Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 362: Public Enemy Number One

Chapter 362: Public Enemy Number One


Every C-Grade below the platform paused. They glanced around, looking for Jack. They had heard about him, of course, but he was far too young, far too weak. He was only a one-fruit C-Grade. This hidden realm should have nothing to do with him.

As for Jack himself, he was the most stunned of all. He thought he was a spectator. Why was his name called out all of a sudden!?

Jack Rust? the Head Envoy repeated. I can see you. Why are you not coming up?

Jack finally recovered. Sorry, Head Envoy. I was dazed for a second.

He rose through the air, passing over the crowd to reach the raised platform. The Heavenly Spoon Sovereign glanced over with interest. The old woman smiled at Jack, while the Spacewind Sovereign shot him a frigid glance.

Hmm? Have I offended him somehow? Jack thought but didnt pursue the issue.

He glanced back. Hundreds of C-Grade cultivators looked up at him. Each of them could easily be the ruler of their own planet, or even many planets. Some were stronger than him. A few, vastly so.

But he was worthy of standing on this stage.

Jack maintained a cool head as he respectfully greeted the Envoys.

Your recent exploits have reached our ears, the Heavenly Spoon Sovereignthe Head Envoysaid with a smile. Ranking 216th with a mere one-fruit cultivation. That hasnt happened in millennia. You are certainly poised for greatness. If nothing happens, we expect to receive you in the Envoy quarters within the next hundred years.

I will try my best, Jack replied.

Good. The Black Hole Church has always favored the powerful, but we favor the talented even more. Therefore, alongside Min Ling, we have prepared some benefits for you as well.

The Head Envoy closed his hand and reopened it. An object shimmered into existence. It was round and small, barely the size of a walnut, looking insignificant. However, when Jacks perception touched it, it was absorbed without a trace. He hurriedly pulled back. This common-looking orb not only contained an inner world, but also an intense gravitational pull. The only reason the Heavenly Spoon Sovereign could hold it so casually was his immense power.

This is called a World Anchor. Do you know what it is? the sovereign asked, looking tenderly at the orb.

I do not, Jack admitted. Even in the crowd below, most people looked around in puzzlement. Besides a few exceptionally knowledgeable individuals, whose eyes shone with avarice, nobody had heard of a World Anchor before.

I dont blame you, the sovereign said. World Anchors are ridiculously rare. When a hidden realm reaches the end of its lifespan, it will naturally degrade into nothingness. However, if an A-Grade cultivator with extreme insights into the Dao of Space is present, they can capture the realms essence into a separate dimension just before it dissipates. They then need to overcome a heavenly tribulation as the Dao of the universe demands to reclaim that world. Unless they are extremely powerful, it is possible that their foundation will be harmed in the process.

Jacks eyes were already wide. An A-Grade had to personally create this item, and it also had to coincide with the degradation of a hidden realm? They even had to endure a heavenly tribulation?

Hidden realms are naturally rare, the Head Envoy continued. Moreover, the A-Grade cultivator is vulnerable while sealing the realms essence into an orb. It would be disastrous if their enemies caught wind of the situation. As a result, World Anchors are only produced when an A-Grade cultivator is aware of an undiscovered hidden realm nearing its end, or if they have more A-Grades protecting them. Even in the vast treasury of the Black Hole Church, the number of World Anchors can be counted on one hand. Their value is inestimable.

Jack was floored. And, if I maywhat does it do?

Ah, thats the good part. The Head Envoy suddenly broke into a playful grin. A World Anchor is most effective when consumed by a C-Grade. It will fuse with your Dao Tree, greatly improving its stability and your cultivation speed. When you later reach the B-Grade and form your inner world, the World Anchor will greatly assist with your breakthrough. It will act as the center of your inner world, stabilizing it and allowing you to expand it much more than you otherwise could. You will be vastly superior to your peers, destined for greatness. Across the entire universe, there are few things as useful to a C-Grade as a World Anchor.

Jacks heart was racing. This World Anchor sounded absolutely tremendous. It could enhance his current strength, assist with the B-Grade breakthrough, and then further enhance his strength. Coupled with the Life Drop, he would be invincible at his level.

How could he not be tempted?

But something was wrong. The Head Envoys gaze was almostmocking? Playful? Expectant?

A light bulb went on inside Jacks head. He glanced at the crowd below, finding a thousand greedy gazes boring into him. The C-Grades had red eyes, they were breathing heavily, and even the bros seemed to be struggling.

Jack finally understood. His face paled. You fucked me over, Head Envoy!

When Min Ling had received the Thunder Dao World, it hadnt been much of a problem. Her strength and talent were widely recognized, and the Thunder Dao World itself was only suitable for those cultivating the Dao of Lightning.

Jacks situation was completely different. The treasure he was offered could be of tremendous help to each and every person in the crowd. Moreover, it helped with the breakthrough to the B-Gradethe most daunting step of all.

From the C-Grade to the B-Grade, one had to completely shatter their Dao Tree and use it to form an inner world. It was an extremely challenging process, with the success rate not reaching five percent. Moreover, in the event of failure, the only outcome was death.

There were many nine-fruit C-Grades in the Cathedral who could attempt to break through, but they didnt dare to. The risks were too high, and the price of failure too steep. No matter how much one wanted to chase the peak of cultivation, taking that step was difficult. After all, even if they didnt break through, they could live ten thousand years as kings and emperors of their planets. They could have anything they wanted in the entire world. Who would gamble it all away?

Unlawfully taken from Royal Road, this story should be reported if seen on Amazon.

Unfortunately, those who reached the nine-fruit boundary were ambitious and determined individuals. They yearned for the B-Grade, but they still didnt dare to try. Some decided to stop cultivating and retire to enjoy life, while others spent their remaining years searching for opportunities that could even marginally increase their odds of success.

But waiting too long was not an option. After one reached the middle point of their life, their chances of a successful breakthrough would only go down. They had to make a decision when they were still young: would they gamble all their remaining years on the small chance of success, or give up and enjoy life?

To the nine-fruit cultivators of the Cathedral, the breakthrough to the B-Grade was a smiling devil that beckoned at them, becoming their sole obsession and greatest fear. For the C-Grades who hadnt reached nine fruits yet, it was a guillotine hanging over their heads, a dark promise they would have to face sooner or later.

Therefore, a treasure which could greatly assist with that breakthrough was enough to make any C-Grade go mad with greed. They stared at Jack and the World Anchor like vultures. If the Envoys werent present, a deadly melee would have already begun.

The only ones who werent as tempted were Jacks closest friends, like Brock or Dorman, as well as Min Ling, who was confident she could break through anyway. Of course, even she longed for the world-enhancing properties of the World Anchor, but it wasnt to the point where she would disregard everything and throw her life away to claim it.

Realizing all these, Jacks excitement was doused in cold water. Shivers ran up and down his body. If this World Anchor came to his possession and he didnt absorb it immediately, he had no doubt that someone would try to kill him for it.

His only saving grace was that the Cathedrals rules forbade robbing and killing. If someone did so, they would be executed by the Envoys, so there was no point in trying. But what if it was stolen discreetly? What if the Envoys themselves grew greedy and took it away from him?

An entire new slew of problems had been poured on Jacks headand, looking at the Head Envoys smile, he had absolutely done it on purpose. Just like the time he directly moved Jacks name to the 950th ranking, he was deliberately creating enemies for Jack. Why?

Jacks anger threatened to rise, but he pushed it down. Head Envoy, he said, with all due respect, why do you treat me like this?

His question sounded reasonable, but the intent was clear. The sovereign didnt seem to mind. He only casually replied, I like helping talented cultivators.

Helping my ass! Youre trying to get me killed! Jack wanted to retort, but he didnt. Instead, he hid his anger away for later and responded, I see. Then, if someone absorbs the World Anchor, can it be extracted later?

Impossible. If you absorb the Anchor, it stays with you forever. Even if you die, it will disappear alongside your Dao.

Jack nodded. At least, this was something he didnt need to worry about. If he absorbed it, it would be fine.

And how long would it take to absorb? he asked.

The Head Envoy only smiled like a cat looking at a mouse. Ah, youre a few steps ahead. The World Anchor isnt yours yet.

With a turn of his hand, the orb disappearedprobably into the space ring he wore.

Jacks brows rose. It is not?

It is not. Just handing it to you would be no funthe other outer disciples would certainly find fault with me, the Cathedrals cohesion would be harmed, and my pristine reputation would be soiled. No, I couldnt do something so partial. If you want this World Anchor, you have to earn it.

Jack resisted the urge to smack this guy in the face.

The Head Envoy turned towards the crowd. This World Anchor was bestowed to the Cathedral by Elder Heavenstar. Jack Rusts talent was the deciding factor, but the Church has always distributed benefits fairly. Heed my words: To earn the World Anchor, Jack Rust must reach a ranking of one hundred on the Ranking Obelisk within a year, before the hidden realm expedition. If he does not achieve that, or if anything happens to him in the meantime, the World Anchor will be gifted to one of you according to your talentwe will hold a special selection when the time comes. Of course, since Min Ling has already received a gift from Elder Heavenstar, she will be excluded. Those are my wishes, as well as Elder Heavenstars.

From the side, Jack was boiling. The more he listened to the Head Envoys words, the more he wanted to punch him.

If anything happens to me? Fuck you!

Jack had never received a more direct, more impactful middle finger. The Head Envoys words were precise; he had clearly planned this all beforehand. He dangled the World Anchor before everyone, then directed their ill feelings towards Jack. If they could stop him from reaching the top hundred spots within a year, they would have a chance to receive the World Anchor. The sovereign had even urged them to use underhanded meanshe specifically mentioned that if anything happened to Jack, the World Anchor would still go to someone else.

Moreover, hed mentioned a vague trial of talent and excluded Min Ling. In such a situation, dozens of people from all cultivation levels would have a chance at winning the World Anchor.

With just a few words from the Head Envoy, Jack had become public enemy number one! If not for the Cathedrals strictly enforced rules, he would have been mobbed already. His enemies, like Baron Longform, were shooting him ugly smirks.

With all due respect, said Min Ling, floating slightly over the crowd, why am I excluded? I did not ask for the Thunder Dao World, and the World Anchor is far more precious.

Her protest was reasonable. The Head Envoy did not respond out loud, but he must have transmitted some thoughts to her, because she finally bowed and floated back down. Her face betrayed nothing.

Of course, the Head Envoy added, if Jack Rust wishes, he could give up all his rights to the World Anchor. Then, it would be directly awarded through a talent-based trial, and he would have nothing to do with it anymore. Would you like that, Jack?

He turned towards Jack, giving him a clear stare. Jack stared back for a second. Then, he started laughing. His voice spread over the Cathedral Square, over all the gathered C-Grades who wanted to kill him, over the Envoys who had put him in this position.

Fist meant power. His life and dream was chasing the peak of cultivation. If he was afraid of making enemies, he would have just cultivated peacefully on Earth, not come to the dark and dangerous Cathedral.

Since when was Jack Rust afraid of danger?

Well said, Head Envoy! he responded. My path will never change. Come hell or high water, I will never give up. No, I do not forfeit my rights to the World Anchor. I will fight for it. I will reach the top hundred rank no matter what obstacles appear in my way, and I will forge a perfect road for myself!

I thought so, the sovereign replied calmly. Very well, everyone. You heard him. Things remain as I described, and may the best cultivator win. As a special rule, assaulting others in any way will be forbidden for the next year. Violators will be executed.

Jack smiled while shaking his head. He was playing into the Head Envoys hand a bit too much, but how could he say no? To reach the peak, he had to grasp every opportunity he was offered. After all, even with his current talent, reaching the A-Grade was nothing but a distant dream. He would never succeed if he didnt encounter more opportunities, more lucky chances, if he didnt make his path as perfect as possible.

The universe held quadrillions of cultivators. However, if even one of them reached the A-Grade every ten thousand years, that was already considered a lot. Compared to those mountains of talent, the thousand C-Grades of the Cathedral were really nothing much. How could Jack let them stop him?

The path of cultivation was unfathomably long, but he was determined to walk it all. He would look at the universe below his feet and admire it from the highest vantage point possible.

The numbers didnt matter. Jacks only rival was himself. And that was why he, out of everyone in the universe, would reach the peak of cultivation.

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