World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 428

Chapter 428 Demon World (9)

Arcadia, a fantasy world born from a human who was born with a deformity of hemiplegia and has lived his entire life in a deep underground laboratory.

Jack was born with a body that could not even move a single finger properly and built his own world.

And Kim Min-soo, who implemented all the systems so that the virtual world can be supplied to the real public.

As the chief developer and the chief manager, these two people who had equal shares in Arcadia were called by completely different names in Arcadia.

The Father and Creator who created this world, created and planned everything.

Asura, the owner of the Black Mist and the symbol of the end.

Two people who seem to pursue completely different goals and directions.

However, there was something in common between the two.


A narrative created in infinite possibilities and infinite freedom.

Users who stand on stage in their own way somehow in a scenario that has already been decided, and improvise and change the story completely.

Jack and Minsu, watching their adventures and their stories, were looking at the current situation, looking down on the entire continent moment by moment without taking their eyes off for a single moment, as if they had found an incomparable fun entertainment.

“Wow..... Work is more exciting than I thought?”

Kim Min-soo is looking at the situation that is happening in the world of Arcadia through the monitor with twinkling eyes. As he munched the popcorn in his hand, as if he were watching a movie, Jack answered as if he agreed.

[Yeah... I didn't expect this kind of situation either... It seems like it was an unavoidable option in the current situation in the heavens.]

Jack is watching the current situation with a slightly serious face. As a developer, from his point of view, the current situation was no different from an unexpected situation that deviated from the thoroughly planned intention.

[No matter how much it is, was this a system-wide possible setting? There seems to be a lot of room for problems, but there must be some conflicting parts between the missions of the two deities.]

No matter how broad autonomy is granted, it is clear that one individual is designated as the deputy of the two deities. Jack, who did not even imagine, let alone intend to choose. That's why he himself tilted his head, wondering if that was possible, but Eris answered him immediately.

[It's not impossible in terms of settings.]

[No matter how hard it is. There are not just one or two users who have a hidden class in the divine line , so couldn't you choose an apostle among them?

It wasn't that there weren't any users who didn't change their job and played silently because they couldn't give up what they had achieved so far as priests and holy knights, so from Jack's point of view, the factor with that ‘possibility' must have existed somewhere.

[On what grounds did you skip all other divine-type users and grant that Choco Paijoa the rank of an apostle? I know that there were users who were carrying out scenarios for the reconstruction of the Holy Empire...?]

Prospective users who are showing great prominence as divine users.

arms of the Lord.

The true taste of the cross.

Faith in each battle.

Tight Siloam.

Those who have not yet abandoned their firm faith and faith in the heavens and continue on the path of ascetics. After the Pope's death, the divine power was greatly weakened and he experienced a tremendous loss of power, but the fact that Choco Paizoa, an apostle of the World Tree, was suddenly selected as the Pope, leaving behind all those who were making up stories to restore it step by step. Even he, the creator, could not understand it at all.

But to Jack's question, Alice, as always, gave her own answer.

[Please check related data.]

The justification for Choco Paizoa to be chosen as Pope.

In the midst of the complex data, where fragments of numerous stories are intertwined, Minsu murmured while manipulating the pad in his hand as if he was interested.

“Hmm... that’s right. So that was it.”

Minsu kept muttering with an evil smile on his face. And he said to Jack with a smirk as if he was caught right away.

“Jack, did you intervene a lot behind the scenes without me knowing?”

[what....? What is that all of a sudden?]

“A glorious celestial medallion.”

An item for changing jobs to a ‘Holy Prophet' who will play a leading role in the Great War of the Holy Spirit. However, when the item went into Jaeyoung's hands, a contradiction arose, and in the past, Jack arbitrarily changed the item's settings and intervened in the game. Since then, Jack has not given much thought to the profession of a holy prophet.

When Minsu mentioned it, he momentarily flinched and shut his mouth because he was stabbed.

[Why is that?]

“Since the first and foremost target to become an apostle of Heaven has disappeared, the choice has no choice but to change randomly. Even though the situation was unavoidable... isn't it a natural trend for such an unpredictable situation to come out as long as the existing plan went awry?”

A hidden class holy prophet made as an arrangement for the Holy Demon War in the past.

With the loss of the main character who would represent the adventurers and lead the camp of good on behalf of Heaven, all other factors with that potential had no choice but to collapse.

“When the person who plays the role of holding the center disappears, everyone has no choice but to collapse like dominoes. Looking at the data now, it seems that no one is actively fighting in the first camp. Everyone is in a hurry to save themselves, so they don’t connect and just watch.”


No matter how realistic the world is, most users are simply enjoying entertainment as strangers. That's why I was able to watch them react more sensitively to their interests than anyone else and engage in selfish behavior.

-If it's not me, eh eh eh eh!

-? ??? Good priests.

-It was disrespectful for wizards to campaign. gone hell

- If you log in now, you automatically enter the war? Yeah~ Where can you try it? You can't connect.

“I don't want to lose money, so I don't want to pay for it, so it seems that there is no one in the holy camp who is willing to fight desperately for whatever reason. Rather, only that user, who has absolutely no connection to the divine faction, fights against evil more resolutely and truly than anyone else.”

That's why Minsu smiled mischievously at Jack, who was staring blankly at him, and said coyly.

“When I saw it... I think this was a situation you brought on yourself?”


Jack is just looking at the unprecedented situation that is happening in the world of Arcadia with a shit-chewed face. And Minsu, who was looking at it, smiled and put the popcorn in his mouth.

“Now... then, how will the evil camp come out like this...?”

Looking forward to the ending of the story that will unfold in the number of infinite possibilities that no one can predict.

He contemplated the world of Arcadia through the monitor with eyes full of anticipation.

* * *

Satan, the demon king of chaos, representing the camp of evil.

While the owner was away, he had been intervening in the world unknowingly and unknowingly, exhausting his enormous probability.

“Such a fucking chicken...” Tan

made a threatening sound as if his strong teeth were about to break.

He was watching the scene of the massacre unfolding below with his own two eyes, revealing his intense anger without hesitation.





Demons and demons who are the proud protagonists who support the Demon Realm and are their faithful servants.

The intense army, which seemed to push the camp of the heinous sapling at any moment, could not easily approach it because of the power of destruction with the atrocious nature.

Woo woo woo.

A sacred instrument representing the heavens and Michael's weapon.

Muspelheim, the eternally burning sword of the Holy Fire.

Looking at Choco Paizoa, who was holding and wielding the absolute sacred weapon that infinitely spews powerful divine flames, the ferocious monsters screamed in fear of death, and the demons with reason let out moans in shock and shock. .

“How on earth could that sword be used against a mere human...”

“Keuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu possible possible.....”

“Wrong..... This is something we dare not deal with on our own line It's not like that...”

Although it is said to have overwhelming numerical superiority, it is a divine power so powerful that one dare not even approach it.

Looking at those who were at a loss because they couldn't overcome the difference in rank that was so drastic that even a mere beast would burn their entire bodies, Tan had no choice but to make a choice.

[Everyone retreat. Concentrate on fully opening the gates of hell as quickly as possible.]

A command resonated throughout the Demon King's Army.

As those who received his thoughts began to quickly retreat, Amil's Great Forest, which had been a fierce battlefield until just now, regained its tranquility.

and that moment.

In Arcadia, a new mythological narrative was born.

[A huge evil invasion to destroy this world. But against that threat, countless tribes of nature risked their lives to resist.]

[And one adventurer who led them. Although he was an apostle who followed the mother of all things and life, he was more honorable than anyone else, overflowing with justice, and devotedly took the lead to protect his comrades, his home, and this world

. my story.

And as a result, miracles took place in infinite freedom and infinite possibilities.

[The birth of a new pope representing Heaven. The descent of the Divine Flame Goddess who defeats the darkness. Everyone in the world will remember this incredible miracle and pray while looking at the small light of hope rising in the darkness.] [

Heavenly miracle in the sanctuary of the World Tree. As the last bastion against darkness and a beacon to shine on this world, Amil's great forest will faithfully fulfill its role. As the only haven of light and justice that does not allow darkness, as well as a sanctuary that protects and embraces all things and life in this world.] A

lonely war that no one wanted to participate in. A valuable victory that bloomed in despair where hope is nowhere to be found. And in that story, a new sacred place representing the heavens was born again in Arcadia.

Woo woo woo.

[The Great Forest of Amil has been declared as a new ‘Holy Land'.]

[The connection with the heavenly world has been significantly strengthened.]

[A new pope has been born.]




“Those damn bastards... where do they poop on ready-made rice like this?”

Tan muttered as he glared at the gigantic world tree in the middle of the Great Forest with cold eyes. At the same time, he huffed and grumbled for a long time, as if the strange alliance between this chicken and Myomyeon was absurd.

“good. Where are you going to try it?”

Tan muttered coldly as if he had decided on something.

And he said with a huge energy in his hands.


Just as the young chicken shreds all the roots of the last pillars of the celestial world and pushes all the probabilities.

As if he himself would bet everything on this war, he muttered, raising an enormous probability.

“Whether you die or I die, let’s see the end this time.”

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