Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 416: A Shy Guy

Chapter 416: A Shy Guy

A battle finally breaks on Little Garden and it's not the usual duel between the Giants. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, & Leo are facing Baroque Works agents. They've just heard the organization's name from Robin before.

Sanji rushes to attack the minions, but Mr.5 tries to stop him using a pistol that uses his breath as a bullet. Sanji jumps to avoid the bullet even though it's invisible. He jumps because of his reflex to avoid the bullet, and luckily he does it because the air bullet explodes when it hits a tree.

Mr.5 clicks his tongue and tries to shoot Sanji again, but Leo suddenly sends a fire blade at him. He jumps to avoid it before he shoots the next air bullet at Leo. Leo's fire body should help him from getting damaged by an explosion, but Leo still raises his cutlasses to block.

The exploding air bullet hits his cutlasses and explodes, pushing him back a little. Leo doesn't want to rely on his intangible fire logia body too much. That's why he blocked that exploding air bullet that won't hurt him.

He could also evade, but he chose to block that because it would sharpen his senses more. Blocking a visible bullet is still quite hard for the current him, not to mention an invisible one. It needs great instinct and sense, which was his main reason to block that.

Leo grins happily because he could block an invisible bullet. The explosion doesn't hurt him even though the impact hurts his hands that hold the sword a little. He thinks about it and realizes his physical power is still not enough, so he needs to train harder.

"Phew, thanks, dude. Just one attack from you has made me realize what I need to do," says Leo while grinning.

"Oh yeah?" asks Mr.5 before looking up.

Leo looks up too and sees Ms. Valentine falling from the sky toward him. He widens his eyes before his face turns red and he looks away. Both Mr.5 & Ms.Valentine are surprised by his reaction, but they continue their plan.

Ms.Valentine falls on Leo's body who doesn't even move. But he is a fire logia, so his body turns into a fire when he gets crushed. He reforms his body near his initial location and he coughs shyly while avoiding eye contact with Ms. Valentine.

Sanji who saw him asks, "Oi, Leo, what happened?" Sanji asks while beating up the minions.

"W-well, *cough* her panties were visible," says Leo with an embarrassed tone.

Everyone stops whatever they are doing right now, including Zoro who fights the little girl Ms. Goldenweek, and Luffy who fights Mr.3. They all look at Leo at the same time and ask, "HUUH?"

"Oho, that's unexpected," says Mr.5.

"What the hell, Leo?! I never thought you are a shy person," says Zoro.

"B-but that's normal. A man shouldn't see a woman's panties, that's inappropriate," says Leo with a red face.

Luffy, Zoro, & Sanji are in disbelief because Nami always uses short skirts, so her panties was visible many times. Bellemere and Nojiko also never seemed to care about clothes and sometimes their bras are sticking out. But Leo never said anything.

"Your sister is like that, you know," says Zoro.

"So?" asks Leo while tilting his head, genuinely confused.

".... She wears more embarrassing clothes than this woman and her panties were visible most of the time," says Zoro.

"I know, but she is my sister, so it's fine. We've taken baths together when we were kids, you know," says Leo as if it's normal.

His red face disappears and turns into confusion instead. The others can't understand his logic, but they understand that he is bad at this kind of thing. So Ms. Valentine pulls her shirt collar down a little to show her valley, which obviously makes Leo looks away.

She giggles and keeps attacking Leo with her sexy attacks, which makes Leo very embarrassed. Mr.5 is waiting while preparing his attack to be used at the right time. He thinks that maybe Leo's intangible body will disappear when Leo's emotion is unstable.

But suddenly Leo gets angry because Ms. Valentine keeps teasing him. "ENOUGH, WOMAN! DON'T PUSH IT TOO FAR!" shouts Leo as he slaps the shit out of Ms. Valentine.

He intended to punch her stomach because people said that a face is a woman's treasure. But then he remembered his mom's lecture to never hit a woman's stomach even in a deadly battle. Hitting their faces is better because if he hits their stomach, they might lose their ability to have a child.

An injury on the face can be healed and being pirates or marines mean they are ready to get some scars on their faces. But losing the ability to get pregnant is a nightmare for most women. Buggy didn't care about it in the past, but he now avoids hitting a woman's stomach too.

A man's balls are different though. It's not because he is discriminative, but most of the men he fights are scumbags who don't need to pass their genetics. His enemies are criminals and justice enforcers who live in a dark world, after all.

Anyway, back to Leo's fight, he slaps Ms. Valentine's left cheek. She gets a lot of damage, but his right palm gets very hurt because she is very heavy. When he slapped her, Valentine has increased her weight to 1,000 kg, or a ton reflexively because Leo shouted at her.

Leo's slap still gave her a lot of damage and it gave her a big bruise. Her cheek also swells, but luckily she doesn't lose any teeth. She looks at Leo angrily, but Leo ignores her and just keeps looking at Mr.5.

He doesn't want to lose focus, so he runs toward Mr.5 who looks worried now. Leo didn't fall into their trap and recovered too fast. Now, his bombing ability won't work on Leo, but he won't get down that easily.

Mr.5 shoots Leo with his air pistol a few times, but Leo blocks them or avoids them. None of the exploding air bullets hit his body and even if they are, they won't damage him. So Mr. 5 throws his pistol and rolls his sleeves.

Leo & 5 finally get very close and they start their close combat. 5 uses his fists that explode every time he punches. The explosions push Leo's cutlasses back, saving 5 from getting cut by the sharp weapons.

It amazes Leo who didn't think it was possible to do. So he keeps attacking and slowly covers his cutlasses with fire. He still can't damage 5's fists that much because the explosions' impacts push his fire & blades away.

But Leo is very calm and he just analyzes his battle. 'I can win this easily, but I want to test my current power against someone from Grandline. Now I know that my raw power is still low for Grandline standards. Although my techniques are not that bad, at least against someone at this level.'

After realizing his current level, Leo gets more serious. He keeps attacking 5 head-ons, but he uses more power both on his body and fire ability. Leo slowly pushes 5 back and after forcing himself to get stronger for a while, Leo finally overpowers 5's explosions and damages 5's fists.

5's hands are bleeding and burning, so he can't continue the fight with his fists. He tries to escape, but Leo doesn't let him go and chases him. Valentine tries to stop Leo by slamming onto him and increasing her weight.

But when she's about to slam onto him, Leo spins and evades her. He turns around on her left and grabs the back of her head. Then without any hesitation, Leo slams her face onto the ground very strongly. The impact is great because she is very heavy and Leo's slam is powerful.

She gets knocked out, so Leo leaves her immediately and chases 5. He boosts his running speed by shooting fire on his feet, making him run very fast and he looks like he is sliding instead of running. Leo reaches 5 in a short time and instead of his blades, Leo uses his right fist.

His fist is coated with fire and he shoots fire at his elbow to make his punch stronger and faster. 5 turns around to defend by crossing his hands and Leo punches his crossed hands. Leo's punch is very powerful it sends 5 flying fast and crashes into a big tree that breaks instantly.

5 coughs his blood and gets knocked out instantly. Leo could defeat them if he was serious from the start, but he chose to play around first. He wanted to know his limits and surpass those. In that aspect, he is very similar to his father.

Leo looks at his right hand and says, "I need to train my physique and swordsmanship more. This is too weak to even scratch my dad's clothes. Tsk, I just don't know how powerful that old man is. I never saw him produce even a single drop of sweat when he trained for a full day."

After releasing a long sigh, Leo grabs 5's right foot and drags him back to where they were. He throws 5 beside the unconscious Valentine before looking at his crewmates. They've also defeated their opponents. It's easy for the current them who have been trained by Bellemere for a week.

"Well, let's send them away," says Leo.

The Straw Hats take the defeated enemies to the enemy's ship. It's not too difficult because the little girl, Goldenweek is showing them the way. Zoro didn't hurt her a lot and only knocks her head a little after being played around by her emotional paints.

She gave up easily after her comrades got defeated and now she shows them the way. When they arrive, they see Nami and Usopp are looting the enemy's ship while Robin & Vivi just watch. The ship doesn't have many things, but they still found some good items.

Anyway, they send the enemies away from the island and return to the Giants' place. On their way there, Robin suddenly says, "Hey, I have a proposal that will help all of us."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 440. Last Gift (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 451. Bombing Holy City (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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