Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 125: Runed up

Chapter 125: Runed up

[False Immortality] : Carves an un-life rune on your own body.

While under the runes effect :

Your soul is concealed.

You no longer emit mana.

You no longer emit heat.

You no longer emit light.

You cannot regain mana.

You cannot regain stamina.

You cannot regain health.

If you were to die, a rune is consumed, granting three seconds of invulnerability, and completely restoring your physical body, health and stamina included.

Costs 39 750 mana (Half of maximum mana / skill level) per use.

Requires 10 minutes channeling to carve a rune.

Up to 1 (skill level) un-life runes may be borne at once.

You may dismiss the runes at any time, this will not restore your body.

So I carve the prophecy on myself that Ill dispel my own death. But it comes with many restrictions and true to the meaning of prophecy, it has to be written in advance.

I get it, its alright, ten minutes is a lot but also not that long. The rest of the effects are strange? No regeneration but more discretion I suppose. The mana cost is heavy considering I cant regain it until after I erase the rune, but it will get better at higher levels.

The one thing I fear is that it might be like [Identify] and never level up. And maybe the max level is just two or three. Its also an alternative way to heal myself, only that it takes ten minutes and a lot of mana.

I could jump off a cliff and revive at the bottom. Though I guess I already have wings for that.

I could use it to fire a point blank [Angels bolt] and survive the explosion. Many ways to abuse a free revive. Same goes for three seconds of invulnerability. Though since my body will be healing during that time its probable that I wont be able to move much.

I need to try this out.

But thatll have to wait. Now to pick a passive...

Unless I do [Divine Dominion], I need to combine [Divine ] with [ Body].

The question is, do I slot [Runic ] and-or [Shadow ] in there? So far, skills using more words always tend to have more effects and a longer description. But for a strong keyword like [Divine ] shorter might be better, just like [Angels bolt], straight and to the point, extremely efficient at what it does.

Perhaps I can go back to [Divine marrow body] instead, though Im unsure how that might alter it.

I think both [Runic ] and [ marrow] need to be ruled out. Too complex and uncertain what they may do.

So Im down to either [Divine body], [Shadow Divine body] or [Divine Shadow body].

Oh, screw it, I trust my scribe, combining three will be alright. Now its just about the order.

Divine shadow or Shadow divine? It does feel like the first word has more importance in the overall meaning. Did that reflect a lot in the other triple skills?

For the skill I just got, the prophecy word was definitely the part that made it a self buff skill.

For [Spine of the Black Sun], which was actually [Solar soul spine], the most important part are the solar bursts, which also heals through the soul part, and the spine part is pretty much only the appearance and shape. So I guess this checks out.

[Consecrated Mass grip] turned into [Graveyard of the righteous]... This one is a bit more unclear, I guess they are paladins, hence the consecrated part, but it does look like the main focus was on [ grip].

But since there is even a slight precedent of the first word mattering more, [Divine Shadow body] it is. Dont let me down now, scribe!

You have acquired the Passive skill : Divine

You have acquired the Passive skill : Shadow

You have acquired the Passive skill : body

It wasnt instantaneous this time. In fact, Sofia kept waiting near her fire until it ran out but the skill still wasnt ready.

Looks like this one was a tough combination to deal with. Sorry.

Guess Ill try the rune in the meantime.

Ten minutes later, Sofia observed the complex rune carved on the front of her right shoulder. It looked like an intricate burn mark with a blue glow. Calling it a rune was really not giving it proper face as it was more like a mad ritual circle with a predominant rune in the center. The rune in question was hard to look at, it felt kind of like the Archangel in that it morphed like it didnt belong there or even existed properly. Sofia couldnt find any way to describe it other than a mess of squiggly and swaying glowing lines.

Mana indeed not going back up. I assume its correctly in effect then. Now I kill myself, right?

I know youre busy but I trust my life on this skill working properly, Mr scribe. This description better have been accurate.

How do I do this safely?


Actually, I might as well try doing exactly what I thought of before. Point blank bolt.

Ive come a long way from being scared of a small fall Its been what, nine months or something like that?

Sofia flew off until she found an area empty enough where she could do her testing. The whole process was very straight forward, activate the armor, throw the bolt at her own feet. Pareth was a bit further on the side holding onto the storage ring, just in case it could suffer damage from the blast. The bolt touched the ground and exploded.

It didnt really hurt.

Sofia was monitoring her health the whole time, it had gone from full to -53202/5900. Her senses had disappeared for a second, exactly like it had been when she got reborn as a demon. And then they came back gradually. As soon as she could, she switched to Pareths point of view, which couldnt see much besides the still ongoing explosion.

Yeah thats what the three seconds of invulnerability are for.



Health : 5900/5900

It was a bit hot and there were residual blue flames all around, but Sofia was good as new, she activated the bone armor and walked through the fire.

That worked quite well. Honestly, I could do it again. It wasnt even painful. If I didnt know for sure that my body completely disappeared in there I could even believe that the bolt didnt harm me at all. No bad side effects, I feel alright, no nausea or disorientation. Alright, yeah, thats another incredible skill to add to the collection. Only thing that pains me is the ten minutes casting time coming with the mana lock. But thats still not too bad considering its a legitimate reusable revive once skill.

She looked at Pareth as if expecting an answer but all he did was hand her back the ring.

Oh well.

Now I need to waste some time until the scribe's done.

It just happens that Ive been itching to get rid of the castles furniture and I now have a large empty room to decorate!

Sofia realized in the following hours that she was less than talented when it came to arranging furniture and decorating a room. It took many tries to make the tall and wide rectangular room look like a small home rather than a literal cave-dump filled with old junk.

It was quite late in the night when she was finally satisfied, the large room had been divided into three parts. The hygiene, clothing and storage part; the general living part with Pareths corner; and the bedroom.

She planned to make the small secondary part of the cave into a guest bedroom for Alith or anyone else who might come to visit.

The small mountain water stream that used to flow directly in and out of the cave had been repurposed, first flowing into a newly carved-out basin, which then discarded the extra water outside if it overflowed. Sofia could have just settled for using the water stones she had, but there was something calming that she loved about the sound of flowing water.

She was looking through the junk in the storage ring she picked up from the dead bounty hunters when her whole body cramped up for a second.

Is my skill finally here?!

Name : Sofia Aphenoreth

Age : 20

Class : [Saintomancer]

Level : 180

Health : 5900 / 5900 (5*level + 5000 filter2)

Stamina : 1900 / 1900 (5*level + 1000 filter2)

Mana : 79500 / 79500 (-10000 Alith) (-5000 Scribe Link) (5000 base + (500*(level-1)))

Specialization : [Eclipse Skeleton]

Alteration chance : 28%

Active Skills (7 / 7)

[Spine of the Black Sun] - Level 107

[Heal Undead] - Level 58

[Summon Blood] - Level 84

[Angels bolt] - Level 100

[Maiden Banshee] - Level 180 (Lv.180)

[Graveyard of the righteous] - Level 107

[False immortality] - Level 1

Passive Skills (6 / 6)

[Blessing of the Deep] - (2/4)

[Armor of Bones] - Level 100

[Pristine essence]

[Vakariazrehafin of Sorrow]

[Holy Wings of undeath]

[Venerable Physique of the Primeval Void] - First step Shadow gathering realm

Classless Skills (6 / 6)

[Fast reading] - Level 52

[Way of the Fool] - Level 19

[Poker Face] - Level 29

[Identify] - Level 1

[Sanctity] - Level 44

[Mana manipulation]

Special Skills (1)

[The Book of Skeletons]

Summoned heroes (3 / 4)

  • Lv.180 Pareth (Holy Ogre Eclipse Skeleton)
  • Lv.180 Alith (Maiden Banshee)
  • Lv.180 Book of Skeletons (Book)

[Mark of Aphenoreth]

Venerable physique of the primeval void?First step Shadow gathering realm?

Perhaps I should have just picked [Divine body] after all...

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