Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 441: Admirals' Power

Chapter 441: Admirals' Power

The war moved to the plaza after the ice ground gotten destroyed. Whitebeard Pirates have invaded the plaza and the Marines are stopping them from getting closer to the execution platform.

Kuroko Buggy just watches them fight from the top of the wall. He lies sideways while supporting his head with his hand. If there are snacks, then he would've eaten snacks as if he is in a cinema or something.

The Marines can't even be bothered by him because their hands are already full to take care of Whitebeard Pirates. They can't bother to play with Kuroko's antiques, so they let him be. Sengoku still keeps an eye on him though because he can move so suddenly.

Kuroko Buggy is focusing on Whitebeard because he wants to know who'll stop that old beast now. Buggy has killed Akainu years ago, after all. So he is curious about it and he thought that maybe Garp or Sengoku would make their moves to stop Whitebeard.

But he is wrong and surprised by how it turns out to be. The one who stops Whitebeard from rampaging in the plaza is Kizaru. It would make more sense if it's Aokiji or even Fujitora. But it's actually Kizaru who is lazier than Aokiji.

"Heh, it seems the reports were true."

Kuroko Buggy recalls the reports he received from the spies he planted in the Marines. Kizaru was quite diligent in his training and now he is the strongest Admiral. The reason for his change of behavior is none other than Buggy.

Kizaru never won against Buggy since they fought for the first time. Now that Buggy has become the Strongest in The World, Kizaru thought that he also needs to be the strongest. Even Kizaru isn't sure himself why he is very competitive towards Buggy, but he really doesn't want to lose against the Clown.

Every time he heard about Buggy, the scars caused by their battles, especially the big cut scar on his torso itched. He felt like these scars would stop itching if he defeat Buggy. That's why he started training harder since Buggy became the Strongest by defeating Whitebeard.

Kizaru couldn't even defeat Enel in the Great War that killed Akainu. Well, Buggy stopped the war before they could fight using their full power, but it was still frustrating for Kizaru. Buggy's victory against Whitebeard finally changed him and he started to get more serious to get stronger.

Buggy hasn't confirmed this himself because he hasn't fought Kizaru since then. The Marine has been very careful with him since he defeated their Great Attack Squad and killed Sakazuki. He never made any moves that threaten them directly, so they never attacked him and only watched him from afar.

That's why Kuroko Buggy is surprised to see how powerful Kizaru has become. "I don't remember where I heard this, but I thought someone said that if Kizaru & Aokiji weren't lazy, they would be very powerful, even more powerful than Akainu. Wait, maybe Aokiji also trained harder like Kizaru and get stronger now. Heh, this will be fun."

Kuroko Buggy wants to see the reconstruction of the epic scene when Akainu stops Whitebeard's attack with his foot. But Whitebeard doesn't make the same attack though. He doesn't swing his weapon from below, but he swings it down after coating it with his quake power.

Kizaru suddenly appears and blocks the bisento using his vertical light kick. The impact of their clash spreads all over the battlefield, but no one dies because of it. "Ooh, what a scary attack. That one was really dangerous, Whitebeard."

"Gurarara, Kizaru, do you want to stop me alone?"

"Obviously~. I can't let you rampage more than this and destroy this place."

"I don't know if you are being serious right now when you talk like that. But you were having a hard time against Marco. Can you really stop me, lamp brat?"

"Ah~, I was holding back and you thought I was being serious before. There's no way I would use my full power from the beginning. Besides, it doesn't worth using my full power against that blue chicken."

"Gurarara, how amusing."

Whitebeard sends a powerful quake punch at Kizaru. The Admiral responds by sending a horizontal lightspeed kick at that punch. Kizaru's legs are more powerful than his arms, that's why he fights Whitebeard's ridiculously powerful punch using his kick.

Their clash creates a massive impact that affects the whole battlefield. Whitebeard isn't as weak as he was in the series. Kizaru is also stronger than he was in the series. So their clash could create a much bigger impact than Whitebeard's clash against Akainu in the series.

Everyone around them retreats quite far because they don't want to die by standing too close to these beasts. But they are more motivated now after seeing such a battle. They start fighting more vigorously which makes Kuroko Buggy happy because the battles are more interesting to watch now.

He watches the battles happily, but then he suddenly feels some presence that he has waited for. The Blackbeards have arrived on Marineford and now hide in the town. Kuroko Buggy is confused because they come faster than he thought. Whitebeard has just started fighting Kizaru, yet they are here already.

But then he knows why they arrive so soon now. It's because they didn't get anything in Impel Down. He has killed all prisoners in level 6, so they couldn't recruit anyone. They didn't need to hold that competition to filter the prisoners, so they could come here faster.

"Even if they couldn't get new members, Teach surely couldn't miss the chance to get the Quake Quake Fruit. Too bad for you, Teach, I will ruin all the plans you've made to this day. I wonder what kind of face you'll make later."

Kuroko Buggy's attention shifts to Whitebeard and Kizaru again. They fight so ferociously that no one could believe that Whitebeard is sick. He can still fight like that despite his illness that weakened his body. Whitebeard shows everyone that he is still the monster they thought of.

Kizaru is using his inhumane speed to attack from all sides, but Whitebeard can read them all and counters them. Still, Whitebeard can't win against his old age. He still misses some of Kizaru's attacks because his body can't follow his mind and react to Kizaru's fast attacks.

Whitebeard gets kicked in his right chest, punched in the stomach, kicked in the left face, cut on the left thigh, and stabbed in the left shoulder. Those attacks passed through him, but he is still standing tall and fights Kizaru as if he doesn't have any injuries.

"Don't you feel hurt anywhere, Whitebeard?"

"Gurarara, your attacks just tickling me, lamp brat. Attacks like these won't even hurt me, not to mention him. You won't be able to even touch that Clown with this level of power."

"It seems you like to talk now, Whitebeard."

Kizaru is quite pissed that Whitebeard brings up Buggy in their talk. But he isn't provoked because Kizaru is a very rational person. He knows better than to get provoked despite getting rather pissed by Whitebeard, unlike Ace who would get angry very easily at the slightest provocation.

Instead of getting angry, Kizaru is getting more focused on his attacks. He becomes faster and more precise that Whitebeard starts to think that it was a mistake to provoke Kizaru. Well, Kizaru has learned to control himself because sometime Buggy likes to trash-talk, so he shouldn't fall to it.

The other 2 Admirals are also fired-up. Unlike in the series, Aokiji is fighting Marco now, while Fujitora is fighting Jozu. Just like Buggy thought, Aokiji seems to be stronger than in the series too. His ice can freeze Marco's entire body, only leaving Marco's head to not kill the pineapple head.

As for Fujitora, Buggy doesn't know how he fares against someone at Jozu's level yet. But his gravity is strong enough to pin someone like Jozu down. Of course, it takes some time for him to defeat Jozu, but he wins not long after Aokiji defeated Marco.

"What's wrong with this old man's crew? They don't seem to grow that much since years ago. Does their captain's power decline affects them too?"

Buggy thinks about the fact that Whitebeard Pirates seem to be just as strong as they were back then. It isn't a good thing though because the Marines are getting stronger while they stay the same. Maybe they've improved, but not that much because Buggy who fought against them years ago can't see the difference.

He thinks that maybe the Whitebeard Pirates' lack of battles against strong opponents for years has affected their power. Unlike his crew that likes to fight people, Whitebeard Pirates rarely attack first and only fight when provoked. His crewmates even fight among themselves when they were free as training, but it's not the case for Whitebeard Pirates.

"We attacked them every once in a while, but it was always me against that old man. He never allowed his men to fight my crew because our battles were always destructive that no one could stand on the same land as us when we fight. I think that was a big mistake, he protected his men too much."

When Buggy thinks about that, Whitebeard Pirates suddenly shout to call their pops. He looks at Whitebeard and sees Kizaru has stabbed his long light sword in the middle of Whitebeard's chest. Then he sees Blackbeard Pirates finally coming out of their hiding and walking toward the battlefield.

"They are impatient. Well, it makes things easier. It's time to move."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 478. Peak Battle (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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