My Attractiveness Only Affects Divine Beasts

Chapter 368 - The Canyon of the Abyss

Chapter 368: The Canyon of the Abyss

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ogallas smiled mysteriously before looking at Gu Wuya.

Then, he spoke.

“In the first battle between the Primordial God and Addimus, the Primordial God captured the source of his aura.”

“As long as we focus on this aura, we can easily find Addimus’ location!”

After hearing this, Gu Wuya smiled and said,?“Since that’s the case, let’s begin now!”

Ogallas looked at Gu Wuya and nodded.

Then, Mike saw that the flow of the surrounding air had begun to slow down.

Also, in the air, a faint black-colored substance had slowly started to emerge.

The black-colored substance continued to spread in the northwest direction.

Finally, it stopped near the Imperial Capital of Rovidius.

Gu Wuya, Mike, and Sally watched the scene in front of them.

Then, they asked,?“Ogallas! Is this black pattern showing the direction that leads to Addimus?”

However, Ogallas still had his eyes tightly closed and did not answer their questions.

When Mike saw this, he said to Sally and Gu Wuya,?“It looks like Ogallas is still in the middle of something. Let’s not disturb him for the time being!”

Gu Wuya and Sally looked at each other and nodded.

Then, after a period of waiting for a while,?Ogallas finally opened his eyes.

Then, the black sky gradually dimmed until it finally disappeared.

Ogallas looked at everyone before speaking.

“I’ve completely grasped Addimus’ location! Let’s set off now!”

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

Just as they were all about to move forward, Ogallas spoke again.

“Oh, right! Can you guys keep up with my speed?”

Everyone looked at each other when they heard Ogallas’ words.

Then, Gu Wuya spoke up first.

“We’ll try our best to keep up!”

Mike glanced at Sally. For Sally, speed had always been her weakness.

Mike smiled at her before signaling for Sally to hold his hand.

When Sally held out her hand, Mike picked her up in his arms.

“Let’s go!” Said Mike as he looked at Ogallas with a smile.

Ogallas looked at the crowd, smiled, and said, “Good! Let’s go now!”

Before he finished his words, a gust of golden wind moved in the direction of the black pattern.

After sharing a glance, Mike and Gu Wuya immediately followed closely behind.

The two of them quickly exerted their strength to keep on moving in that direction.

After following closely for some time, Mike gradually started to feel the strain.

Mike opened his mouth and said loudly to the front,?“Ogallas, slow down! Please slow down!”

When Ogallas heard Mike’s request, he turned back to look at him and smiled.

Then, he said,?“What’s wrong? You can’t keep up with my speed?”

Mike nodded helplessly.

Seeing this, Ogallas finally slowed down a little.

After flying for a while,?Ogallas stopped in front of a hidden hill.

When Mike and Gu Wuya noticed that Ogallas had stopped, they stopped as well.

Then, Ogallas looked around for the road ahead.

After a series of intensive searches,?Ogallas finally locked his gaze on a pine tree.

“Well? Have you found the next road?”

Gu Wuya was the first to speak.

In reply, Ogallas shook his head and said,?“The trail ends here, but the next one should be somewhere around here!”

Ogallas then approached the pine tree that he had noticed earlier.

A strong golden light wave suddenly rushed in the direction of the pine tree.

A huge explosion resounded throughout the entire mountain forest.

After the pine tree had fallen down, a secret passage leading underground appeared before everyone’s eyes.

Actually, Mike had asked the hidden messages system about it earlier.

However, the hidden information had not given Mike the answer that he wanted.

It was not until Mike and the others had seen the secret passage appearing out of thin air in front of them that they finally found the direction that they had to go.

At this time, Gu Wuya took the lead and walked into the secret passage.

“Everyone, quickly follow!” Gu Wuya said.

After that, the group quickly walked into the secret passage.

The entrance of the secret passage was extremely narrow and it was very dark.

In the distance between the passages, candles had been placed along the walls.

The dim light made the entire passage seem extremely mysterious.

After some time, the group passed through the secret passage until they came to the inner space of the passage.

Once they reached the inner space of this secret passage, everything here became much more spacious.

Mike noticed that many more prison cells had been built here.

Also, in those prison cells, Mike noticed some signs of life.

Mike looked at Sally and saw that her gaze had also become a little different.

He then decided to ask,?“Sally, do you sense a human aura here?”

Sally nodded in reply to Mike’s question.

Then she said,?“I do sense this aura. Do you sense it too?”

Mike nodded, and then the two walked towards the prison cell.

When they arrived at the prison cell, the dim light made it difficult for them to see clearly what was inside the cell.

After their eyes had gradually adapted to the darkness, Mike and Sally could finally see clearly.

There were three terrifying mummy-like people in the cell.

They had collapsed on the ground in pain, each breath of air that they took from the underground cell was with difficulty.

Mike was about to use his brute force to open the iron bars of the prison when Ogallas walked over.

He said to Mike,?“Don’t save them! They won’t make It!”

Mike was dumbfounded as he asked, “But, I can feel that they are still alive!”

Ogallas shook his head and said,?“So what if they are still alive? Their vitality has been taken away, and now they can only wait to die!”

When he heard Ogallas’ heart-wrenching words,?Mike could only grit his teeth before putting down the iron chain in his hand.

Ogallas turned around and continued to move forward.

Then, he turned back to Mike and Sally and said,?“Come on! Don’t just stand there in a daze!”

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