RE:BORN Zombie

Chapter 105 A Dark Realization II

[Bonus Chapter]



At the moment, Victor was just standing, and most of the vampires seem on edge, this time like they would really jump from their seats.

After some seconds passed, Victor simply sat back down as something seemed to have come to his mind.

“So you are not the entirety of the vampire race, you are but one of the families.” Victor said after sitting down.

He then continued. “How many families are there? I suspect there are quite the number of them, and not just few of them are the top ones.. Perhaps, there are even vampires that do not belong to any family? Or maybe that is not really possible?” Victor said, throwing in questions, important questions, ones that would really put the vampires in an even more dangerous position, and the good thing here was that Victor knew also knew that they were aware of this.

The vampires just continued looking at him, some with shocked faces, but those were the minority, the others had a bit of a frown on their faces. Victor waited for a bit, and after not getting an answer to any of his questions, he get up once more, slowly and at his own pace.

Seeing him get up again, the vampires became a little restless. Honestly, something like this was meant for them to seat together and discuss, so they know absolutely well where they were going, but with the sudden turn of events-

“Wait!-” The voice of a vampire from the seats to Victor’s left came through. It seemed to be an elder or someone of that status. The vampires around immediately shut the vampire up. Any speaking at the moment was left to be done by the vampire lord or those seated around him.

“Th-You are correct, there are other vampire families, and we are not the only vampires in our race.” The elder in front of the throne said.

‘Of course, I already know that.’ Victor said in his mind. He had a different reason for still wanting to take only 70% of them for now even after knowing that they are not the only vampires. “Don’t I know that already?” Victor said.

“You.. do.” The vampire said, a little unsure of his answer. The pressure was really on, and no vampire was seating relaxed at the moment.

“So?” Victor said. This time, his legs were crossed, and he leaned back a bit into the chair to listen.

“Yes..” The vampire then went on to explain that they were suddenly transported into this world from their original world, and that was just their family. They had been on the lookout for other vampires/families, to see if they were also brought to this world with them, but in regards to that, they are yet to find anything. Currently, they have their network spread across the entire human community, so they are able to keep up gather information even with their small numbers.

‘Small? He just compared themselves to the other families, and called themselves small. The others that are ‘big’ better come fast.’ Victor thought in his mind.

During the explanation, Victor noticed that the vampire sitting at the right side of the throne had tried something. It was definitely his eyes, Victor saw that they shown a faint light for a brief moment before going back to normal. He wasn’t sure what that was until he received a notification from his system telling him that he had perfectly countered a mind manipulation technique. ‘No shit. So they do have that here too, but is it all?’ Victor thought to himself..

“I see where you lot get the confidence from… Just so you know, I am not the same as the Crow you know, that is a different person entirely.” Victor said, and to this the vampires’ eyes widen a bit, but return to normal soon after. They must have just realized something.

“Next time, there will be no next time.” He said in a nonchalant tone like he wasn’t even bothered.

They go on to talk about some things, and Victor also learns that their numbers after he killed the ones he did had dropped down to something between 300 and 310, definitely convenient.

“That’s good, so I assume we are in agreement on the specified quantity to be provided?” Victor asked calmly. He wasn’t really here to waste much of his time, so he wanted to get it over with.

“Yes, 210 vampires will be handed over to you before the day runs out.” The vampire lord said. He did have a plan in mind, which included him attacking Victor, but after a quick thought earlier on, he abandoned that idea quickly. ‘We must comply, at least for now.’ The leader said in his mind.

‘He must be thinking of a way to take me down, but then I don’t know what it is.’ Victor said in his mind. Not like he cared much anyway. For now, it was good. As long as it is a fight to the death, Victor was confident in his skills. Well, if there was someone with the power to block someone from using their powers, then there might be a problem, depending on how it works.

The tension in the room had not reduced at all, instead, it had gone up by a bit. The vampires simply didn’t know what Victor was going to do next, so they all were on guard.

“I believe all of you present here will remain alive. That’s good, the strong should be left. After all, the strength of a vampire also depends on the strength of the one who turned them.” Victor said. Really, the way he had been hitting all the points accurately during their short exchange made it seem as though Victor was very knowledgably about the vampires, which only helped to raise further suspicions and vigilance. If only they knew where the knowledge came from.

With that, Victor simply stood up and pointed towards one of the younger looking vampires that seemed to be in his thirties, “you, come with me.” Victor ordered, to which the vampire slowly responded to and came close to him. Victor simply looked at the vampire lord one more time with his usual dead eyes, then he turned around and headed towards the doors that led out of the throne room.

Of course, during the meeting, Cassias and the other vampire had joined and were present for most of it, so there was that.

‘There are some questions I want answered, and this guy is going to do so for me.’ Victor said, as he led the way away from the throne room.

With Victor gone and only the vampires left in the throne room, they all look a bit edgy, and the vampire lord spoke;

“There will be no discussion. My word on this matter is absolute, and that is what we will be following.” He says. “Sebastian, get your people ready, and order them to execute the plan. The rest of you can go for now.” The vampire lord said, and as the vampires all start moving out, well, except for fourteen vampires that remain behind.

“Now, let’s get right to it.”

ANNOUNCEMENT: I want to try something, but I’m lazy and don’t know how this will go. *FOR EVERY 100 POWER STONES, or 50 GOLDEN TICKETS TO THIS BOOK, THERE WILL BE AN EXTRA CAHPTER UPLOADED*

Also, I might introduce a new tier of privilege chapters next month, so-

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