Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 128: Workers' bravery and passion

Chapter 128: Workers' bravery and passion

As soon as he thought of the integrity of Captain America, Zhang Lan suddenly thought of a problem that he had always ignored.

That's... What would it be like to meet Captain America and Johnny of Thunderbolt?


In the imagination, ten fire trucks were already roaring and stopped at the edge of the airport. The firefighters on the truck did not get off. They were preparing for the fire trucks and waited to ensure that they would catch up immediately To the rescue site.

After a short while, a full of 20 ambulances came one after another, and the uniform sirens sounded. The distant vehicles heard them and driven the cars to make way.

And Zhang Lan has been waiting for the sand truck, but he has been late.

Andre in the distance ran again, worried.

"That, blue, something went wrong." Andre said quickly: "The truck carrying the sand was blocked. A bridge passing by the airport was blown up to a width of four meters. The sand truck was stuck. On the bridge, it is temporarily unable to move."

Zhang Lan heard that he immediately realized that this was a warning from Hydra.

Otherwise no one will stop the movement of several sand trucks at this moment.

frowned tightly.

This airport will be used for forced landing later. The underground is also rich in soil, there are very few rocks, and not much sand can be broken.

Nearly is residential houses. This time the sand to be used is very large. Opening a hole underground can cause local collapse.

The collapse of a residential house was not a joke. A building that fell down was a few hundred casualties.

Zhang Lan answered Tony's call.

"Tony, this is the case... can there be a lot of sand in other places?"

"Wait a moment, I'll check." Tony paused for ten seconds or so: "Blue, large trucks are strictly registered to enter the city of Los Angeles. At present, there are 18 large buildings under construction in Los Angeles, which is the closest to here. ...Oh,'good news', they are stuck on the bridge and have fifteen heavy trucks."

"Shit! This is really not good news!" Zhang Lan scolded fiercely: "Tony, you come down to pick me up, and we rush to the flyover, hoping that the cracks blown up are not big!"

"OK, OK, am I a driver today?"

had no time to care about Tony. Zhang Lan had a shadow avatar with a small amount of Chakra, and then immediately cancelled. The sand avatar, who had been on standby on the passenger plane, received relevant news immediately.

Interfered with electromagnetic waves in the passenger plane, only rely on this to transmit messages.

Sand Doppelganger asked: "Eddie, there are some changes in the situation. How long can I persist now?"

Yidi: "The safety scale of fuel quantity is only 15 minutes. If you want to stick to it, you must refuel in the air, and then you can only see how long the engine of the passenger aircraft can last."

Doppelganger: "Why is the engine so close to the limit? Even if it is an old passenger aircraft, it should be more than this time?"

Yidi: "This is an accident caused by the movement of the Hydra, disguised as an engine problem, and it is eye-catching."

Avatar nodded, differentiated a shadow avatar, and then canceled.


Tony came and hurriedly, took Zhang Lan and took off directly, so that he had no time to put on the holy cloth, and received the news of the shadow split on the passenger plane halfway, his face became more gloomy.

From the very beginning, Hydra had no intention of letting off this passenger plane.

From the "accidental" fall of the landing gear, to the problem of the engine, it was all for classifying the crash to the airline, thereby letting Zhang Lan evaporate from the world.

The wealth of money is touching, this is how he is aware of his Chakra system, how tempting is Hydra.

Iron Mans energy ejector is very fast, the bridge at the accident site arrived within ten seconds, and was very close to the airport, just a ten-minute drive.

"Tony, I'm sorry, there is not enough oil in the passenger plane over there, so..."

"OK, OK, I will solve it, don't you need me here, right?" Tony was very helpless.



Zhang Lan hadn't finished a word yet. Tony had already launched an energy ejector and flew straight to the airport.

Air refueling was given to Tony. Zhang Lan was very relieved and settled down on the broken bridge incident here.

Tony chose to stay in front of the first truck, which was three meters away from the break of the bridge deck. It was not because the driver braked in time, I was afraid that it had fallen off.

The sea is under the bridge, and the heavy truck has fallen off. The driver is afraid that it will be difficult to survive.

Going forward, Zhang Lan looked back, and the heavy truck was crooked afterwards. I thought it was because of the sudden brakes. I was caught by surprise, too late to adjust the position. Several cars were hit together, counted, and there were 13 The car, plus the first one is fourteen...


Isn't it fifteen?

Zhang Lan stunned and walked quickly towards the truck door.

The driver is a black man. His teeth are very white, and he must be very beautiful when he smiles. He is wearing a suit full of dirt and dirt. The company logo on the chest has been worn. There is only a faint trace. I want to come. This coverall has been with its owner for many years.

The black driver's mood was not high. When Zhang Lan drove up, he took off his headphones and squeezed out a smile, but the smile was not much better than crying, and there was a trace of tears in the corner of his eyes.

What made him cry?

'S unforeseen hunch deepened.

"Hello, thank you very much for coming, aren't you fifteen heavy trucks? Why are there only fourteen now?" Zhang Lan asked politely.

The black driver heard the words and took a deep breath with excitement. He didn't say much, but pointed to the crack in the bridge in front of him.

It goes without saying.

"I'm really sorry." Zhang Lan didn't have a taste in his heart: "However, I still want to ask if you have any way to contact the drivers behind me. I have something to say."

The black driver still didnt answer. He pointed his mobile phone at the front of the car. Zhang Lan probe looked down. The screen of the mobile phone looked down on a heavy truck. Through the window, a teenager probe could be seen looking at the mobile phone screen in the corner of the heavy truck. The driver's seat is a black driver in worn work clothes.

This is Zhang Lan's live screen.

On that live broadcast screen, Zhang Lan can still see several barrage lines crossed, which is a newly developed function of Tony and they wrote-

"It is the team organized by their brothers~~ to take the lead."

"Blue, he is dumb, and his vocal cords are damaged."

"Zhang, it was his brother who fell."


This sentence of barrage hit the softness deep inside Zhang Lan's heart, and his eyes became uncontrollably red.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Lan turned to look at the black driver:

"Do you mean that all heavy truck drivers are watching the live broadcast?"

Black drivers nodded affirmatively.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan first withdrew from the cockpit, took off the waist hoist and threw it to the last heavy truck compartment, walked to the crack of the bridge, bowed deeply, got up after three seconds, then turned to the black driver , Facing him, facing the remaining fourteen heavy trucks, bowing deeply, it took three seconds to straighten up.

said Zhang Lanlang, his voice was very loud, and he was roaring with all his strength.

"I'm sorry, but now it's not a time of sorrow, there are nearly 400 people waiting for me over the airport, waiting for you, to rescue them together, and I will build a bridge made of sand next time. Use my life to ensure that there will be no problems. Now, heavy trucks who dare to pass through my sand bridge, please start your car."

As Zhang Lan's words fell, the first black driver twisted the key without hesitation. The heavy truck's engine sounded a low and powerful roar, roaring instead of its owner.

After the first black driver roared, followed by the second, third, fourth... until the last fourteenth.

For a time, these fourteen heavy trucks sounded the roar of their workers. Through Zhang Lan's live broadcast, they showed to millions of people in front of the network that the workers were brave and bloody.

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