The Great Thief

Chapter 1902 - Lying in Wait

Chapter 1902: Lying in Wait

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Such a powerful Boss could even also go Berserk.

However, he wasn’t the type that went Berserk at a low HP. Rather. he would start going Berserk at half HP. Actually, it would be more appropriate to call it a moment of rage. Not only did his attack speed increase, but he would also throw his own mallet.

This would one-shot anyone.

Moreover, he could also cast a group fear. Even though the area of the fear wasn’t large, the Main Tank would be left unable to escape.

Those who were unaffected couldn’t relax either, as they would be targeted and Charged at by Maulgar.

It would be okay if the Main Tank could aggro the Boss in time. If not, then the team would get destroyed.

These were some of the mechanisms of High King Maulgar. It would be even more difficult to fight him in reality.

However, this wasn’t the end to all the troubles. To fight this Boss, you also couldn’t ignore the four followers he brought with him –Firehand the Mage, the Warlock summoner Omer, Priest Blindeye the Seer, and Chichler the Madman Shaman.

Each of these four followers had different professions, and formed an elite monster team that partnered with the Boss.

With the current ability of players, even a core elite team of a super club with exquisite equipment wouldn’t even stand a chance against High King Maulgar and his four followers.

At a stage where everyone’s equipment was still lacking, the difficulty of High King Maulgar surpassed Gruul.

In fact, the smaller monsters at the entrance were also not be underestimated. A 25-man team were shredded through within minutes. The saving grace of this Instance Dungeon was that you could escape. After all, behind them was the entrance. If they could no longer fight, then Lu Li would command a retreat and the rest of the players would escape using their own abilities,

After all, smaller monsters were smaller monsters. They could block a majority of teams, but they couldn’t hold Ruling Sword outside forever.

“Dreamy, try to use Misdirection on a smaller monster and lead it out here.”

Lu Li had been wiped a few times and didn’t want to continue anymore. Hence, he started to take advantage of being reborn.

This Instance Dungeon had a bug. In the earliest period, Gruul’s Lair was easier than Magtheridon’s Lair, and was even easier than Karazhan.

Of course, the bug did not involve leading away the smaller monsters.

Hence, everyone was wiped as a team again.


Lu Li pretended to be deep in thought, then pointed at another smaller monster to let Remnant Dream try again.

They tried this time and time again, but were wiped four times. By the fifth time, Lu Li pointed at the Boss and said to Remnant Dream, “Trying using Misdirection on him. You lead Breezy, then pretend to die. Don’t mess it up.”

Even though Remnant Dream wasn’t keen, she still loyally obeyed Lu Li’s order.

There wasn’t a great cost in wiping. Only Remnant Dream and Azure Sea Breeze were killed because they were too close to the Boss and had drawn aggro.

This time around, everyone was still prepared to run. Nobody had any objections to Lu Li’s command.

However, no one really thought that doing this would actually work.

Just as everyone was prepared to make a run for it again, an astounding scene unfolded.

“Sand sculptures! Don’t run! They’re coming – see, you guys, he’s coming! This time it’s just one the Boss!” Azure Sea Breeze cried out.

Whenever Lu Li experimented in a First Clear, it almost always ended with Azure Sea Breeze dying.

There wasn’t much to say if everyone died together, but Azure Sea Breeze didn’t think of himself as special. The key was that everyone could escape together and only he had to die. As for Remnant Dream, as long as she played dead, the Boss would just treat her as a corpse.

Because of this, he felt unfairly treated.

Everyone locked their eyes and saw that the Boss had really come over by himself.

This Boss was hard, but it wasn’t hard to the point that everyone was afraid. A Boss on its own without any backup was especially easy to kill. Hence, everyone started to return to their positions.

Lu Li commanded Azure Sea Breeze to pull the Boss close to where the entrance of the Instance Dungeon was. The Boss’ four followers were left alone, which made it easier for everyone to escape when the team was wiped. Thus, this new strategy was put into practice.

Without the four followers, High King Maulgar was just a slightly stronger than usual Boss.

At 50% HP, the Boss entered into a rage, which placed some pressure on the team.

After Maulgar calmed down, he would continue to cast Whirlwind. Sometimes they would be unlucky and be struck consecutively, which killed a number of players.

“No need to stress – only two people are gone!” Lu Li yelled. “Fat Monkey, if you dare run towards the Instance Dungeon entrance, I will deduct your guild points right now.”

“Yes, deduct him! How shameful to not fight and run!” Azure Sea Breeze added.

“Fine, I won’t run then,” Fat Monkey huffed as he resentfully turned around and continued to attack the Boss.

“No one takes it easy until Breezy dies. Until I say so, the first person to run will have 20 points deducted. The second person to run will have 10 points deducted.”

Lu Li felt a little regretful now. He shouldn’t have given everyone a route of retreat. They thought about running whenever they couldn’t fight.

They would only drop some equipment if they died. This was nothing compared to losing 20 points. Sometimes, 20 points was enough to claim a piece of equipment.

After being wiped three times, the High King Maulgar fell.

Lu Li and the others also suffered heavy losses. At the end, there was barely anyone left standing. After all, High King Maulgar’s mallet was accurate with every throw, and whoever was hit was instantly killed.

After High King Maulgar fell, a number of players received Skill Points.

This was the attraction of First Clears; the equipment actually didn’t really matter. The main thing was still Skill Points.

There were two exquisite gems. Lu Li didn’t take them, and instead took the Skills Book dropped by the Boss.

This Skill Book was called “Lying in Wait”. It wasn’t used to Enhance skills, but belonged to the set of new level 70 skills. After adding 5 points, it increased the damage done by 20% when casting Backstab, Garrotte or Ambush from behind.

Enhancing a skill’s damage by 20% was already an insane effect!

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