My British Empire

Chapter 122: A performance of Henry VII

  Chapter 122 "Henry VII" performance

  Edward said indifferently, and walked to the registration point with Mayor William.

  Wilson on the other side was dragged by Suwell at this time, walking towards the registration office.

   "Hey, Suwell, I just said hello, what's wrong with you?"

  Wilson broke free from Su Weier's pull, threw away his arm, and asked curiously, feeling very puzzled.

   "Hey buddy, don't you see that little gentleman with some bodyguards behind him?"

   "This kind of person can be seen as a big shot at a glance, we should not provoke it at will!"

   "London, the water here is very deep!"

  Su Weier gritted his teeth and finished speaking in his ear, then went straight to the registration point regardless.

  Wilson and Creroux also followed in three steps and two steps, without saying a word on the way.

   It is said to be a registration point, but it is actually a long table with three literate young people sitting there. They are all temporary government employees.

  Although the three of them were sitting there, they looked lazy and could not lift their strength.

   "Hey, where are you three from? What's your name?"

  The young man sitting in the middle looked tired, as if he was too tired.

   "Wilson, Souwell, Clereau, from Norwich, Norfolk."

  Wilson stopped the two, took a step forward, and answered in place of the three.

   "Here, this is the brand of the three of you, come here for the exam on April 28th!"

   "Now, each of you sign your name for me!"

   Immediately, a piece of paper full of signatures was placed in front of the three of them.

  The three found an empty space and filled in their names.

   "Remember, you must arrive before nine o'clock in the morning." One person asked, while the other two held quill pens and wrote information on three wooden signs.

  The three of them got three pairs of wooden cards, went to the other side, and asked a carpenter to carve the original ink with a knife.

  The carpenter is very professional. In less than ten minutes, all three wooden plaques were carved.

  Suwell picked it up and took a look, only to see a lazy lion engraved on the front, and a description of his own appearance on the back—five feet three inches tall, short brown hair, slim build, from Norwich.

   But Su Weier looked at Wilson next to him, and his description was—he was five feet three inches tall, with long black hair, a slightly fat body, and he was from Norwich.

  Cleroux's is - five feet two inches tall, long brown hair, thin build, from Norwich.

  This is the description of the physical appearance of the three of them, which is simply too crude.

  The three of them made fun of each other, and then left one after another, while Edward stood ten feet away, watching carefully.

   "Your Majesty, we use wooden plaques to identify them, with their information engraved on them!"

   "In order to better identify them, we also asked them to leave their signatures. When we take the exam, we will compare them with each other. In this way, the chance of impersonation is very small!"

  Edward watched carefully from the side, and Mayor William beside him was not idle, explaining Edward in words.

   "Okay, let's go and see how the exam papers are coming out!"

  Edward waved his hand, took Mayor William, and took a carriage to the suburbs of London.

   This place located in the suburbs was researched by Edward with some priests from Oxford University and teachers from ordinary middle schools.

   Of course, he will not ask any difficult questions, at most what is your belief? If your answer is Catholic!

  Then you just say goodbye, even if you get full marks for the rest of the questions, you will still be eliminated.

  If the answer is Anglican, congratulations, you have passed the first level.

  The rest are just common knowledge questions and answers, such as which is the state religion of England? Which family is the ruler of England?

   Besides, how many pennies is a black bread worth? Which is the capital of England?

  These are some common sense questions. Edward selects the person he needs through this test. Note that it is a person, a person who knows basic English and can write.

   This is mainly based on the current actual situation in England.

  Although there are data showing that the literacy rate in England during the Renaissance was 10% to 30%.

   But this is just an optimistic statistic.

   Throughout England and Wales, as well as the Dublin area of ​​Northern Ireland, there are about 3.5 million people under Edward's rule.

  There are only a hundred middle schools and elementary schools in total, (of course, there are also necessary housekeeping schools), plus some church-owned schools, there are only more than 3,000 people studying in total.

  The strange thing is that the richer people, such as nobles and wealthy businessmen, their children don't bother to learn knowledge, at most they can write their own names.

  The common people at the bottom have no capital to learn.

   Only middle-class Yomannons, lawyers, craftsmen, and petty capitalists would hire tutors to educate their children.

   This part of the people is the main target of Edward's examination and admission.

  Although what these people have learned is somewhat one-sided, as long as they can read and understand documents, they will be fine.

  Come here to check it again. For these very simple questions, Edward doesn't think there is any difficulty.

  Although most of the government is mediocre, it still needs elites. After thinking about it carefully, Edward still thinks that there should be a grand finale.

   "The farmer Searle in London has a fence with two animals, a rooster and a sheep. If you count from the bottom, there are fifty feet, and if you count from the top, there are twenty heads!"

   "Excuse me, how many sheep and how many chickens are in the fence!"

   "Your Majesty, this, isn't this topic too difficult!"

   Regarding the topic dictated by Edward, the bald scholar on the side asked with some doubts, his face was very embarrassed.

   "It doesn't matter, the last question is to test the most elite talents. I don't expect ordinary people to get it right!"

   Seeing that other scholars and priests were all in agreement, Edward turned around before leaving and said in a very casual tone.

   A group of people looked at Edward's receding figure with doubts, and were speechless.

  The next day, Edward was having breakfast with little Lolita.

  Seeing little Lolita happily eating wheat porridge bite by bite, Edward also felt his appetite increased and ate an extra bowl.

  After eating, Lucy walked in and whispered into Edward's ear, while the little Lori was gnashing her teeth.

  Little Lori seemed to be angry, with a puffy face, she looked at Lucy next to Edward angrily, and pursed her lips.

  After listening to Lucy's words, Edward was very puzzled when he saw little Lolita's appearance.

   "Who made our Mary angry, tell brother Edward, brother will help you teach him a lesson!"

   As he spoke, Edward's face showed a look of wanting to beat someone, and his eyes were still looking around.

   "Hmph! It's all sister Lucy, brother Edward, hit sister Lucy!"

   As she spoke, the little loli showed her canine teeth, grinned her rosy mouth, and wrinkled her little nose.

   "Oh! Why Lucy? Did Lucy do something to make you angry again!"

  Edward asked with doubts on his face.

   "Yes, little Mary, don't slander me at will!"

   "You say I'm wrong without proof, but you're going to get a spanking!"

  Lucy said so softly, but her right hand stretched out, making a gesture of spanking.

   "Ah!" Little Lolita hurriedly covered her butt, looking scared, but she still held her head high and said stubbornly:

   "It's all sister Lucy, every time you come, brother Edward will have something to do, so he won't play with Mary anymore!"

   It seemed that she still couldn't let go of her hatred, she covered her buttocks with her left hand, stomped on the ground with her short legs vigorously, and the ponytail on her head bounced and bounced.

   "Haha, so that's the case, so can I take Mary with me this time?"

  Edward looked at the angry little loli with a smile, walked over, stroked her red hair, and said with a smile.

   "Oh? Really?" Little Lolita still couldn't believe it, she shook her head and looked into Edward's eyes and asked.

  After receiving a positive reply from Edward, she jumped up and down happily, as if going to work with Edward was an exciting thing for her.

   "Let's go, let's go to work!" The little Lolita jumped and held Casey's hand standing aside, and dragged her back to her room.

   "Let's go! Let's go get ready too!" Edward said to Lucy who was following him, watching the cheerful pace of little Lolita.

   Half an hour later, Edward was wearing aristocratic uniforms, a purple cloak, leather boots made of precious rhinoceros hide, and a yellow lion embroidered on the surface.

  The little Lolita is wearing a long pink dress, with a butterfly hairpin on her head, light red lip gloss on her lips, and a little angel pendant around her neck.

  In her arms, she held a bear toy that Edward gave her.

   "Mary, why did you bring the bear out?"

   Edward asked suspiciously.

   "Brother Edward, Little Bear hasn't come out for a long time, I want to take him outside for a stroll!"

  Little Loli tilted her head and said in a delicate voice, looking very reasonable.

   "Alright then! Let's go!" Edward said, holding little Lolita's hand.

  Edward walked in front with Little Lolita, and Lucy, Luna, and Casey followed behind and got into the carriage together.

  Since it is a carriage dedicated to the royal family this time, it is very spacious, and it is not crowded at all when several people sit on it.

  The carriage, driven by three horses, was driving in the middle, while fifty guards rode on horses, following around, protecting Edward's safety.

   This time Edward and his party came out, mainly because the task he assigned to Udall had been successfully completed, and the actors had also rehearsed for nearly a month, but the performance.

  So, before that, Edward sent someone to invite some major ministers and nobles in London, as well as some rich and wealthy businessmen, to let them come to enjoy the performance together today.

  (end of this chapter)

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