The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 101 101 Eat Bird Eggs

However, the ideal was full, the reality was very skinny. Now Jessica could only watch Allen enjoy the treatment of a hero, and she had to pretend that she was also a fan of him.

Otherwise, she didn't know if she would be kicked out of the cabin.

Admiration flickered in Emily's eyes. Having been on the island for so many days, she was very tired, both physically and mentally.

How she wished she could find someone to take care of her and give her a sense of security!

Although she had found him, it was not her, Emily, who stayed beside him.

There was regret in her eyes.

Perhaps Emily and the others were looking at Allen strangely. Allen thought that it was not good for him to hug both of them now, so he coughed.

"Well, I also have bird eggs with me. Natalie, don't crush them!"

Natalie made up an excuse and pushed Allen away subconsciously.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Her face turned red, and the other two girls loosened their grip on Allen's arm.

Allen suddenly felt empty in his heart after he lost the embrace of three beautiful women.

"That's the way people are!"

He silently complained about his behavior in his heart. When Emily came to her senses and saw Allen and Natalie were separated, she walked forward and said; "Allen, where have you been the whole night? We have been waiting for you in the watchtower. No one slept well last night!"

Because Emily was unhappy to see that Allen hadn't refused her before, and Emily said that with a sense of blame.

However, Allen didn't feel any pressure from Emily.

Because at this moment, he didn't care about the girls at all.

He was thinking about how to deal with those cannibals.

So in the face of Emily's question, Allen just told her what had happened in the forest!

"It's so dangerous! Allen, are you hurt?"

After listening to Allen's description, Natalie was so frightened that her face turned pale. She went up to check if there was any wound on Allen's body.

"Well, I'm fine. Maybe I didn't sleep well again!"

Although Allen said that there was nothing wrong with him, Allen still raised his hands so that Natalie could better examine his body.

The other girls were also nervous when they saw Natalie's behavior. They also came up to help Natalie check Allen's body.

Allen felt uncomfortable.

"Hey, hey, I'm fine. I won't lie to you! Don't touch me! It's itchy!"

After being molested by the girls, the girls were relieved to know that there was no wound on Allen's body.

They began to pay attention to other matters, such as the cannibals.

"Do the cannibals come out at night to make our crossbows useless?"

Emily asked Allen directly.

Allen already knew the answer.

"In the current view, it's true!"

When he said this, he took out all the bird's eggs. The girls talked with Allen while walking.

"All in all, there must be someone smart in the cannibal race this time. I guess he is also a cannibal who can speak our language. However, although he is intelligent, his IQ is still limited!"

"What we have to do is not let the cannibals pull us to the same level, and they beat us with their experience!"

Allen's classic words made Natalie and others look at each other in dismay. After all, they were highly educated! How could they be tricked by the cannibals who had never gone to school!

"You can fry the bird eggs. The stone I found before can be used as a pot!"

Allen felt hungry, but after a night's work, he didn't want to do it by himself.

Although there was no problem for the girls making a fire and setting a pan, they were not good at frying eggs!

Allen had no choice but to do it himself.

"Okay, I'll tell you as I cook the egg. Have you seen the unusual branch?"

Emily said yes as she thought of the unique branch she saw this morning.

Allen told Emily about the trap he had made. After hearing this, she immediately wanted to go up and stare at the branch.

But Allen stopped her.

"No. The brainless cannibals must sleep until they wake up naturally. They won't be able to get up early like us."

Hearing Allen's words, the girls didn't know whether they should laugh or cry.

"Anyway, I've made up my mind to fight in the same way as before. But this time, we can't set the battlefield on the slope. It's not close to our cabin, but it's not far!"

"If there are too many cannibals, and we can't kill them, we will run away!"

"If the cannibals expand their search area, our base camp will be easily exposed! So this time, we need to lure the snake away from its hole!"

Allen said as he finished frying the bird eggs!

After all, it was oil made from wild boar! It smells good!

The smell of the eggs almost made the girls into a trance. They couldn't hear what Allen was talking about at all.

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