My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1364: Song Yan’s arrival !

Chapter 1364: Song Yan’s arrival !

The faces of the teachers and students turned pale upon seeing the thing hovering from the dome. If not for the fact that the enlarged face was eating them, it would have looked rather comical. However, that large face with rotting skin grinned down at them, and there was blood smeared on its lips as she spat out a single word, "Die!" Before unleashing the wrath on the students and the teachers.

Its tongue reached out and grabbed the students on the ground one by one, seeing the enlarged face-attacking them, the students were so scared that they almost fainted. Immediately panic ensued among the crowd, even the adults could not withstand such a thing, how could the children?

More and more children tried to run away, only to be twisted and killed.

Blood and screams scattered all over the place. Wu Jin who saw what was happening could no longer stay put, if this went on then there would be a massacre!

He gritted his teeth and looked at the stack of talismans in his hands, he had used quite a lot but there was still a bit left. He thought about it carefully and rushed forward.

"Deputy Chief Wu!" Yun Shan and Yun Yi screamed, and even Gu Yang who was with them widened his eyes and looked at Wu Jin. Seeing how brave he was, Gu Yang decided to follow him from now on! Earlier he called Master Nian but the man ignored him. He did not even answer his call after finding out that three of their teammates died.

What did it mean? It meant that he did not care about the life and death of the team members! A man as rotten as that, what was the point in following him? He would let them work for him when everything was fine and when things went awry, Officer Nian went missing. It was better to follow someone like Wu Jin at least he was protecting his teammates with everything that he had in his hands!

"Stay back!" Wu Jin shouted when he saw that Yun Shan and Yun Yi were getting close. He took out the stack of talismans from his pockets and then threw the high-grade ones at the enlarged face that was busy feasting on the terrified students.

The talismans flew towards the enlarged face at the centre of the dome before


A roar echoed inside the dome, it shook the earth causing many trees to fall and crumble. The enlarged face of Ye Xiyuan looked at the patch of skin that was smoking and turned to look at the person who threw the talismans at her. Her black eyes turned malevolent with a hint of murderous energy and sneered.

"Not good," Chen Xing who had hardly recovered said to Wu Jin. "That thing is now going to deal with us!" It would have been fine if it was alone but there were the scuttling skulls and corpses behind them as well!

Wu Jin's expression was not good either. He looked at the enlarged face that twisted around and turned its attention to him, with such a little space, where the enlarged face could see everything, Wu Jin could not hide from it.

He clutched the talismans in his hands and said to the rest, "Take cover!"

It was a good thing that he said this as the enlarged face opened its mouth at that very moment and tried to behead Wu Jin who threw another talisman at it. Chen Xing used his familiar to cut the corpses behind them, however, the more they were destroyed the more they came out and harmed others.

In fact, Chen Xing and the rest could see that the reviving rate of these corpses had quickened which showed that the dark entity's cultivation was getting higher and higher!

Chen Xing's expression darkened. He summoned a bunch of talismans which were lit up with purplish flames. He waved his hands and then the talismans flew to form a circle. Chen Xing then pushed the talismans towards the corpses that burned and screamed in agony.

"It will give us some time," Chen Xing sighed and then turned to look at his teammates. "You all pay attention and don't lose focus!"

The team members nodded, seeing them turn their attention back to the army of corpses, Chen Xing sighed and then turned to look at the entrance of the training centre. He could not help but worry about Song Yan, where was she? Why did she not arrive till now?

Not long after, Wu Jin and the rest of the members of Chen Xing's team were pushed into a


The army of corpses had broken free from the restraint that Chen Xing had created for them and was rushing to kill them. As soon as they broke free of the restraint, chaos ensued. They could not be controlled and attacked anyone who came in their path.

Wu Jin and Chen Xing continued to attack the evil spirits. They threw talismans one after another and watched the things burn in pain but it was impossible for them to burn every corpse away as there were too many!

Behind them, Yun Shan and Yun Yi were crying tears of bitter regret. If they had known that there were really ghosts in this world they would have never done something like barging inside this dome structure.

They thought that it was nothing but a hologram to scare them and now they were caught in this trouble! If they hadn't rushed in like idiots, then Wu Jin wouldn't have to be so careful!

"I swear I will never look down on the supernatural from now on," Yun Shan gritted out as he flung another talisman at the large tongue of the enlarged face that grinned at them and attacked them again and again.

Who knew whether it could feel pain or not but it did not stop attacking them no matter what!

The enlarged face and the corpses continued to swipe at them but they only had a few talismans left in their hands. Maybe the things sensed that they were pushed into a corner, so they attacked them even more ruthlessly!

One of the evil spirits reached out and then caught Yan Shan by his throat. Its slimy, long tongue was wrapped around Yan Shan's throat like a vice, it did not let go and continued to choke Yan Shan. It did not take long for Yan Shan's face to turn blue and he started sputtering. Wu Jin saw this and his expression changed, he immediately threw out a talisman at the thing that was attacking Yan Shan. When the talisman hit it, the thing let out a blood-curdling scream and shrank back in pain, the corpse looked at Wu Jin with red eyes as if she was waiting for him to lower his guard so she could kill him. What Wu Jin did not notice was that when he was looking at the thing, the enlarged face had reached out its tongue and was only a few meters away from his head.

The enlarged face was too fast and by the time Chen Xing reacted, Wu Jin was already caught!

Seeing this everyone was terrified!

"DEPUTY CHIEF WU!" Yun Shan and Yun Yi screamed in despair. If something happened to Wu Jin what would they do? How would they live with themselves after knowing that he got killed because of their foolishness?

Wu Jin closed his eyes in despair thinking that he was going to die and did not struggle


But then, a figure rushed past them and jumped in the air. The air moved with the movements of the figure before something sharp glinted under the red light of the dome, the tongue of

the enlarged face was cut in half and fell on the ground along with Wu Jin.

The enlarged face howled in pain as it did not expect something like this to happen and looked at the dark blood on the ground that was seeping out of the tongue that had been detached from its body.

The corpses that had Ye Xiyuan's face also screamed in agony when they saw something like

this happening.

Yun Shan and Yun Yi were scared out of their wits with what happened just now. Seeing that Wu Jin escaped death somehow they heaved a sigh of relief. They immediately rushed forward and then hugged Wu Jin fiercely, just now they were scared to death.

On the side, Chen Xing and the rest were also shocked by what happened. They released a sigh of relief when they saw that Wu Jin was fine and nothing happened to him. They turned to see who was this brave figure that rushed forward to deal with these things.

"Closure, second form," a familiar voice rang out as red cubes appeared in the surroundings and enclosed the corpses that were running amok!


[Please check out my new work: Escaped My Ex and Got Snatched by His Rival. I will be

grateful if you do, it's a wonderful story if only you give it a try.]

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