Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 130: Vampire Armor

Chapter 130: Vampire Armor

Sofia inadvertently flew near the region where the Churchs jungle temple was, she didnt see it but she knew it was near. She opened her murder history again.


This still feels terrible.

And just like that she had ruined her own mood.

I need company right now

Do I take the risk? Oh fuck it Ill put on the fake immortal rune and go.

And so she flew south, trying to find the road to Drakron, she couldnt say where exactly she was, but for the first time ever, she witnessed war. In this case it was more a small skirmish than anything else, from above, it only looked like a bunch of people in black invading the outpost of a bunch of people in beige. Looks like Skyreach is losing.

The battle involved about fifty people on each side, they were too far down to [Identify], but they were probably regular soldiers for the most part. The action was dull. There were no big spells or explosions. Most of them seemed to be fighting with swords and spears. There were some mana movements of course, but it had to be area buff skills similar to [Sanctified grounds] or simpler weapon enchantments and the like.

Oh, is that an icicle rain?

She was tempted to go closer to observe, but there was no real point. Scary to think I could kill them all and end the fight with a single [Angels bolt]. They wouldnt even see it coming. The real war must be happening behind the scene, and in Hero battles.

She turned east and didnt look back.

Im too far north still. Shouldn't be too hard to locate the road to Drakron, right? We managed from the ground so

It took about an hour of flying around before she saw the big city on the horizon, this feels strangely nostalgic. Picking up some speed, she flew down toward the same gate she had taken the first time and activated her armor.

She landed heavily in the grass a few paces from the gate. The guards on duty were startled, and one had already raised his weapon, but before he could say anything, another one recognized her. He looked to be the higher ranking one of the bunch judging by the two stars pinned on his chest.

Its the Vampire armor! You can lower your weapons guys, shes whitelisted.

Vampire armor? Thats my title here? It does make sense I guess

The one with his polearm raised turned to look at him, Whitelisted? By who?

The first guy took a moment, frowned, and answered, a bit lost, Two people actually, I think it was the Guildmaster and one of the Vampire ambassadors. Also I was on duty the first time we let her in. Having said his piece to his colleague, he turned to Sofia who was walking toward them at a relaxed pace, Welcome back! Sorry but I will still need to see your card. Procedures, I hope you dont mind.

Sure thing. She produced the card out of her ring and held it toward him.

The guard only gave a cursory glance to the silvery card and shouted back, Open the gates, full! He got back to his spot, adjusted his helmet and nodded to Sofia as the gate swung open, Please avoid flying, and have a nice stay!

Not even going to ask me to show my face or anything? Just the card? Well this went better than expected, I shouldnt have to worry too much about the bounty in here I guess.

I wonder if I could be mistaken for an undead now because of the rune Would that even be a problem anymore? Guess not. It would take someone at Kulis level to endanger me now, how many people on the human continent is that? Twenty? Fifty? A hundred maybe?

I have no idea but it cant be many.

As it turned out she had already walked all the way to the adventurer guild before she realized where she was. Kuli had been rather abrasive during their first encounter but she had also offered life-saving advice.

Shes not unlike Clarice. Just with three hundred more levels. Lets see how this goes. Maybe she isnt even here.

Clarice Scripture will pay.

Sofia lost herself looking at the orange dusk sky for a while.

I need to get a hold of myself. My emotions are too unstable. Its dangerous.

She pushed the doors of the guild. Behind the counter was the same long haired man she had talked to the first time. He looked up from his papers and readjusted his glasses, Oh, hi, welcome back, its been a long time. Is your short friend not here this time? he asked, sounding worried.

Hello, long time indeed. Alith is busy somewhere else.

Visibly relieved, the man nodded and put down the stack of papers he was holding, straightening his back on his chair, So, Miss Sofia, what will it be this time?

Is the Guildmaster here?

Not at the moment but she should be back anytime soon, if you do not mind waiting.

Is it alright bothering her this late?

The man giggled, hiding his thin mouth with a hand, then had to readjust his glasses again. Worry not, our Guildmaster hasnt slept in years, day or night means very little to her these days.

YEARS?! No wonder she has those dark circles under her eyes and white hair Even for someone near level 300 that cant be good. Im already a walking corpse after just a week or two.

Sofia deactivated her armor, That crazy. Where do I wait, can I sit here? she said, pointing at the wooden bench near the wall.

Of course. Hmm, while you wait, would you happen to have some things to sell? We have a constant need for supplies, and with the war going on, I can say were ready to buy most weapons, armor, or monster parts you may have Acquired during your travels.

Lets see, I do have quite a bit of trash in my ring.

After a bit of organizing what was practical to sell, Sofia presented a few things to the man.

Lets see what we have here Two mithril daggers, a small storage sphere and a blue glass bead, and these Thrombber eyes in a jar? Interesting. You will sell all of this?

If you give me a good price.

The Thrombbers eyes were the only part that survived her close-range bolting, which is why she thought they might be worth something and had kept them stored. The mithril daggers and spheres came from the bounty-hunters. And the glass bead was the High-Priests former resting place.

Of course, let me call our specialist, Im sure you know him, he commented as he looked under his desk, before bringing up a hand bell from there. He rang the bell, which made no sound. But Sofia saw the mana pulse it gave out, and she indeed knew of someone whose shop was in the direction of that pulse.

Karlson is your expert?

You guessed right. Has been for as long as I can remember. Youre lucky to come now, a few days earlier and he was still on the return trip from the beastman continent.

Hey! Talking about me, Jimmy? the burly bearded rabbit-man smith hollered from outside, knocking at the windows. He smiled at Sofia when he noticed her and waved, then he actually entered through the door.

Hes already here?

[Artisan - Lv.200+]

He was 100+ last I remember. I can guess why he was on the beastman continent then Looks like someone passed his second trial. So thats what he looks like with clothes. Its like his muscles disappeared under his vest.

Youre faster to get here these days Karl. I dont think I need to introduce todays seller, do I?

Congratulations on your trial, Sofia complimented, Alith loves the scythes.

Karlsons face lit up at the remark on his crafts, Glad to hear it! Congratulations on yours too! Looks like things worked out great for you, thats a crazy leveling speed, its been how long? Not even a year!

A lot of things happened, all I did was survive. Thank you for the prices last time by the way, I realize now how much we underpaid for your work.

Impressive nonetheless. And no need to mention it, if you want to thank someone, seek the old brat.

Jimmy stared daggers at Karlson, Hoy Karl, do you want to get me killed? Watch what you say in front of the guests, he snapped at the blacksmith in a semi-annoyed tone. Get to work, Miss Sofia heres got stuff for sale.

Sure, sure. Dont worry so much boy, whats the worst that can happen? Karlson shrugged as he walked to the desk. He inspected the items one by one without saying a thing.

I cant see his face from here. How much is this all worth even? Might as well ask. How is it looking?

Karlson turned around, Where did you even find these Thrombber eyes? You gone all the way to the Dwarven isles?

Sofia shrugged, not answering.

Karlson turned back to look at the items, and after scratching his chin through his beard, he faced Sofia and raised two fingers.

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