The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 131 131 Retreat

Allen withdrew his gaze and looked at the surrounding girls. He expressed his gratitude to Natalie first.

"Thank you, Natalie. This is the most comfortable and stable sleep I have ever had on this island!"

"Oh, it's not a big deal!"

Natalie said to Allen with a red face that she didn't do anything, but Allen gave her a gentle smile and touched her hair to show his intimacy.

This time, everyone knew that Natalie's position in Allen's heart would not be shaken for a while.

However, they didn't think this would last long.

They were all members of the girl group, and no one was worse than anyone else.

At least Lily thought so.

However, Emily restrained herself and began to tell Allen what had happened to the cannibals.

"I have slept for such a long time. No wonder I feel hungry, and the sun is going to set!"

After hearing Emily's report, Allen suddenly realized that he had fallen into a deep sleep this time. Because of his strong constitution, he felt no pain.

Now, he felt that his state was perfect!

However, the situation of the cannibals was unpredictable.

"They rested on the spot, and the poisonous herbs seemed to have no effect! Then we have to retreat now!"

After figuring out the current situation of the cannibals, Allen came up with the plan he had made before.

Unexpectedly, Taylor objected.

"We're all here. We've been waiting here for such a long time. Why don't we wait longer?"

"What's more, the cannibals have rested for a long time, and everyone is relaxed. We would have succeeded in a sneak attack now!"

"Most importantly, it's going to be dark soon. We can attack them in the dark. These brainless cannibals don't even know where we attack them at that time. In that case, it will cause chaos. Am I right, Allen?"

She said everything to Allen. They have the advantage right now.

Not only were the cannibals like targets, but also their environment, weapons, and sneak attacks. Few of the cannibals could survive.

But in such a perfect situation, Allen thought for a while and said to Taylor, "No, it's too dangerous. I know it's a good chance for a sneak attack, but we still have to think about what we should do after the sneak attack."

"For example, after we make the sneak attack, how should we return to our cabin in the dark? If we can't go back, how can we safely spend a night in the dark jungle?"

"If I were alone, I would only stay in the tree for one night without fire. I would never dare to stay under a tree. No one knows what kind of beasts there will be!"

"Moreover, I would indeed choose to launch a sneak attack if I were alone. I will kill the head of the cannibals and then run away!"

"But now, I'm not standing here alone, but with you. We have so many people. If there was something happened, some of you would be caught or killed by the cannibals. Is this what you want?"

"If possible, I don't mind attacking them in the dark. Anyway, I'm used to it."

Perhaps it was because Allen had slept for a long time that Allen had a clear mind and spoke more orderly. Most importantly, Allen was patient at this time.

So that he could calmly reason with the girls.

Allen's words succeeded in persuading the girls, although Taylor still looked unconvinced.

But she couldn't say anything to refute Allen.

"Well, that's it. Now that my poisonous herbs plan failed, what else can we say? Let's get ready to run away. Tonight's dinner... Let's eat pork. Who wants to eat the fat and succulent pork chop?"

When they were about to leave, Allen even joked as if nothing had happened to ease the atmosphere. As Allen's fan, Natalie immediately raised her hand.

"Okay, Natalie won first place! I decide to cook the best pork chop for her in the world!"

Allen touched Natalie's nose affectionately, which made Natalie blush and her heart beat faster. After all, other girls were watching them. It was so embarrassing that Allen was so intimate with her!

Allen smiled as if he didn't notice Natalie's shyness.

However, Natalie's leading role worked. Lily immediately raised her hand, together with Anna and the other girls. At last, only Taylor raised her hand.

"Good. We have only one last step to going back to eat the delicious pork chop. That is, to go back to our cabin! Come on, let's prepare to leave silently."

Seeing that he had finally convinced the girls, Allen felt a sense of accomplishment.

At least now, he was the most successful.

Under the leadership of Allen, in order not to disturb the cannibals, they marched in single file toward the cannibals.

Allen led the way. It was another way to the cabin from this direction. The girls didn't know the way!

So Allen had no choice but to lead the way.

As a result, the horns of war sounded again.

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