Pick Me Up!

Chapter 65: Value and Worthlessness (3) (2)

Chapter 65: Value and Worthlessness (3) (2)

[What the hell are you doing?]

As long as you dont kill him, its okay, right?

Velkist looked at the man writhing on the ground under his feet and said.

Stick your arm back on yourself. If you press it against the cross-section, it should stick by itself. But again, Ive never tried cutting myself, so I wouldnt know.

The plaza froze for a moment.

Blood flowed from the sword Velkist held in his right hand.

I came back after a round of beating, and theres an interesting scene happening. I like it a lot. My hands are itching, are there any more brats like him?

You lunatic!

Someone hidden in the crowd shouted.

Its better than being a damn pig. Dont you think so, senior?

Velkist looked at me and smirked.

I frowned.

Who the hell do you think you are to step forward?

I apologize. It was so disgusting that my hand moved without my knowing.

Velkist wiped off the blood and put the sword back in its sheath.

Then he went to the wall in a corner of the plaza and leaned against it.

The man was crawling toward his severed arm.

He got lucky.

If Velkist hadnt stepped in, Iselles hand would have crushed his skull.

Iselle soared into the air, then turned her gaze to the 3rd party that had just joined the plaza.

[So did you hear the news?]

You mean the division of the 1st and 2nd floors? The 1st floor is crawling in the mud, and the 2nd floor is treated well.

[In short, thats right. And you guys are on the 1st floor too.]

Dont worry. Well be up soon.

Velkist pointed at me.

Neryssa was standing beside him with her eyes closed.

[Ill summarize it again for the idiots who couldnt understand. Among the total of 35 members, 13 are on the 2nd floor. The remaining 22 are on the 1st floor. The 2nd-floor folks have freedom. You can use all the facilities in the waiting room. But not the 1st-floor folks. If you go up to the 2nd floor and get caught, I might kill you!]

Iselle clenched her fist threateningly.

[If you want to go to the 2nd floor, improve your abilities. Everyone, pay attention. We have a perfect example right here!]

Iselle pointed at me and stuck her nose up.

[Follow the example of the super ace who can do anything, Han! Have you seen how we did on the 15th floor? Did you see it? You guys cant even imagine. Truly ingenious tactics and Aw, aw, hehehe!]

I pulled Iselles cheek.

But the attention was focused on me.

Did I end up with another tiring role?

I had said something similar before.

I took a deep breath and spoke.

If you want to be treated like a human being, you have to show your abilities. Whether its in battle or whatever. The Master is watching you. If he deems it sufficient, even if you dislike it, hell send you to the 2nd floor.

Even so, isnt this going too far? We were brought here without knowing anything. And now were being forced into this kind of life.

One of the guys burst into tears.

Velkist detached himself from the wall. His right hand was on his sheath.

I spoke in a chilly voice.

Dont you dare take a move.

Velkist returned to his spot in silence.

I continued speaking.

Were the same as you. We were dragged here without warning. No, it was even more cruel than that. Isnt that right, Jenna?

Well, thats true. We didnt even have anything to eat. We would have ended up synthesized right away if we made a small mistake.

We trained all day like idiots. And its all coming back now.

Does that mean youre telling us to fight alongside you?

Thats how its going to be.

We didnt really need many support or collection roles yet.

Most of them would become combatant heroes, and among them, a handful of talented individuals would be able to go to the 2nd floor. 

The guy lowered his head.

One side accepts, and the other side doesnt. Its half and half.

Some people appeared deep in thought.

There were also people going down to the 1st floor with a sense of resignation.

But there were also those who clearly showed their dissatisfaction.

It was a simple psychological response.

Given and then taken away. They had their enjoyment snatched away in an instant. They were bound to be resentful. This part was a mistake by Anytng.

To easily transition the system, the timing of free draws should have been delayed, or the steps should have been gradually implemented. To put it simply, the new system was established firmly but also quickly, and hasty changes can cause a backlash.


Like this.

A pleasantly chubby middle-aged man wiped his forehead and spoke.

We wont accept this. Being treated like trash and being told to go fight? Wheres the logic in this!

You bastards didnt follow orders even when you were well-fed.

Velkist sneered.

The man didnt back down and shouted.

Isnt that right, comrades?

Yes. We will reclaim our rightful rights!

Nearly ten people instantly gathered together.

The chubby guy smiled with satisfaction.

Did you think we wouldnt know about the secret youve been hiding?


The way to force the Master to change his will. We know how can let this little monster touch us. You might have tried to hide it, but weve all found out. So? If we want to be treated like human beings, why do we have to risk our lives fighting monsters? Isnt this madness?


From now on, we declare our refusal to participate!

People centered around the chubby guy, raised their fists.

With sound effects, the system message was updated.

[Sitan () has refused to deploy!]

[4th Party is inoperable.]

[5th Party is inoperable.]

[Massive protest situation!]

[Heroes are causing a riot!]

I chuckled.

Messing around without understanding the true meaning of this.

I took out my sword from my belt and placed it below my feet.

I pushed down with my foot, and the sword spun on the plaza floor and slid towards the group.

Cut off one of your arms with that sword. Just like that guy. Then Ill spare you.

I pointed to the man who was desperately trying to reattach his severed arm.

The chubby man spoke as if he was looking at a madman.

Ha, have you gone crazy?

I cant help you if you dont listen to my words! Consider it a cheap education fee.

[Master, synthesis is starting!]


The door of the Synthesis Hall opened.

Hi there this is Hyung_Otaku, we finally caught up to the Manhwa! Hope they dont publish a new chapter today :'( It was really hard but I finally managed to catch up! If you enjoyed the story so far and this new chapter please consider supporting me. If its on Patreon I would really appreciate it and it would really help considering how much time Im investing in this story, you can also read one chapter ahead of the free releases by subscribing, but if not, saying thanks or writing one comment can really make up my day too

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