of golden hair that cascaded down to his broad shoulders. His eyes, a mesmerizing shade of gleaming gold, reflected the insidious hunger that consumed his being.

Mammon's draconic lineage manifested through his striking features. His skin, kissed by the infernal flames of Hell, shimmered with a faint, otherworldly golden hue, akin to molten gold. Elongated fingers, adorned with wickedly sharp claws, gleamed with a metallic sheen, reflecting his insidious nature. Majestic wings sprouted from his back, reminiscent of a legendary dragon, their scales glistening with a lustrous golden radiance.

But now, within the depths of Mammon's realm, his golden eyes held only one emotion - fury, an unbridled rage that reverberated through his dominion. The very essence of his anger manifested, causing mountains of solid gold to melt and molten streams of the precious metal to erupt, engulfing unfortunate demonic soldiers who found themselves caught in the blistering blast.

"Damn that human! Magitek! MAGITEEKKK!!!" Mammon bellowed, his voice echoing with seething wrath. The destruction of his manifestation of will had ignited a fury that consumed him. Centuries of painstaking efforts to breach the barriers of realms, all rendered futile. Mammon's frustration grew, his wrath radiating like a tempest, striking fear into the hearts of his trembling servants.

"I wanted to personally end his life... but my power is too strong to bypass the limits imposed by the accursed Angelic Council on the mortal realm!" Mammon grumbled, his voice filled with frustration as he muttered to himself. After a prolonged period of simmering anger, he finally managed to quell his seething rage and shifted his focus to a potential opportunity for infiltrating the mortal realm.

"Michaela... that wretched angel... I couldn't be mistaken, could I? She lives within the mortal realm without facing any consequences. There must be a method to deceive the system established by the Angelic Council," Mammon spoke, his thoughts racing as he sought a means to outsmart the celestial authority. And then, a brilliant idea sparked within his devious mind.

"Ha ha ha ha! That's it! Just you wait! Magitek, Michaela! I'll pay both of you back a thousand times over for this humiliation!" Mammon laughed maniacally, his twisted plan taking shape in his malevolent imagination.

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