Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 108: Repaying Debt

Chapter 108: Repaying Debt

Thinking of Lin Xiao, Rosie clenched her jaws, and was envious.

Who knew what kind of schemes he had, but all of Lin Xiaos opponents forfeited in the group competitions, and he effortlessly qualified for the next round.

The knockout competition was even more strange.

Lin Xiaos first opponent was the boss of the warrior department, hurricane swordsman Sam. Everyone thought his luck ran out, but something strange happened once again.

In the first round, Sam actually forfeited!

Apparently, Sam got in a fight with someone in the bar the day before the competition and was heavily injured so he couldnt participate in the competition. And thus, Lin Xiao won once again without fighting and successfully advanced to the top four.

As soon as that news got out, there was an uproar. Everyone expressed that they were unable to accept such preposterous results, people suspected one by one that Lin Xiao used some sinister methods to threaten his opponents to forfeit.

Of course, the two judges, Woos and Momm also found it strange, so they went looking for the injured Sam after the competition and asked him about what happened in detail.

Sorry teacher, it was indeed my own fault, it had nothing to do with Lin Xiao I didnt fall prey to Lin Xiaos plots, neither did I duel with Lin Xiao, I furthermore didnt get injured by him during the duel how is that possible? I-Im a fifth level warrior, how could I lose to him? Impossible, no way.

That was Sams position.

Although they didnt quite understand what he meant by the duel with Lin Xiao, but since he himself already said it, then that proved that Lin Xiao never used any treacherous methods.

So Lin Xiao won fair and square.

So he was cleared of any suspicion and in addition to his nickname of the S-class muddler he also obtained another one, Gods Apostle.

If he wasnt, how could he have such good luck?

Of course, Rosie didnt believe that. She knew that Lin Xiao must have sneakily did something, but she didnt bother exposing it.

Right now, she and Lin Xiao were in the same position, Lin Xiaos advancement was great news for her!

That was also the real reason for why she came looking for Lin Xiao!

Cough Er hm

Rosie cleared her throat and put on a vigorous smile, ordered Afu to wait on the street, walked up by herself and prepared to knock on the door.

Eh? Whys the door unlocked? Just as she knocked, she noticed that the door opened.

What is going on? Does Lin Xiao not lock the doors when hes at home?

That shouldnt be the case, Lin Xiao would never be that careless. Well, leaving the house without locking the door was impossible.

Rosie was unsure, so she carefully pushed opened the door and tiptoed inside, then perked up her ears to listen for surrounding activity.

As she came to the entrance, she heard an intense argument coming from within the room.

Give me money!!! Someone yelled.

Rosie was startled.

What was happening? Did a thief break in, then met Lin Xiao and it turned from theft into a mugging?

No, that cant be right, in any case, Lin Xiao was a magician, how could he be mugged by a petty thief.

Also, that voice sounded extremely familiar, that clear and dreamy voice undoubtedly belonged to a beauty, but she just momentarily couldnt think of who she was.

Who was it?

Rosie raised her vigilance, hid at the corner of the hallway, stealthily stuck her head out and wanted to get a good look.

The quarrel within the room was still ongoing.

Hey, Elena, why are you asking for money again? You said that you didnt have money to buy roast goat leg yesterday, so I gave you same, now youre coming again and asking for more Strange, arent you spending money way too fast lately?

Tsk, you miser, just forget about it. That clear female voice was Elena, her side was currently facing the hallway, and Rosie could see her worthy curves.

Miser? Hmph, how dare a mere maid, isnt it just some money, Ill give eh, wheres the money I hid underneath my bed? Lin Xiao asked.

The money you hid under your bed? I dont know what youre talking about. Elena feigned innocence.

There was a bag of silver coins under my bed just yesterday, and now its gone Hey, Elena, did you steal it? Lin Xiao interrogated.


It wasnt you? Thats strange, did the bag grow legs and run away? Or, was it picked away by some stray cat? Lin Xiao restrained his anger and calmly asked.

A stray cat? Un, thats possible. Elena seriously answered.

Peh! Dont play dumb with me! Lin Xiao suddenly became very agitated, Youre the damn cat that took it, right! Elena, you werent actually buying groceries, you were secretly spending my money, right?

No! Elena still did not admit it, and at the same time countered, Since you believe that I secretly spent your money, then what about the evidence? Since I spent money, then I shouldve bought something, right, so wheres the thing that I bought?

Saying that, Elena spun in place, her light maid skirt fluttering, like it was trying to show that there was nothing hidden underneath her clothes.

Indeed, Rosie took a close look, the skirt was already super short, and her clothes were also extremely tight, keeping her abundant breasts in place was already very impressive, where else could she hide anything?

Even if Lin Xiao stripped Elena naked, he wouldnt be able to find any evidence!

Evidence? Hmph Elena, dont think that I dont know, but you didnt hide what you bought on you, they already dont exist anymore! Am I right? Lin Xiao loudly exposed her lies.

Dont exist anymore? I-I dont understand what youre saying Elena was slightly panicked.

What you bought isnt hidden in your clothes, its hidden in your stomach! Elena, you secretly took my money to buy roast chicken legs, right! Lin Xiao sternly asked.

Eh? Elena was surprised.

Thats right, Lin Xiao guessed it.

After obtaining the magic crystal and regaining her freedom, not only could Elena buy groceries to cook, but she could also freely shop. So, she stole a bag of silver coins from home and bought her favorite roast chicken legs, and ate until she was satisfied!

She changed all her dissatisfaction towards Lin Xiao into her appetite, amply showcasing her appetite as the Demon King. She spent all the money and then ate all the evidence! Not even leaving a sliver behind!

Although her lies were exposed, Elena wouldnt just give up, she was still making her last ditch efforts.

Lin Xiao, dont slander me without any evidence!

Right, there was no evidence! That was Elenas last resistance.

Anyways she already ate all the chicken legs, whats Lin Xiao going to do, cut open her stomach and check? As long as there was no evidence, this pervert couldnt punish her!

This round was her victory!

Evidence? Hmph, do you think that just because you ate it all, I cant find any evidence? How naive! Lin Xiao coldly snorted, Elena, you can eat all that meat, but you cant erase the smell! As long as you just ate some chicken legs, that fragrant smell of the sauce will definitely still be lingering in your mouth!

What? Hearing that, Elena quickly covered her mouth.

Damn! Because she was eating too quickly and ferociously earlier, she still had some meat stuck between her teeth, so it definitely left some smell, it would be over if Lin Xiao found out.

That was the evidence!

Come! Elena, open your mouth and let me check! Saying that, Lin Xiao pressed towards Elena, and reached out to try and pry open her mouth to take a look.

D-dont come here dont touch me! Elena fell back in a panic.

Hmph, its useless even if you yell! No one will save you! Lin Xiao closed in on her, Whether you have the taste of chicken legs left in your mouth, let me personally sample it!

Personally sample? Hey! W-what are you going to do? Dont tell me Lin Xiao, do you want to die!? Elena covered her precious lips with both her hands.

Tsk isnt it just a kiss? Didnt we kiss a couple of days ago, werent you very happy at the time? Lin Xiao smirked.

Happy? That was an accident! Bastard! I wasnt happy! Elena angrily cursed with a flushed face.

Hmph, I dont care! Since you stole my money, you have to repay your debt! Thats just the way it is! Lin Xiao proposed his demands.

Repay debts? But I dont have any money! Elena steadfastly resisted.

No money? Thats simple, you can use your body!

Lin Xiao suddenly rushed forward and seized Elenas arms, because his movements were too abrupt, they both lost their balance and fell onto the ground together.

Give up! Come! Open your mouth!

Die! In your dreams! Elena shouted while struggling.

Elena, Im not an unreasonable person, Ill kiss you once for every silver coin you stole! Thats very fair, right?

No! Thats not fair! Scram!

Pay the price for your despicable actions, Elena! I remember that I had tens of silver coins, so its tens of kisses!

Tens of kisses? Fuck! Are you some kind of monster? Do you want to bite me to death? Elena cursed viciously with her delicate voice.

Too troublesome? Fine, ten silver coins for a deep kiss, thats more convenient come! I wont dislike you for any reason! Open your mouth! Saying that, Lin Xiao puckered up and leaned forward.

Ha? You dare!? Watch out that I dont bite your tongue off! Elena pressed her lips together tightly, hid her small tongue, and at the same time grabbed Lin Xiaos faced and desperately pushed him back.

Right, you might actually bite me okay, then lets change it up. Lin Xiao let go of Elena and changed the topic, Then Ill change to eating cotton candy! One silver coin per bite, then Ill get my moneys worth!

What? Cotton candy? W-what are you saying? Dont tell me pervert! Thats even more of a no!!! Elena stopped for a moment, then desperately resisted by waving her small fists around and pounding him.

Unfortunately, the frail attack from her tiny soft fists hammering on Lin Xiaos chest couldnt even break through his defense.

Though, when she was swinging her fists around, something on her upper body was swinging substantially and had great destructive power!

Hmph, its useless! No one will come even if you scream till youre hoarse!

Lin Xiao reached out both hands, extended his fingers and changed into attack position, and at the same time purposely let out exaggerated laughs, scaring Elena into a deep panic!

At this time, there was a reaction from her magic detection radar!

Wait Stop, theres someone! Theres someone at the door!

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