The Reborn Noble Daughter

Chapter 442: 442 Mid-Autumn Festival

Chapter 442: 442 Mid-Autumn Festival

Chapter 442 442. Mid-Autumn Festival

At today's Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, the most dazzling ones were naturally the Queen and Concubine Shu.

Concubine Liu Xian was not in good health due to the poisoning, so she did not come to the palace banquet.

It was a lively gathering of several princesses and princes.

Xiao Muqian also went to the palace with his family to attend the night banquet. By chance, he happened to be sitting next to Princess Changlin and the consort Wen Xinglu.

These people are all at odds with each other, but at this time, we still have to say a few superficial compliments.

Princess Changlin picked up the wine at hand and spoke to Xiao Muqian with a fake smile.

In half a month, Mu Qian will marry his lovely wife. He is really a blessing.

The yin and yang are weird, and I do nt know what she wants to express. Xiao Muqian did not answer more, but just nodded and touched the wine at hand and ended her mouth.

Even though Princess Changlin was so disrespectful, she didn't turn against her. On the contrary, her face became even prettier.

But Xiao Muqian always felt that there was something hidden in her smile.

Princess Changlin didn't get too entangled, and turned to face the others to continue drinking and mingling. Instead, Wen Xinglu gave Xiao Muqian a sincere blessing.

General Xiao met his beloved, which was a blessing in his previous life. Mr. Wen wishes you a long life together and a successful life.

He has never had any grudges with Prince Kang's Mansion and the Bai family.

Although his legs were disabled because of Bai Siruo, in the final analysis it was Princess Changlin's fault.

Now that he wants Chang Lin to pay the price for what he has done, he will naturally have to make friends with other people.

He has also heard about the Liang familys affairs.

I just didn't expect that this would happen, but the Wei family was not dragged into the water. A light letter of separation cleared the relationship between the Liang and Wei families. I have to say that this Wei Guogong is really good at it.

So, he treated Princess Changlin with more and more caution.

The wine at the palace banquet was sweet but not easily intoxicating. Princess Changlin was very charming when she didn't drink too much, and even more so when she drank too much.

He started talking wildly to several juniors around him.

Xiao Muqian raised his eyebrows and looked at Wen Xinglu. This prince-in-law was really interesting.

The princess flirted with others in front of him, but he didn't react at all. He didn't know whether he was being generous or something else.

I am determined to stay away from these two people. One is crazy and the other is blind. They are not easy to mess with.

An incident that happened next proved Xiao Muqian's view.

Princess Changlin favored a guard when she was drunk and changing her clothes.

I dont know whether the man was forced or intentional. In short, Emperor Qi was furious and reprimanded Princess Changlin. However, the guard was not sentenced to death, but was sent directly to the princess's mansion.

This made Xiao Muqian simply stunned.

Everyone knows that this royal palace has countless splendors, but only those who are inside can discover how much good in the world has been swallowed up here, and how much evil in **** has been released.

The moons in both places are equally round, and every family in the eastern capital is reunited, while in southwest Shuzhou, Bai Chaoan officially meets Qiao Shanwei for the first time.

From a blood perspective, Qiao Shan should call Bai Chao'an uncle, but if he were to inherit the Dafang lineage, he would call him father, but at the moment he couldn't pronounce either of these titles.

After all, Bai Chaoan was still a stranger to him.

But Bai Chaoan didn't force it. He was a modest person, so he could see Qiao Shanwei's restraint and embarrassment.

"It's okay. If you don't adapt, just call me Mr. Bai." "Sir Bai."

Qiao Shanwei was very grateful that Bai Chaoan did not immediately force him to respond to this belated family affection, but allowed him to fully accept it.

Much better than his biological father whom he had never met but never wanted to recognize him.

I am away from home, and the conditions are a bit rough. When I get back to the Eastern Capital City, I will ask your aunt to make some new clothes for me.

Bai Chaoan saw at a glance how old Qiao Shanwei's clothes were, and felt sorry for his child who had been living outside like this for more than ten years.

Qiao Shanwei actually brought a lot of clothes. Although they were not expensive, he didn't check them. He wore old clothes because when building dams and widening rivers, he sometimes needed hands-on guidance. No matter how well-dressed he was, it was useless. It will also delay progress.

Thats why I chose this short coat and leggings trousers to make it easier to work.

Seeing the distressed look in Bai Chaoan's eyes, Qiao Shanwei's heart softened. Even if it was a misunderstanding, he didn't want to explain it, he just immersed himself in it.

This is the first time for the two of them to spend the festival together, and they are both a little nervous.

But Bai Chaoan is a talkative person, and he resolved the embarrassment in a few words.

The two of them were talking lively, but Wen Zhonghe had a headache at the moment.

The Sixth Prince stayed in Shuzhou for disaster relief. As the magistrate of Shuzhou, he naturally had to accompany him, so he simply arranged a banquet. The people who came were all people who had made great efforts in disaster relief, and the officials also Well, merchants and businessmen alike, everyone is enjoying themselves very much at the moment.

Its just that he toasted too many times, which inevitably gave him a headache.

Using an excuse to sober up, he actually ran away.

When I was alone on the porch looking at the full moon in the sky, I missed my wife and children in the capital very much.

If given the chance, he really wants to go north.

Lets spend a simple but warm Mid-Autumn Festival with my wife and children.

After a good night's sleep, when Qiao Shanwei woke up, he found that the light sleep that had troubled him suddenly became much better. It was probably because the knot in his heart had opened up.

In the past, he was always obsessed with the emotion of why he was not recognized by his father's family, and he was not as strong as he showed.

But it was different now. Although he only had a meal with the uncle of the Bai family and had a brief chat for a while, he felt Bai Chaoan's kindness and recognition of him.

He was finally relieved of the tension in his heart, and he was no longer so nervous about returning to the capital to join the Bai family.

The Sixth Prince and Bai Chaoan brought a large amount of materials and money, and the entire Shuzhou seemed to have been injected with new vitality.

As a result, it recovered very quickly, and the river channel expanded very quickly under the deliberate influence of the Chi family.

For this reason, every time the Sixth Prince submitted a memorial, it would be widely publicized in the court by Emperor Qi.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the sixth prince is in the limelight now, but the ninth prince, who was always favored in the past, is a little lonely.

If it were in the past, the eldest prince would naturally want to show his face and grab the credit.

But now he was so proud that he could no longer care about the glory of the sixth prince.

Simply put, it is a double happiness.

Wen Yuwei's pregnancy has been confirmed, and Princess Ke, who already has a daughter and a son, was successfully pregnant with her third child.

This is great news for the royal family, which has few heirs.

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