President Daddy's Excessive Love

Chapter 2224

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It’s the first time that Cheng Qingqing has heard someone scold her with such ugly words. Yes, she can’t get on the stage, so she chooses the film and television industry, and she wants to stand on the stage.

"It’s naive of you to think that without me, he would fall in love with you, and you take yourself too seriously." Cheng Qingqing sneers back. She really feels that her mother and daughter are confused. Do they think they can control Li Qingyan’s choice? They make jokes more like clowns.

"It’s up to me to think about whether I can get his love or not. It’s not up to you to worry about it. Cheng Qingqing, if you are smart, we will give you a sum of money to make up for it. If you are stubborn and want to continue to dominate my man, I will make you feel miserable." Zhang Yu warned her coldly.

Cheng Qingqing wants to laugh and laugh at their ridiculous ideas. She is greedy and doesn’t want to pay. At the beginning, Zhang Yu refused to marry. It must be because of the rumors from the outside world that their family couldn’t even see Li Qingyan. But they talk a lot here. If they want to hold him easily, who can give them confidence?

"I have nothing to say now." Cheng Qingqing stood up and turned to leave. However, how could mother and daughter let her go like this?

If she doesn’t promise to come down, she won’t want to leave.

As soon as Cheng Qingqing reaches for the door, Xu Xue grabs her long hair. Cheng Qingqing almost screams in pain. She leans back and falls back on the sofa. She stares at her mother and daughter angrily: "don’t go too far."

"It’s you who are overbearing. You belong to my daughter’s happiness. Cheng Qingqing, I heard that you are famous recently. This face is a great credit. If we break your face, what will people think of you? Is it possible for you to continue to be an actor? " Zhou Mei’s cold eyes are poisoned. She stares at her and reminds her.

"You You are the devil. " Cheng Qingqing turns pale and scolds angrily.

"Does the devil look like us? Cheng Qingqing, why are you so stubborn? No, you’re really in love with my brother-in-law, aren’t you? It’s really a cheap root. Like your mother, you can’t control your heart when you see a rich and handsome man. " Zhang Xue immediately spit up, feel Cheng Qingqing than her mother is also cheap, cheap.

Cheng Qingqing’s heart is sad. She really falls in love with Li Qingyan. She is very careful and afraid of love. Even now, she doesn’t dare to express her heart to him.

"Cheng Qingqing, I don’t care if you fall in love with him or not. Within a month, you must divorce him. If you can’t, your mother will die ugly." Zhang Xue coldly forced her.

Cheng Qingqing’s heart seems to have been stabbed with several needles. She has no words to speak in pain. How can she resist in the face of mother and daughter?

She finally knew why her mother had taken her from childhood to adulthood, because she had seen the cruelty of the mother and daughter.

It’s more poisonous than snakes and scorpions.

Cheng Qingqing’s mouth trembled and could not say a word. Her scalp was still aching and her heart was desolate.

She really didn’t want to promise them. She fell in love with Li Qingyan and wanted to live with him, but her mother was her weakness. If these people really lost their humanity and took their mother to vent their hatred, they would be left alone. Her mother was more vulnerable than herself. Over the years, she would only hide, escape, avoid and never dare to fight face to face. Maybe she knew that the result was just like her today There is no hope.

"Cheng Qingqing, if you take the money, take your mother and leave quickly. What’s wrong with that? Didn’t you live with your mother and daughter in the beginning? Now that you have money, your work is getting better, and you can make peace with each other. Isn’t it better than that you are bullied by us every day? " Xu Xue reminds her sarcastically.

Cheng Qingqing endured the pain and said, "even if I ask for a divorce, Li Qingyan won’t agree, I can’t help him."

"Oh, I think I’m a treasure. If Li Qingyan doesn’t agree, you won’t try to get her to agree. If you go to sleep with other men for one night, don’t make any useless excuses. There are many ways to make a man hate you, but you don’t want to do it." Zhang Xue has a smart expression on her face and coldly questions Cheng Qingqing’s sincerity.

"Well, it’s not hard to make Li Qingyan hate you." Zhou Mei is proud of her little daughter’s shrewdness.

Cheng Qingqing’s whole body trembles: "this is destroying my reputation, I can’t do it."

"Fame? Cheng Qingqing, do you still have a reputation? When you come out of your mother’s stomach, you will be branded as an illegitimate daughter. You can’t wash it clean all your life. Think about the benefits we have given you. Don’t be afraid to struggle. It’s meaningless. My sister likes Li Qingyan very much. Please come out quickly and don’t force me to fan you again. " After getting her mother’s proud eyes, Zhang Xue is more aggressive to Cheng Qingqing.

Zhang Yu sits next to her and drinks from her glass. Although she says little, her eyes are colder than anyone else. She stares at Cheng Qingqing fiercely, like a fish thrown ashore, trying to see how she will die.

Cheng Qingqing cries. She really collapses. Her self righteous strength seems meaningless at this moment. These people don’t need to find a reason to bully her.A blank brain, a dead heart, life fell into the cliff, Cheng Qingqing finally found, alive, it is so difficult.

"Let me go, I’ll think about it." Cheng Qingqing knows that she is not the opponent of her mother and daughter. If they play with each other, they will really destroy themselves. She doesn’t want to destroy herself in their hands. She wants to leave safely and make plans.

"Well, I’ll give you three days to think about it. Don’t play tricks. We’ve been staring at you." Zhou Mei finally heard a satisfactory answer. Although Cheng Qingqing has not agreed immediately, she believes that Cheng Qingqing will give her the best result.

Finally, Cheng Qingqing safely out of the coffee shop, her back a stiff, numb legs walking on the road, sunny afternoon, she felt covered with cold, she subconsciously encircled himself, can not help, tears have rushed down, submerged her sight.

She wandered on the road for a long time, hiding her sadness in her heart, and then came to her mother’s ward.

Cheng Ling is sitting on the bed eating fruit. The nurse is peeling the apple while chatting with her. The atmosphere is very good.

"Here comes sunny." Cheng Ling smiles when she sees her daughter pushing the door in.

The nurse’s eyes brighten when she sees Cheng Qingqing. If she is not lucky enough to be a nurse for her mother, it’s hard to see her.

"Sister Lin, it’s hard for you." Cheng Qingqing took off her mask and whispered to the nurse.

"Miss Cheng, you’re very kind. I’m not working for nothing. You can talk to my wife. I’ll go out and have a look." The nurse said with an interesting face and went out.

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