The Great Core's Paradox

Important Announcement

Important Announcement

I have an announcement, one that I'm excited about and one that, hopefully, you'll be excited for me about. Ever since I was young, before the realities of just how hard it can be to actually make it as an author really set in, I've wanted to publish a book. Eventually, I started to think that would never happen - writing, like any form of creative expression, is a stupidly risky maneuver financially-speaking.

Then, a couple of years ago, I found RoyalRoad. I started reading again. Started wanting to write again. And even though trying to write for a living is still an extremely financially-risky maneuver, the existence of RR and Patreon has at least allowed me to dip my toes into the water. To try. And while it obviously hasn't earned me nearly as much income as others, the encouragement of you readers alone has meant the world to me. It's not a stretch to say that, without you guys around, I likely wouldn't have done it at all. As much as I wish it were otherwise, sometimes writing is just hard to do. If I were just doing it for myself alone, it would be even harder.

All of that is to say, thank you for sticking around so far. Thank you for helping me get to this point. We're obviously not at the end of the road yet, but we are at a sort of beginning - the start of something that I've wanted ever since I was a kid. Publishing a book. Being able to say that writing is my actual job, rather than something I just do. Also, I'll have the money to pay bills and afford to live without relying on working other jobs for income, which would be really nice. That part's cool, too. Very understated advantage. Anyway...


Book One of The Great Core's Paradox will launch on Amazon on July 12th for KU, Kindle, and Audible (Click the blue text to go to the links if you want to preorder or just check it out!). Which means that, if you're here at this announcement for some reason without having read that far and you wish to read Book 1 (Chapters 1-109) while it's still on RR, you should do so before it has to be removed in ~3 weeks.

(I hope this gif displays properly, because it's cool)

Again, thank you for all of your support so far. I'm really excited about this.


It honestly doesn't affect you, unless your zealotry for the Great Core has progressed far enough that you wish to support the spread of its glorious light. In a way, it's actually better for you, because being signed with a publisher means that I've put my name on a pesky contract that basically says I have to keep writing this story. IT WAS A PLOT TO FORCE MYSELF NOT TO DROP THE STORY ALL ALONG! Anyway, that's it from me.

Also, make sure you didn't skip the 2 chapters posted earlier today.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.