Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 241 - 240: Autonomous Region Investigation Team_1

Chapter 241: Chapter 240: Autonomous Region Investigation Team_1

Translator: 549690339

The Autonomous Region Party Committee compound. The party committee office building’s small meeting room is located on the top floor. At this moment, all the standing committee members of the Xibei Autonomous Region have already taken their seats here.

Jiang Zhenquan glanced around and said, “Comrades, this special standing committee meeting is to discuss the economic data reported by the Li County Government of Bazhou City this year. Regarding the economic data of Li County, everyone please express your opinions. Do you have any thoughts? Feel free to share.”

As Jiang Zhenquan finished speaking, Lin Haikun, the executive vice-chairman of the Autonomous Region Government, began to speak “Secretary Jiang, I think there might be some dubious inflation in these figures. I remember, even back during the South China Sea Special Zone, there wasn’t such a significant increase. Can Li County actually achieve such growth? Isn’t this just an arbitrary claim? I suggest that the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region send a dedicated investigative team to station in Li County to specifically investigate this matter. This trend, doesn’t it resemble the Great Leap Forward? Production per mu in the tens of thousands?”

Meanwhile, the other standing committee members also voiced their thoughts one after another. No wonder, the data from Li County was indeed shocking.

On the side, Li Yifeng also furrowed his brows slightly. This time, the old leader’s grandson had garnered too much attention. If this data was falsified, it would definitely be severely punished by the Autonomous Region Party Committee Government. If it was true, then the rest of the region would lose face. This was bound to offend other cadres in the entire region due to immature thinking. They were only concerned about their own performances.

With these thoughts in mind, Li Yifeng also voiced his opinion solemnly: “My personal opinion is that the Autonomous Region Party Committee Government should lead, along with various departments, to form a joint investigation team. We could even consider inviting personnel from other Dizhou cities to form an observation group, and station them in Li County together to investigate the economic data.”

Hearing that Li Yifeng also agreed with the investigation, Jiang Zhenquan was slightly stunned. In Xibei, probably only he knew about the relationship between Li Yifeng and the Nie family, and he had only learned about it by coincidence. Now that even Li Yifeng agreed to the investigation and audit, Jiang Zhenquan naturally felt somewhat surprised. Soon after, Jiang Zhenquan understood Li Yifeng’s intentions.

The old ginger was indeed the spiciest. Orchestrating the investigation team headed by the Autonomous Region Party Committee Government, in concert with related departments, was sure to incorporate people from all factions. Including others from the Dizhou cities would ensure maximum fairness and impartiality. They wanted to confirm Nie Zhenbang’s merit.

However, at this moment, Jiang Zhenquan also felt content. He admired Nie Zhenbang, as capable individuals with strong backgrounds are rare. What he found even more valuable was Nie Zhenbang’s handling of affairs and people, which greatly appealed to him.

With these thoughts, as the head of the Autonomous Region Party Committee, Jiang Zhenquan finally made the decision: “I think this is a good decision. Without investigation, there is no right to speak. The truth becomes clearer through debate. Consider forming an investigative team composed of the auditing department, the finance department, and other departments as soon as possible. Formally stationed in Li County.”

Bazhou City

Home of City Secretary Liu Wenqing

At this moment, Liu Wenqing was sitting in his study. Just now, he had received a phone call from Secretary Tang of the Autonomous Region Party Committee. Regarding the data from Li County, the Autonomous Region had made a big fuss. Now, the investigation team was in preparation and would arrive shortly in Li County for a full assessment and audit.

Although Liu Wenqing had faith in Zhang Chu Bin and Nie Zhenbang, when he received the call, he couldn’t help but feel a little worried. He had already anticipated that the Autonomous Region Party Committee Government would send an investigation team. Their success was so significant that, once announced, it would surely shock the entire country. It was inevitable that Li County would be featured on “Daily at Seven”.

However, despite his confidence, Liu Wenqing was still a little uneasy, and he dialed Nie Zhenbang’s number.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang was working overtime in his office. As the year-end approaches, work becomes increasingly busy. The construction of all engineering buildings has stopped due to the cold weather in Xibei.

The main construction work for the new office buildings of the Li County Party Committee, the County Government and other county direct agencies and bureaus have mostly been completed. Now, they’re in the final stage of interior decoration. It is estimated that by next May 1st, the whole of Li County will be able to move to the new office buildings. By then, the area of Li County City will have expanded by more than double.

Nie Zhenbang was currently looking at the itinerary sent over by the Government Office. As the Spring Festival was approaching, stability and public security management can not be relaxed. The Government Office had carefully selected some units for condolences and visits.

Right now, the phone on the table suddenly started ringing. Seeing the red telephone, Nie Zhenbang didn’t dare to slack off. This call was from the city committee leaders, usually either Liu Wenqing or Ding Aiguo. As for Cheng Xinhua, their relationship was plain to see, so there was rarely any phone contact.

As soon as the call connected, Liu Wenqing’s voice came through: “Nie, this time, your Li County has made quite a splash in the whole region. The economic growth data of Li County, reported to the Autonomous Region Party Committee Government, has been highly valued. For an objective and rigorous attitude, and to be responsible to Li County and the central government, the Autonomous Region Party Committee Government will send an investigation team this time. Supervisors from all cities in the region will also be sent to participate in the entire investigation process. On your side, I hope you won’t have any personal biases or burdens. Please ensure the reception work is done well.”

Having heard that, Nie Zhenbang also nodded right away. He had already guessed about the investigation team. For such a determinant report, it would indeed be odd if there was no investigation team to come out to look into it. With that thought, Nie Zhenbang also nodded and said, “Secretary, please be rest assured. We will definitely do our best to host them and not tarnish the reputation of Bazhou City.”

On this issue, the autonomous region party committee government acted fast. In less than two days, a large delegation of more than sixty people was quickly formed.

The north wind is cold. The gale is howling.

At this moment, at the junction of Li County and Ku City County, the four principal leaders of Li County have already waited by the side. Both Zhang Chubin and Nie Zhenbang were now dressed in dark, thick windbreaker, the pile collar stood upright, standing by the side.

At this moment, Zhang Chubin was also a bit excited. The economic data of Li County had attracted the investigation team from the autonomous region, led by the executive vice-chairman of the autonomous region Lin Haikun, which excited Zhang Chubin greatly. The more attention the leadership of the autonomous region paid, the happier Zhang Chubin was. It meant that his future prospects would be even brighter.

“Zhenbang, why don’t you sit in the car for a while? We’ve heard from Ku City that the investigation team stayed at the Bazhou Hotel for one night and we don’t know when they will leave.” Zhang Chubin said softly to Nie Zhenbang standing next to him.

Nie Zhenbang nodded, was about to speak, when a police car pulled up. Parked on the side, Chen Le quickly got out of the car and walked over, saying, “Secretary, Major, we’ve got news from Ku City that the investigation team has been out for about an hour. Given their speed, they should arrive soon.”

After waiting for less than ten minutes, a convoy was approaching Li County under the flashing police lights. Besides the investigation team, the cars of Bazhou City Party Secretary and the Mayor also followed.

The convoy slowly stopped in front of everyone, and the window of a black Benz in front slid down. With a smile on his face and a slight nod of greeting, Lin Haikun said, “Comrades Chu Bin and Zhenbang, thank you for your hard work. Thank you, comrades from Li County. It is freezing cold, everyone get in the car. Let’s go to the development zone first.”

With the tone set by the executive vice chairman of the autonomous region, both Zhang Chubin and Nie Zhenbang were momentarily stunned. This was unexpected.

Usually, the investigation team would have to check in first, but this time, they were directly heading to the development zone. It seems that the purpose of this visit is clearly stated: to conduct official business.

The convoy slowly moved forward. Nie Zhenbang said to Zhang Chubin standing next to him, “Secretary Zhang, let’s get in the car. We’ve always sought truth from facts when it comes to the situation in Li County, which can definitely withstand inspection and investigation. Now that Vice Chairman Lin has made it so clear, we just need to follow the leadership’s instructions.”

In the development zone, flags were already waving and gongs and drums were making a racket. The local people of Gemu Township had all successfully moved to their new homes. Each household has found a job in the factory here in the development zone.

Now, the wide and clean streets, the green belts on both sides and the bus stations, all of this seemed like a dream.

At this moment, Lin Haikun also got out of the car. This time, Lin Haikun had volunteered to lead the investigation team. The name Nie Zhenbang was one that Lin Haikun had heard from his son Lin Yang. In the autonomous region, Nie Zhenbang was considered a celebrity. Now that he had achieved such great success, Lin Haikun’s initial reaction was disbelief. Hence, he volunteered for this investigation.

Looking at the factories, government buildings, and newly constructed residential areas on both sides of the new town of Li County, Lin Haikun found himself starting to believe.

Next to him, Nie Zhenbang also stepped forward and introduced to Lin Haikun and Liu Wenqing, “Chairman Lin, Secretary Liu, leaders, this is our Li County’s Economic and Technological Development Zone. This year, we have introduced over 4 billion in capital to our development zone. At present, 15 factories have been built and put into production, and 27 others are under construction.”

Lin Haikun gave a nod with a smile, and then said, “Hmm, good job. Seeing this situation in Li County, in Xibei, I’m reminded of the feeling I had on the east coast. The ability of the party and government team of Li County to overcome the difficulties of remote Xibei, exploit their advantages and achieve such results is indeed not easy. Achievements like these deserve commendation, promotion, and more learning and consideration from officials across the region.”

After he finished speaking, and to everyone’s surprise, Lin Haikun suddenly walked forward.

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