World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 102

Chapter 102 Aftermath (2)

Iplus, a new entertainment company.

CEO Cho Seo-wook put on a complex expression as he watched the few employees holding onto their phones and struggling all day long.

“sorry. Regarding personal information, we cannot arbitrarily provide it.”

“yes? Oh, you want to sign an advertising contract? For now, we will deliver the related matters separately.”

“I know you want to talk to me directly. We can't give you a separate contact number.”

The situation where the phone keeps ringing without a break. Even a week ago, things that were mere ornaments were resounding non-stop, but CEO Jo Seo-wook couldn't be too happy.

“This is going crazy... It’s good that the interest has increased, but the business is paralyzed... Should I just unplug the phone line and throw it away?”

CEO Cho Seo-wook is seriously thinking about getting rid of landline phones. However, I couldn't bear to do that because of the intermittent calls that came in between general inquiries.

[hello. I... Could I sign a contract with the management there? I'm the owner of the ‘Arangdan' channel.]

[Sorry. Did I contact you too late? This is the operator of the ‘Kimshim of the Wind' channel that you emailed me the other day.]

[Does the channel receive submissions here? I'll do my best.]

In the past, channels sent me detailed e-mails asking me to give them such a chance. At that time, the owners of several small and medium-sized channels, who had been ignoring the love call sent by Iplus, showed interest one by one and sent messages saying they wanted to sign a contract.

[If you sign a contract with them, can you see Choco Paijoa?]

Of course, the reason was because of Choco Paijoa, not them. But even knowing that, Seowook Cho didn't care. Whatever the reason, once they secured many channels through contracts and started building public awareness, they were convinced that they could naturally escape from the halo of Choco Pie and become self-reliant. But right now, CEO Seo-wook Cho had no choice but to walk on his arms and pick up the receiver to handle the flood of inquiries.

“Yes hello. It is Iplus.”

[uh? CEO? Why is the representative answering the phone?]

The other party who recognizes who he is at once. However, CEO Jo Seo-wook also recognized who it was at once and asked with round eyes.

“uh? Choco Pie?”

[yes. You must be very busy because of me these days? My personal phone is completely off, and the representative office phone is still busy. It's hard to make a phone call.]

CEO Seo-wook Cho has long since turned off his personal phone altogether because of the constant calls as if he was in a terrorist attack. He said with an awkward smile at Jaeyoung's complaint.

“ha ha ha. You did. sorry for this I've been getting so many calls, so I turned off my phone. I'll let you know later after I change my number.”

[yes. Please email or text me later. Rather... How are people reacting these days?]

Jaeyoung asks how people react. To that question, he answered without hesitation.

“Awesome. It is climbing the rankings with a steeper growth rate than any other channel. With the current trend, it wouldn't be strange if he became the world's No. 1 in the near future.”

Achieved 20 million real-time viewers.

A phenomenal record recently achieved during a live broadcast of Elf and World Tree. After the live broadcast was over, the video was switched to private and was not even released, but the entire community was in a state of uproar over related content.

[is it so. The video is well edited and uploaded. That... do you know about personal information?]

“Sure. absolutely private. Even though there are all sorts of offers coming in these days, advertisements, sponsorships, and interviews, I'm circumspectly rejecting them.

Jaeyoung became a superstar in an instant. However, compared to such a reputation, he said in a sullen tone to the words of CEO Jo Seo-wook, whether he was reluctant to expose his identity.

[You don't have to do that..... More than that, I felt it while reading the comments. Are there so many people who wonder where the dwarves and elves' village is?] “Isn't that


Sand of Forge, the hidden city of the dwarves.

The final resting place of the elves, the place where the World Tree rests.

People's interest in these two places was explosive. It was simply because of the interest in the appearance of different races that had been shrouded in veils, but it was also because there were many things that could benefit greatly just by looking at the details revealed indirectly in the video.

-That crazy thing is mithril, right? I was wondering where to get it, but the dwarves had it.

- I was wondering where you learned the fine craftsmanship skill, but you learned it over there.

- Spiritualism? My dream was to be a spiritist ??. Elves!! wait! I'm coming!

-It's a green forget-me-not! Fuck, those are things that cost 2 gold per one, but they are just piled up like a colony? Are you crazy?

Rare ores and herbs. People who are more interested in it because it has been confirmed that there are hidden skills and skills that cannot be learned anywhere in human cities or villages. However, I have searched all over the internet and communities, but I have not been able to get any convincing information anywhere. There was no answer even when they inquired at Arcadia Co., Ltd., so the number of people calling iPlus with the feeling of grabbing at least a straw continued to increase.

“Probably, even if you sell related information for billions of dollars, there will be an overflow of people who buy it.”

In fact, there was an official proposal from a large guild to sell the information by offering billions of won, so everyone was thirsty for information. Therefore, CEO Jo Seo-wook was able to speak confidently to Jae-young's question without hesitation.

[Um... is that so? Then make it public.]


However, Jae-young, who is full of coolness at his words, asks him to reveal it in a cold manner. At those words, CEO Seo-wook Cho asked again with a look on his face as if he had heard it wrong.

“You mean to reveal where the two villages are now? really?”

Arcadia is where information is life and has enormous added value. In this game, which boasts a scale that is incomparable to other games, this private information is directly linked to money, so Seo-wook Jo said in a panic at Jae-young's words.

“I Choco Pie, why don’t you just make a few more video contents in the dwarf and elf villages? Looking at the reactions right now, it is a certain level that it will be on the main page even if a village merchant just posts something for sale.”

It's incredibly difficult for other people to get on the main page, to the extent that their wish is for their video to appear on the main page at least once. But for Jaeyoung, decorating the main part of Arpandia was as easy as breathing. However, he turned down CEO Seo-wook Cho's proposal as if it were natural.

[no, I do not want. Why are you uploading something that isn't interesting?]


Jae-young throws away money because it's not interesting. CEO Jo Seo-wook tried to protest at his words, but Jae-young cut him off and said.

[As the CEO said, I know that it will be popular and make money to shoot a video by choosing various contents there. But it's just that anyone can do it, and I don't want to bother with a concept like that. Anyway, there are many more fun things to do besides that.]


Jaeyoung's meaningful words saying that there are many more fun videos to shoot than now. At those words, CEO Jo Seo-wook couldn't bear to insist on his own thoughts. Whatever it was, I wasn't in a position to force myself to do something I didn't like. In the relationship between Iplus and Jaeyoung, even if CEO Seowook Jo himself thinks, they are the absolute E and he is the absolute A.

[Oh, and since you told me the location anyway, it would be very difficult for people to visit those two villages to get what they want?]


Jae-young says strange things that are incomprehensible. At those words, CEO Seo-wook Cho asked back with a puzzled expression, but he did not elaborate. He only said meaningful words mixed with a deep smile.

[Both races are people whose personalities have exploded, so it will be difficult to please them.]

I couldn't understand it at this time, but after the two villages were officially unveiled, CEO Jo Seo-wook was able to understand Jae-young's words. Those two races are terribly racial supremacy and appearance supremacy, and they are truly rare dog breeds that are hard to distinguish between superiority and inferiority.

* * *

Jae-Young, who purified the World Tree and earned the title of Hero of the Elves. Thanks to that, Jaeyoung's influence over the elves has become so powerful that even the queen, Melissa, who leads them, cannot ignore them.

“So from now on, don't make aggro remarks in front of the dwarves, especially don't talk about height. Pretending not to be those kids, but being very sensitive with their short stature.”

Jaeyoung gathers the elves in one place and gives a lecture. The lecture he was giving was the topic of ‘How can I avoid attracting aggro to the Dwarves?' And the elves who really listened to the story seriously. While listening to Jaeyoung's lecture, writing down something with his ears perked up, a little elf raised his hand and said in a cute voice.

“Um..... I have a question!”

“Yes Kanna. What are you curious about?”

All elves' eyes were focused. In that situation, the little elf looked at Jaeyoung with really pure eyes and asked.

“I learned that if you associate with ugly things, you will become a bad elf, so don’t do that! But if you hang out with ugly people like dwarves, Kanna becomes a bad elf, is that okay?”

A really stupid question to hear. But looking at that expression, I could tell that it was a serious question, and Jaeyoung stood there speechless for a while before asking.

“Did someone teach you that hanging out with ugly things makes you a bad elf?”

“This is my mother!”

“Yes... I see...”

Those distorted values that are brainwashed from family dinner table education. Recalling once again that the elves' personalities will deteriorate in that way, Jaeyoung smiled brightly at the growing elf named Kanna and said,

“Even if you hang out with a dwarf, you can't be a bad elf. You are a good elf.”


“sure. If you get along well with dwarves, you're a good elf.”

“lol! yes!”

Kanna sits down with a relieved expression on her face, as if the cognitive dissonance she experienced while colliding with what she learned at home has been resolved. Seeing such an elf, he felt that his future was getting darker, but Jaeyoung just turned his head and looked at Melissa, the head of the elves, who was closely watching his lecture, and said,

“Don’t teach kids like that in the future. What kind of character-shattering education are you doing?”

“Well... I'll try.”

Seeing that even she, the queen of the elves, didn't understand why she couldn't say that she was ugly, I realized that the three-day special character education wasn't showing much effect, but dwarves were no different from elves anyway. Jaejoong left without saying anything.

“Well... since we signed a peace treaty anyway, we will continue to exchange and run into each other, so don't fight and get along well.”

“Ah... I have a question for you.”

“Say yes.”

“That... These days, there are an increasing number of people wandering around the Amil area. Should I be nice to them too?”

Melissa spoke cautiously around the corner while looking at Jaeyoung. However, Jaeyoung grasped the gist of her question at once.

‘Should I be forcibly nice to ugly humans?'

She cautiously asks if she is a human of the same race as Jaeyoung. However, Jaeyoung smiled and said.

“You can do that. I don't care.”


And Melissa, who is delighted with those words. She let out a sigh of relief as if she was really fortunate and said with a bright face.

“Whew... how worried I was to see if we should accept ugly humans into our town! I was very depressed at the thought of seeing ugly people walking around the town with my eyes

open in the morning. Seeing her like that, Jaeyoung was convinced that another race war would break out between elves and humans in the near future.

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