Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 127: Twisted Loli, Perfect Saintess

Chapter 127: Twisted Loli, Perfect Saintess

Winterless City

Plaza in front of the Holy Light Church

The not so spacious plaza was packed with people, everyone came to see the event. Perhaps it was because that Saintess was a child and was short, so the people from the church specially built a stage in front of the door, so as long as she stood on it, even the furthest spectator could see her appearance.

There was just a bit of time until the ceremony, the Saintess hasnt appeared yet but everyone had their heads raised in anticipation, everyone wanted to catch a glimpse of the beautiful Saintess.

Wow, theres so many people. Elena, stick close to me! Although you dont stand out as much as usual today, but what if some perverts takes advantage of the situation and assaults your chest!

So is that why youre hugging on to me this whole time? Elena coldly asked.

Uh t-this is to protect you! You dont want to be taken advantage of by a pervert, right?

So youre taking advantage of me before they can? Pervert, where are you putting your hands? Is this how youre protecting me? She lowered her head and looked at those two hands on her breasts that she wanted to just chop off.

Uh hehe, its just a misunderstanding. Strange why cant I let go, its like theyre being sucked in. Lin Xiao said innocently.

The master and servant stood within the crowd in a spot that wasnt too far or too close, waiting for the ceremony to start.

I already told you that I dont need you to come with me, so why did you come? Elena endured the strange sensation coming from her chest and used small movements so that the people next to her doesnt notice, to try to free herself of Lin Xiaos pig hands.

If it was seen that her male master was bullying her, she was for sure to be misunderstood. Although it has happened many times before she definitely doesnt want to be looked at strangely by the other people.

Elena started to suspect that Lin Xiao planned to take advantage of her in a place with a lot of people, and thats why he insisted on accompanying her.

This damn pervert!

Cough, Im a devout believer, I didnt come just to accompany you, I also wanted to take a look, like everyone else. Lin Xiao shamelessly asked, retracted his hands and pointed to the people surrounding them.

Arent you afraid of Woos and Caesar looking for trouble for forfeiting the finals? Elena secretly smoothed the clothes Lin Xiao winkled, and asked.

Uh, I said, Im a devout believer of the Goddess. Lin Xiao repeated his words.

With the Goddess as his shield, he wasnt afraid of anything.

Lombard Kingdom was where the Holy Light Church had the strongest influence, there were numerous followers of the Goddess, although its difficult for them to join the church, but their beliefs will never waver.

The surrounding people were the best proof, there was so much interest with just the first appearance of the Saintess, it was clear to see what place it took in the masses hearts.

So long as Lin Xiao relentlessly claimed he was a believer, then the school wouldnt be able to do anything. After all, if it got out that a student was disciplined because he was a devout believer, then perhaps Archbishop Anderson would personally come to Loran Academy the next day and give the principal a moving lecture on theology.

Sigh, it would have been great if I could have entered the Holy Light Church. Lin Xiao thought with great regret.

As the largest organization across the continent, the benefits were extremely generous, there was money, power, and beauty. If he was able to climb up to the position of the Archbishop, then not only could he obtain limitless glory and wealth, he could also easily posses all the nuns of his diocese, all the beauties would be for his picking, let alone girlfriend, even if he does a nun oh no, guide a nun everyday, he could have a different one every day of the year!

But alas, his dream didnt come to fruition.

When Snow left him to join the Holy Light Church, he also thought about joining and starting as a low lever believer then slowly working his way up. But he was rejected during the interviews.

Although his acting was outstanding and was able to trick the best interviewer, he couldnt trick the Goddess.

Hmph, as if, could the Goddess see through his thoughts? Stop joking.

Also, whats wrong with just lazing around and living decadently? Lin Xiao felt like he was targeted and wasnt treated fairly.

On the other hand, treated completely opposite to him, the person who interviewed Snow was a 30 something intellectual woman. She was a high level believer in Sheryl City called Jasmine. It was said she was a widow and was very beautiful. She also had a daughter who was around the same age as Snow, who was also a believer.

Jasmine was captivated the instant she laid eyes on Snow, her cute appearance along with her tragic backstory doubled her points, so she successfully passed the interview, and officially became a believer.

Isnt that too unfair! Lin Xiao was full of complaints.

He even doubted that there was no Goddess, the interview was also fake, but it was just because Snow was a cute loli and he was a good for nothing that stayed home all day, and wasnt tall, handsome, or cute, and wanted to live a decadent lifestyle, so he was eliminated.

Damn it whats wrong with that? Is he getting looked down on by the Goddess even after coming to a different world?

After being struck by reality, Lin Xiao could only go to Loran Academy and advanced towards his dream of becoming a reserve hero.

Dont know how Snows doing now, but she should be fine with her intellect it seems like that new Saintess is pretty amazing.

He came back to reality and stared at the empty stage while muttering to himself.

There was still a while before the Saintess was going to appear.

Speaking of it, hes somewhat asked around about the new Saintess before.

He heard that it was a young girl, like Snow. Although young, she handled things maturely, she was capable and decisive. On the battlefield, she was an outstanding commander, and back at the church she was a kindhearted Saintess.

Her existence was undoubtedly a blessing to the Holy Light Church, but her excellence attracted a lot of criticisms and nicknames.

Snow Witch was one such name, she also had many other unpleasant nicknames, like damn blindy, blind witch, little ***, etc

Of course, no one dared mentioning this to her face, because the last fool who did so was already fed to the dogs.

Uh do all lolis become mentally warped perverts after becoming blind? The more Lin Xiao thought about it, the stranger it felt.

Everything he heard about the Saintess was exactly like what Snow was like, two-faced, cruel, hypocritical, twisted, unscrupulous, but was a kindhearted loli in everyones eyes, it was clearly just a copy of Snow!

Could she be Snows relative?

Is she not here yet?

After waiting for half a day, the Saint still hadnt shown up and Lin Xiao was getting a bit impatient.

Elena had an expression of not wanting to talk, she raised both arms and crossed them in front of her, protecting herself well so that Lin Xiao had no chance to take advantage of her.

Lin Xiao was bored to death, he wanted to talk but Elena ignored him. Then he suddenly heard a wave of strange sounds.

The people at the front were becoming restless.

Hey, look, two people came out of the church is that the Saintess?

Its her, its her, shes finally here!

Finally, a short blue-haired girl wearing a white robe slowly walked out of the church with her eyes closed. There was also a strangely dressed girl following her.

The girls innocent face was filled with a childish aura, her glistening large eyes had a youthful vigor. She looked a bit older than the little girl, but she wasnt wearing the symbolic long white robe of the Holy Light Church, but a graceful servant attire, a clean black and white gown, with a hat. She was also wearing a beautiful silver necklace on her slender neck, there was a crucifix engraved at the end of it, it was extremely exquisite.

Everyone knew that since the Saintess was blind, she needed a guide so she brought along a servant.

Sure enough, the little girl walked next to the stage, then slowly extended her left hand. The female servant immediately understood, she quickly took her hand and supported her step by step up to the stage, even quietly reminding her to be careful, revealing the servants gentleness.

This scene made everyone present hold their breaths, you could have even heard a pin drop in this large plaza.

Just like this, the young girl that was around 10 finally stood on the stage. She looked down at the masses with her eyes closed, her gentle smile revealing a calmness like she controlled everything in her palms.

The people below the stage were stunned staring at that cute girl that was like a porcelain doll.

Although theyve already heard that the Saintess was very young and beautiful, they would have never imagined that it was to this extent.

Pure and perfect, even if she was blind, the people obstinately believed that she was the most perfect Saintess ever.

This was what a Saintess should be like! She was born to be a Saintess! Similar ideas emerged in everyones hearts.

Like she was responding to everyones expectation, she finally opened her mouth to speak.

Hello residents of Winterless City, its nice to meet you all, my name is Snow, the new Saintess for Winterless City. From now on, I will send everyone light and happiness under the guidance of the Goddess, I hope that everyone can like me!

Cute, down to earth, yet incomparably holy as soon as she finished speaking, a thunderous cheer erupted from below the stage.

Snow? Snow! Saintess, youre so cute!

Snow, I like you!!!

Long live the loli Saintess!

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