Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 131: rescue!

Chapter 131: rescue!

"Boom! Boom!"

In the wreckage of the blazing flames, bursts of bombardment came out, and then pieces of metal flew out. The firefighters were difficult to access for a time, and they could only use high-pressure water guns to suppress the fire.

Because the steel armor could not be opened without authorization, the ambulance crew rushed by Fang Fang had no way for Tony. On the one hand, the strict cabin wrapped in sand armor, without Zhang Lans assistance, they could not enter. .

The scene was at a standstill for a while.


However, he said that Zhang Lan rushed into the wreckage of the aircraft for the first time. He who opened the four doors did not fear any explosion. He could detect the location of the explosion as soon as he wrote the wheel, and it was very easy to escape. of.

Flames blocked Zhang Lan's sight. He didn't rush into the cockpit for the first time, but rummaged through the external wreckage. He quickly discovered Tony's red and gold striped steel war suit, not looking at the outside. Whether the suit was scorched by flames, a small layer of sand attached to the palm, kicked away the metal fragments pressed against Tony's body, and pulled the right hand of the steel suit and ran out.

First, after Tony was rescued safely, Zhang Lan was free to return to the cabin to rescue Edie.

The selfishness of human nature, Zhang Lan is not a saint. To save nature is to save Tony first.

After entering, I found that the damage to the cabin was not very serious. Tony had strengthened the propulsion force by death, which greatly delayed the acceleration of the nose and avoided the anxious crisis of the nose. So in the first wave of explosions, they were all The time bomb in the cabin is exploding, and some parts of the cockpit are exploding instead of the entire cockpit.

This gave Zhang Lan a glimmer of hope. You know, Edie was also wearing a steel suit, although it was portable, and now has a cabin as a buffer, the result is unknown.

Excited Zhang Lan didn't even consider taking out his weapon. He bombarded the cockpit wreck with bare hands. Several punches separated him directly. The sound of bombardment instead of explosion sounded. As for the flying metal fragments, all It was the wreckage of the cockpit that he flew out of.

After opening the gap enough to pass, Zhang Lan flashed into the cockpit. At first glance, he saw the steel armor that was sandwiched between the two pieces of metal. With a kick, the metal debris pressed on it kicked to a height of several meters. Zhang Lan hand Pulling out Eddie caught in it very quickly, the falling metal debris smashed into the air, making a crashing roar.

It's a pity that there is only a weak roar, Zhang Lan is already pulling Edie out.

The impact of this large piece of metal wreckage was like a signal. The remaining explosives began to burst and burst out in this small cockpit, emitting a dense burst of firecrackers.

This can only be the last farewell, Zhang Lan has already dragged Edie to the place where Tony was dropped.

There was simply no time to look back at the roar. While the injured door was still open, Zhang Lan had one on each of his left and right hands, holding two masks of steel war suits, using Cunjin to pull it out.

Edie's side was simply turned into a card that was taken away by Zhang Lan, but Tony had an accident on this side. The first effort failed to pull it out, only the mask's shell was pinched out of a few grooves.

It's hard to see!

Zhang Lan frowned, preparing to try again, just raised his hand, a burst of blood shot out of the skin, maintaining the wound for a long time, the muscles had long been broken, and now he is preparing to further open the skin and flesh!

Helpless, in order not to vomit visceral debris, Zhang Lan closed the injury door, the turbulent Chakra began to slowly fade, and finally left traces of blood red in his body, wearing a holy cloth, blue and red intertwined, before the live broadcast The audience are all frowning and heartache.

Now Zhang Lan can't describe it with embarrassment.

The blue cloak on the body was basically not damaged. After all, it was partially blessed by the Edman alloy, but the elegant blue cloak was not so lucky. Only the poor three points left by the flames One of them is a little bit black and black, and there is no more scenery in the past. Although the saint cloth on his body was not damaged, he was also stained with a lot of blood stained by the short-lived blood of his own. The blood slipped down the saint cloth and painted **** lines.

Even more miserable is that he himself has been stained with blood for most of his life, but only his face has no blood stains, but he has also been blackened by the flames in the wreckage of the prince's head. The white teeth between his mouths are particularly obvious.

Coupled with the not yet closed writing wheel eyes, it has a special temptation for women.

The ambulance staff who had been waiting for a long time had swarmed in, and Zhang Lan, who was obviously "injured", was surrounded by seven or eight beautiful doctors, specialist emergency doctors, and nurses. He cared about his meal and fumbled around with his small hands. Knowing whether you are determining whether Zhang Lan was victimized or taking the opportunity to get up close.

"Oh, Blue, are you okay? I touched it, oh! This muscle is strained! Let me bandage!"

"Ah! Blue, you have a lot of blood on your body, I will wipe it for you first."

"Blue, don't move, I'll listen to your! So fast! Is it shy~ hee hee."


Where is this ambulance, obviously is a fair and just play.

After all, Zhang Lan was a living and moving wreck before~~ This is not like a seriously injured person.

Ambulances with slow legs stomped their feet indignantly, and several squatted down to examine the unconscious Edie.

The rushed ambulance staff, most of them were beautiful girls, and the remaining male doctors looked at Zhang Lan, surrounded by flowers, as a doctor's duty, letting him cried carefully and shouted. :

"That, blue, could you please put the layer of sand in the boot compartment first? Let's go in and check the wounded."

Shout, shouted.

It's just that his voice is not loud. Under the close (tune) and protection (play) of Yingyingyanyan beside Zhang Lan, he doesn't know if he can hear it.

Zhang Lan was surrounded by the beautiful nurses and doctors in front of him. A group of beautiful women put their hands on themselves, so that he almost did not hold the "hard". If it was not painful, their small hands touched it, then It is really painful and happy.

Pain-muscle rupture, blood vessel burst, excessive overdraft of body energy, even if the beautiful woman's small hand touches it, it is also irritated.

Happiness-as long as it is a normal man, being touched by a group of beautiful uniforms and beautiful women, it can really be stimulated.

Therefore, Zhang Lan did not know whether he should refuse to hear the male doctor's cry.

And just when Zhang Lan was entangled in whether to push away Huanfei Yan's skinny around her, the female doctor overseeing Yidi had no reason to **** the position beside Zhang Lan, and his face was grim, assisting another female nurse Try artificial respiration, shouting behind yourself:

"Stretcher! Quick! Stretcher! The injured person's heart stopped suddenly, his breathing stopped, hemorrhage in the whole body, he prepared a defibrillator, urgently tested the patient's blood type, and performed emergency infusion!"

[Please read the original article, to be continued]

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