Monster Paradise

Chapter 1833 - Dominator-Level Rank-5!

Chapter 1833: Dominator-Level Rank-5!

Translator: EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“He’s really dead?!”

Lin Huang had a doubtful expression on his face when he looked at Aza’s clone’s fading body that was slowly turing into black fog.

This clone of Aza was indeed rather weak. His level of ability was even weaker than Lin Huang’s clone.

“The one that I saw in the mystic territory previously shouldn’t be this clone. That one felt much more powerful…”

Before Lin Huang became a Dominator, he had stepped into unknown areas hidden in the mystic territories twice before. He was even almost killed once. He had an intuitive feeling about how powerful Aza’s clones were at that time.

Although his combat strength was too low back then, which may have resulted in the feeling he had from the clone’s ability being amplified, he thought that clone should at least be more powerful than the one that was right in front of him now.

As Aza’s clone’s faded away, the army of Abyssal monsters in the entire Abyss fell into chaos. Not only did that, they began to attack each other. The entire Abyss descended into war instantly.

Lin Huang scanned his surroundings with Divine Telekinesis. The next second, God Weapon flying daggers shot forth like electric arcs from his sleeves.

A moment later, the God Weapon flying daggers returned, bringing with them the carcasses of half-step dominator-level and heavenly dao-level Abyssal monsters.

Lin Huang put those carcasses in his storage space before leaving in a flash.

‘When he returned to the universe, he saw that those Abyssal monsters that had entered the universe had given up on forming an army and had begun to fight each other.

He knew that the crisis of the Abyss invasion of the universe had been basically resolved.

He got Heavenly Dao to speak to the grade-SSS organizations through voice transmission, asking them to tie up the loose ends. He left directly to the second chaotic cosmos that had been invaded.

Lin Huang headed straight into the Abyss as soon as he entered the second chaotic cosmos.

This Abyss’ situation was almost completely the same as the one in the universe.

His Primordium dove directly into the deepest part of the Abyss.

As he scanned with his Divine Telekinesis, he saw Aza’s clone once again in the endless darkness.

The clone was exactly identical to the clone that he killed earlier. Not only did He look the same, even His aura was virtually the same.

Without hesitation, Lin Huang attacked again.

This time, he controlled the force of his attack. He only used dominator-level rank-3 ability.

However, he killed the clone easily and instantly again.

This time, he was sure that he did not have to use his Primordium at all. His clones were powerful enough to kill Aza’s clones.

After clearing out the half-step dominator-level and heavenly dao-level Abyssal monsters in this Abyss, Lin Huang headed straight to the third chaotic cosmos after he returned.

The third clearance went even smoother than the two chaotic cosmoses before.

At this point, Lin Huang was absolutely certain that he did not have to go to the chaotic cosmoses that were being invaded using his Primordium.

After he returned to the chaotic cosmos, he contacted his remaining clones immediately, sharing the entire process of him resolving the three crises to them. Then he ordered his clones to resolve the Abyss crises in their respective chaotic cosmoses.

The clones who were guarding the invaded chaotic cosmoses took action as soon as they received this order. They dove into the Abyss.

Very soon, the clones sent messages to inform him that they had completed the clean-up process, and shared the details to Lin Huang.

He selectively picked out some of the processes that were shared to him after confirming that the 40 or so chaotic cosmoses that had been invaded by the Abyss were cleared by his clones.

Watching the recordings, he observed that everything had gone smoothly. It was almost no different from him handling it himself.

His clones killed the clones of Aza they saw instantly.

After all, the gap between beginner dominator-level rank-3 and peak dominator-level rank-3 was significant.

One had only integrated hundreds of chaotic cosmoses, while another had integrated close to 1,000 chaotic cosmos.

After watching those recordings, Lin Huang asked his clones if they had come across anything unusual.

He was completely relieved when all of his clones’ answered no.

Ina flash, he appeared at the previous chaotic cosmos and continued to project his will onto another chaotic cosmos to integrate with his Kingdom.

Since he discovered that the burden of integrating his Kingdom with chaotic cosmoses had become lighter as his combat strength elevated, he released ten will projections directly to accelerate his efforts at integration.

Time passed by and, soon, a week had passed.

Throughout the week, the chaotic cosmoses in his body were invaded by the Abyss twice. However, his clones managed to suppress the invasions immediately.

The clones of Aza leading the two invasions seemed to have almost been cut from the same mold. All of them were only at beginner dominator-level rank-3.

Such a level of ability was usually more than enough to suppress the chaotic cosmos. However, it was weak compared to Lin Huang’s clones.

Meanwhile, his Primordium had integrated over 10,000 chaotic cosmos with his Kingdom throughout the past week. He had officially stepped into dominator-level rank-5.

In the entire infinite universe, dominator-level rank-5 was the top combat strength.

After all, the most powerful person recorded in the infinite universe’s history was only at dominator-level rank-5.

However, Lin Huang did not feel that he was at his limit.

He could clearly feel that his Kingdom could integrate more chaotic cosmoses. Ten thousand chaotic cosmoses were far from the limit.

Nevertheless, he could clearly feel that his ability had gone through a transformation since elevating to dominator-level rank-5.

Not only did his Kingdom become more powerful, his physical body, particles in his God’s soul, Divine Telekinesis, Odyl and even Dominator Power… All of them were transformed.

His level of ability was completely different now compared to over 20 days ago.

The transformation of particles in his body had naturally brought a transformation to the few God Weapons in his body as well.

Lin Huang even felt that the God Weapons that had been elevated alongside him might be the highest grade of treasures in the infinite universe.

The four God Weapons gave him the feeling that there were four terrifying powerhouses living in his body.

He was very sure that even chaotic supreme treasures would definitely break under the attack of his God Weapon battle sword or God Weapon flying daggers.

Meanwhile, the Heavenly Daos of the over 10,000 chaotic cosmoses in his body were co-existing in harmony. Just like the universe’s Heavenly Dao said, They had become a cluster of consciousness.

Each of them had their own individual consciousness, and yet they could read each other’s minds as well as access all sorts of information. They could even intervene with the operation of any chaotic cosmos in his body.

Even Lin Huang could not understand how this was happening.

Nevertheless, he did not become prideful just because he had been elevated to dominator-level rank-5.

To him, as long as there was room for improvement, he would work hard toward that goal.

Therefore, he did not stop to rest after elevating to dominator-level rank-5. Instead, he continued to project his will to integrate with more chaotic cosmoses.

Since the burden of integrating his Kingdom with chaotic cosmoses became even lighter when elevated to dominator-level rank-5, he figured he would release hundreds of will projections and spread them out to speed up the integration of chaotic cosmoses.

The effect of the over 10,000 Heavenly Daos’ persuasion, alongside with the will projection, was undoubtedly stunning.

He merely used a day to integrate over 10,000 chaotic cosmoses, doubling the number of chaotic cosmoses and Heavenly Daos in his body.

“Judging by the speed at which the integration is progressing, perhaps I will elevate to dominator-level rank-6 a week from now.” Lin Huang thought to himself with burning desire in his eyes.

However, this round of integration only went on for less than three days when something happened to the chaotic cosmoses in his Kingdom again

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