Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 128 Sakura

"Hey, royals are pressing me to about you, and also Lyroad Vellistion and royals agreed to get our help, and they are ready to pay 10 million gold coins, but are you sure that you can repair the city in two years if you're can't then it will be a problem,

I sent you a contract, and as you read it, in the contract it mentions that you have to repair the city in two years and if you can't then we have to give them 100 million gold coins, as I advise you to sign a contract only if you can repair the Dark Sky City in two years,

Then I was able to negotiate with Dark Sirius Kingdom and Dark Carnoso Kingdom, they will let us build the shop all over the kingdom and are even ready to help us, but they need fifty percent of our profit, and want to meet you in person,

However, Dark Vega Kingdom refuse to meet, they said they want to meet you directly, otherwise, there was no talk, so tell me are you going to meet Dark Vega Kingdom queen or not?

If you gonna meet her then informed me first.

Then as you said, I took thirty percent of the business under our New Shine business, if we grow at this speed then in near few years, Dark Rigel Kingdom King's reputation won't work anymore and we can take over the kingdom, and become the king of this kingdom,

At that time, don't forget to give me half of the power of the kingdom, as mentioned in our contract, if you didn't give me half of the power then you know very well, what will be going to happen."

Sakura put down her pen and looked at the letter she wrote for Ye Kai, going through it once more and everything was okay, she bind a letter in an envelope, and then the letter vanished.

"You know, you don't have to remind him about that contract thing in your every letter."

Sakura heard a woman's voice and turning her face, she saw a beautiful woman in a white messy bun looking at her.

"Sister, well, I should remind him of every letter otherwise he might forget it," Sakura said, as she got up from the chair she was sitting in.

"And, I might not sign that contract if you just hadn't been lost in the forest and taken weeks to come here," Sakura sighed and looked at Death Tigeress.

"Sorry, sorry, but I didn't get lost there, I just can't able to find a way out of the forest," Death Tigeress said, sitting on the sofa, she took an apple and bite it.

"It's the same thing sister," Sakura sighed.

"It's not the same," Death Tigeress frowned and said strongly.

"Yeah, it's not," Sakura also agreed, since it was pointless to argue more.

"Right, it's not, but how are you sure that if either of you breaks the contract then whoever broke the contract will die?"

"Feeling, I just have this feeling in my heart that I will die if I break the contract," Sakura touched her chest and said.

"Really? Isn't this same as when you were a slave?"

"No, when I was a slave I had a feeling that I'm bound to him, I don't have free will, I had to obey him, but this time there is no such thing, still same as a slave I have a feeling of not free will and had to obey contract, but according to contract,

I'm only his assistant for ten years, and I can't do anything that danger his or his loved one life in any way, and then he also has to give me the power to control half of the kingdom when he fully conquers the kingdom, and after that, I will be free, where before I didn't have this feeling that I will be ever be going to be free."

"Haha, Sakura, you sure daring to talk about someone conquering the kingdom in front of the guardian of the kingdom," Death Tigeress laughed and said.

"Well," Sakura walked to Death Tigeress, sitting beside her, she lean in her arms, "Your my best sister, and you don't care about this kingdom, to begin with."

"True, well, then I guess I can go back to the forest now then everything about you sorted, too bad I can't kill Ye Kai guy, as the contract said," Death Tigeress eat whole apples.

"Leaving this soon?" Sakura sounds sad as she hugged Death Tigeress tightly.

Death Tigeress looked at Sakura for a while, and sighed, "Well, I can stay for a while."

'I doubt that Sakura be free in ten years, so I should find out more about this Ye Kai later' Death Tigeress thought.


"Oh, I think things are going great," Ye Kai spoke as he looked at the letter that Sakura just send him, "I should meet royals now, but what the deal with Queen of Dark Vega, why she didn't want to talk a word with Sakura, whatever, just meet her in some days,"

Then Ye Kai wrote a letter and smiling he send this letter to Sakura.


Sakura was cooking food for Death Tigeress, Death Tigeress was the only person, that Sakura trusted, and the only person that Sakura would feel comfortable being around and could don't have to hide anything and tell everything, as she was humming and making food for her, she felt a letter come from Ye Kai.

"What a wrong time," Sakura frowned and said, but still thinking this might be something important, she paused her cooking and opened the letter.

"Hey, Sakura,

I get your letter and thank you for all the help with this, and I decided to meet the royals next week and after that next month decided to meet the king of the other kingdom.

Also, two days later, you have to come to Flower Blossom City."

"It's good to meet this kingdom's royals and kings of other kingdoms, but why does he want me to meet him in Flower Blossom City?" Sakura wondered, "Let's cook food for now,"

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