My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 114: The Agony Life Cannot Bear

Chapter 114

What does it mean to sit at home while a green hat falls from the sky?

Little Fatty silently mourned for his uncle for two seconds.

His uncle was about to or had already been given a green hat, yet he had to pretend nothing was wrong while quietly distributing safety amulets to his classmates who had been in a group fight that day.

He even felt the safety amulet in his hand was a bit hot to touch, after all, Shi Li had said that the master his uncle had brought home was a fake monk. Since he was a fake monk, the chances of his safety amulets working were slim.

He didn't even feel comfortable giving them to his male classmates, as these amulets coming from his uncle's hands might be tainted.

Shi Li carefully tucked the safety amulet into her phone case: [Other company bosses face numerous calamities, but Little Fatty's uncle, apart from his wife running off with a fake monk, has never been heard to encounter any danger, and even his company has never experienced any difficulties]

[The master is a true master, this safety amulet's side effect might be wearing a green hat, but it truly keeps one safe]

Little Fatty: !!!

Others: Don't stop me, I don't have a partner, I'm not afraid of being cheated on.

Among them, Song Ying accepted Little Fatty's safety amulet most solemnly, as she still had a deadly crisis waiting for her in the near future, so this safety amulet was very necessary for her.

The safety amulet that had felt a bit hot to touch earlier, now filled him with confidence and positive energy as he handed them out!

And in that secret base where Shi Li wasn't present, Little Fatty suddenly became the center of attention, with everyone asking him for safety amulets, and some even inquiring about love charms, beauty charms, wealth charms...

Safety amulets were definitely available, as many as they wanted at home.

As for the other types of charms people were wishing for, Little Fatty said he needed to go home and ask his uncle about them.

Although the master often came to their home to "perform rituals", Little Fatty didn't often see this master, let alone be familiar with him.

As the bell for the next class rang, after putting down his phone, Little Fatty was in a state of bewilderment. What should have been a tragic event of his uncle being cheated on had suddenly transformed, with his uncle becoming a tycoon holding effective safety amulets.

Little Fatty thought: You may have lost love and your wife, but you've gained a peaceful and smooth second half of your life, what's not good about that?

Although Little Fatty saw it as a good thing, given that it involved his uncle being cheated on, he felt he should give his uncle a heads up, to prepare him in advance.

This was to prevent the situation from happening too suddenly and causing him too much harm.

Unlike other rich kids who paid to attend Qianpu School, Little Fatty's parents weren't actually wealthy.

Little Fatty's uncle was successful, with high IQ and EQ. According to Little Fatty's Mom, all the family's talent was concentrated in Little Fatty's Uncle.

Little Fatty's Uncle had built his success from scratch. Little Fatty's Dad wasn't very capable and earned money through manual labor. As the younger brother, he felt sorry for his older brother's hard work, so he let his brother work at his company. Little Fatty's Dad didn't have to work hard jobs anymore, and was given a salary for free.

This was somewhat similar to the relationship between Shi Li's Uncle and Shi Li's Younger Uncle, but it was also different. Shi Li's family had a family business to inherit, which Shi Li's Younger Uncle had a share in.

But Little Fatty's Uncle's money was all earned by himself, with no connection to Little Fatty's Dad.

Shi Li's Younger Uncle's monthly salary of a few thousand yuan couldn't compare to the salary Little Fatty's Uncle paid Little Fatty's Dad.

Little Fatty's Uncle supported his elder brother's family, and even his nephew practically lived at Little Fatty's Uncle's house, which was no secret in their circle.

Without comparison, there's no harm. Therefore, Hong Yan was very dissatisfied with her husband's monthly salary of a few thousand yuan. Not only because these few thousand couldn't satisfy her personal desires, but also because of the comparison with Little Fatty's Dad.

When Hong Yan wanted to get benefits from others, she didn't think about what she had contributed.

Little Fatty's Uncle was raised by his elder brother, and his college tuition was earned by Little Fatty's Dad working on construction sites.

He had originally planned to use this money to get married, but when his younger brother got into college, at that time everyone thought a high school education was completely sufficient, and the family didn't have extra money for the younger son's education.

Rural people didn't know the importance of university education. Compared to a university degree they knew nothing about, a real daughter-in-law was obviously more useful. They were looking forward to their son getting married so the elderly couple could hold their grandchild soon.

Little Fatty's Dad gave the prepared bride price money for his brother's education. He couldn't get married and it took several more years to save enough bride price to marry Little Fatty's Mom and have Little Fatty.

It can be said that without the tuition Little Fatty's Dad gave at that time, there wouldn't be Little Fatty's Uncle's present success.

Little Fatty's Uncle always remembered his brother's kindness. After he made money, he started to repay his brother, treating Little Fatty like his own son.

Little Fatty's Dad was also very self-aware, never causing trouble for his brother.

Whatever his brother gave him, he took; whatever his brother didn't give, he never reached out to ask for.

And Little Fatty's Uncle never shortchanged his brother. When his brother didn't ask for things, he became even more enthusiastic about giving him good things.

Little Fatty was also grateful for his uncle's kindness.

Little Fatty didn't know how to remind his uncle, but he hoped this hadn't happened yet, that they could drive away the fake monk, that his aunt could pull back from the brink, and that his uncle could still have a family.

He knew his classmates were all gossips, and since they learned from Shi Li that his uncle would be cheated on by a fake monk in the future, they were surely very curious and hoped to witness the drama firsthand.

But this concerned his own uncle, and he wanted to save face for his uncle, not wanting everyone to watch his uncle's embarrassing situation.

So Little Fatty apologized in the group chat: [Sorry, dear classmates, I know you're all very concerned about my uncle, but because this isn't my own family's affair, I can't bring you all to witness it firsthand]

[But I will timely update you all on the progress of events in the group chat]

Little Fatty spoke so sincerely, and even though everyone couldn't get firsthand gossip, he provided an alternative measure. How could anyone say no to that?

It's a favor for someone to let you witness gossip firsthand, and there's nothing wrong with not bringing you along.

Everyone expressed their gratitude to Little Fatty for being willing to share the progress of events with his classmates.

Little Fatty was touched that his classmates could understand him.

Amid his feelings of gratitude, he had to worry about one thing: how to tactfully share this matter with his uncle without hurting him?

No matter how you say it, this kind of thing is hard to express tactfully.

So Little Fatty went to freeload at his uncle's house again. Little Fatty's Aunt warmly welcomed her husband's gluttonous nephew.

Knowing from Shi Li that his kind and gentle aunt would run off with a fake monk in the future, Little Fatty felt uncomfortable every time he saw her now.

After dinner, in a private space with just his uncle, Little Fatty hesitantly gave what he thought was a tactful reminder. But to Little Fatty's Uncle's ears, it wasn't tactful at all.

It wasn't about doubting his wife because he favored his nephew.

Rather, hearing such a thing, anyone's heart would skip a beat, leading them to investigate the truth of the matter.

Afraid of misunderstanding his wife, Little Fatty's Uncle repeatedly investigated for a week.

The scab from the scratch on Shi Li's face had completely fallen off, leaving a tender pink mark.

Only then could Little Fatty's Uncle confirm that his wife had indeed gotten together with the master he had invited.

Since he was catching them in the act, he naturally investigated the master's background, and Little Fatty's Uncle discovered that the master he had revered as an honored guest was actually a fake monk.

Learning these two pieces of news at the same time, he felt as if he had been betrayed twice in one day, by his wife and by his master.

The most infuriating part was that these two people had actually gotten together.

It was a pain too great for life to bear.

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