Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 332: Who?

Chapter 332: Who?

"Then, please follow me," Lumina said as she turned and led the way. We followed closely behind, venturing further into her ethereal domain. I couldn't help but marvel at the surroundings as we traversed the vast expanse. The landscape seemed to shimmer with otherworldly beauty, enchanting and captivating our senses.

We passed through the rivers of liquid light, their gentle currents guiding us along a path of luminescence. The vibrant hues danced across the surface, creating a mesmerizing display of colors that seemed to shift and blend harmoniously.

Finally, Lumina guided us to a breathtaking sighta massive cliff adorned with a majestic waterfall. The cascading water, infused with radiant energy, formed a shimmering curtain that sparkled like a rainbow.

As we approached, however, a different sight caught my attention, leaving you staring in marvel.

A large palace that seemed to rise with sublime elegance, its alabaster towers reached skyward as if aspiring to touch the heavens. Every intricately carved arch and delicate filigree detail adorning its facade sparkled like liquid starlight, casting a mesmerizing glow that dancer in harmony with the ever-present sunlight.

The light waterfall that cascaded from the towering cliff behind the palace, with its crystalline streams tumbling down with a melodic grace, resembled liquid strands of luminescence. It seemed to be born from the very essence of Lumina's radiance, casting shimmering sprays that caught the light and created prismatic rainbows that danced playfully in the air.

As we approached, the entrance to the palace was adorned with colossal doors intricately embellished with motifs of divine beings and blooming flora, their golden hues glimmered brightly. Under Lumina's guidance, we stepped across the threshold, a hushed serenity enveloping us, the air seemed to carry the faint scent of delicate blossoms intermingled with the sweet melodies of celestial chimes.

'Damn, these gods sure know how to enjoy life,' I inwardly noted, and I couldn't help but recall our humble cave abode. There was simply no comparing it the palace before me.

Inside, the entire place was a sanctuary of luminous splendor. A central atrium bathed in a soft, warm glow, its soaring dome adorned with intricate stained glass that depicted tales of distant battles. Sunbeams filtered through the colorful panes, painting multicolored patterns upon the marble floors and casting an otherworldly illumination upon the grand hall.

We continued along the way, following behind the Goddess, and to my surprise we have not encountered a single soul. Soon, Lumina led us into a massive hall.

It stretched forth with an air of magnificence, with towering arches reaching toward the heavens like outstretched arms. The alabaster walls, adorned with delicate carvings that depicted tales of luminous triumphs, seemed to glow from within, reflecting the inner radiance of Lumina herself.

Along the sides of the hall, statues of celestial beings stood sentinel, their forms rendered with meticulous artistry. These immortal figures, frozen in poses of grace and reverence, appear to emanate a subtle luminescence, as if channeling the very essence of the goddess they serve. Their serene countenances exude an aura of tranquility, but my eyes couldn't help but narrow as I glanced at them. Those statues felt alive.

'Is it divine magic?' I wondered.

I raised my head to scan the ceiling, which held an intricately painted tapestry that depicted constellations and celestial scenes in stunning detail. Each brushstroke captured the essence of luminescent worlds, celestial bodies swirling in a cosmic ballet. As I gazed upward, a part of me could almost feel the pulsating energy of the stars, as if they were drawing me into their celestial dance. My cosmic mana stirred inside my soul space, but I forced myself to calm down.

'Just what was her relationship with the cosmic mana?'

Bringing my gaze back down, I continued to study the hall which was bathed in a soft, warm glow that suffused every corner. Ethereal candelabras hung from above, their flickering flames casted delicate patterns of light and shadow upon the polished surfaces.

At the far end of the hall stood a raised dais, upon which a grand throne of shimmering light awaited Lumina's presence. The throne itself appears as if crafted from pure starlight, its intricate framework adorned with precious gemstones that twinkle like captured stardust. As soon as Lumina closed in, her radiance illuminates the throne with an otherworldly brilliance, imbuing it with an ethereal glow that seemed to emanate from the very core of her being.

Still I had to admit, everything was too bright for me. Sidus seemed to feel the same way as he shifted uncomfortably by my side. Perhaps Immy would have enjoyed being here.

We stood below the light throne as Lumina gracefully settled onto her place. With a wave of her hand, the surrounding energy responded, conjuring large platforms that emerged from below us. These platforms gently elevated us, bringing us to the same eye level as the goddess herself.

As I sat upon the elevated platform, I couldn't help but observe the intricate design of the thrones. They exuded an air of reverence and respect, emphasizing the importance of this moment and our role in this endeavor. Lumina's gesture spoke volumes about her regard for us, at least she was treating us with respect.

However, a nagging curiosity kept tugging at my thoughts. The traces of cosmic mana in this realm were undeniable, yet Lumina, the goddess presiding over it, held no trace of cosmic mana inside of her, and seemed to lack control over it. How was this possible? The mystery intrigued me, and I couldn't help but ponder the workings of this celestial realm.

My eyes continued to scan the surroundings, seeking answers hidden within the vibrant energy that surrounded us. There was more to this realm than met the eye, I was sure of it. Cosmic mana was not something anyone could handle.

"Your helpers will be arriving soon," the Goddess suddenly spoke with a gentle voice.

I nodded slowly and hesitated before finally asking, "I apologize if I'm being rude, but I seem to sense traces of cosmic mana in this realm, I presume it was used to help build it, but I fail to sense any trace of it on you, and I doubt you hold control over it." I paused for a moment before continuing, "Is there perhaps, some Deity that holds control over the cosmic elements?"

Lumina's serene expression faltered slightly, her gaze locking with mine as I posed my question. To my surprise, however, her response was filled with genuine intrigue.

"You possess perceptive senses," Lumina acknowledged, her voice carrying a touch of admiration. "Indeed, cosmic mana played a significant role in shaping this realm, but I do not wield control over it."

As she paused, a nostalgic glimmer danced in her eyes, hinting at a deeper connection to the cosmic forces. With a measured tone, she continued, unravelling the mystery.

"There is no deity who holds dominion over the cosmic elements," Lumina explained, her voice tinged with a mix of reverence and gratitude. "Instead, it was a Dragon who aided me in harnessing the power of cosmic mana to shape this realm."

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