100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 435 Second Part Of Her Mission

Day Fifty…


After overhearing the conversation between his grandpa and Stephen, Ethan left the Xu Mansion and returned to Sparks Mansion, riding a taxi. 

When he arrived at the mansion, he headed to his playroom where he could find his robotic friends. Powy, Riemc, and Star S helped him in tracking Abigail and Nathan.

Since Stephen and Axel brought their cell phones with them, Ethan was able to track the hospital. The young boy got worried because the place in the GPS tracker was a hospital. It only meant something happened either to his father or to Abigail.

Ethan rushed out of the mansion. At this time, Ethan asked their family chauffeur to bring him to the hospital. He didn't have time to tell his grandpa because he knew his grandpa didn't want him to know about the situation.

With his own initiative, he made a move, searching for Nathan and Abigail. He ended up meeting Stephen outside the operating room.

"Where are they? Are they okay?" Ethan repeated his question, looking for them.

Stephen, who was utterly surprised by Ethan's presence, stepped forward, closing their gaps. He held Ethan's shoulders and said, "Your Dad is still in the operating room. He received several injuries… but his life is not in danger. He will be fine."

Ethan's eyes teared up. "How about Miss Abi? My Mom?" The young boy could no longer hold his tears. He was worried sick for both Nathan and Abigail.

Stephen was not able to respond right away. He looked up, glancing at Axel and Chantha. They knew that Ethan would be heartbroken once he learned that Abigail was in a coma.

"Uncle Steph? What happened to my Mom?" Ethan could sense that Stephen was reluctant to disclose information regarding Abigail's condition.

Failing to get an answer from Stephen, Little Ethan turned to the doctor who was silently standing next to Stephen.

"Doc, where is my Mom? What happened to her?"

The doctor hesitated for a moment. He stared at Stephen with a questioning gaze. The doctor seemed to ask Stephen whether he should tell the kid or not.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Ethan became impatient. Without waiting for them, he barged into the operating room. He immediately looked for Abigail.

"Mom! Mom!" Ethan ran in the direction of Abigail. She was now in the stretcher bed, getting ready to be transferred to Intensive Care Unit.

Ethan's heart sank when he saw Abigail with an oxygen mask and unconscious. He was about to hold her but stopped when he noticed something. Ethan's expression changed, confusion resurfacing in his eyes.

The nurses watched the boy in amusement. He was not supposed to be there. 

"Where did this kid come from? What is he doing here?" The nurses whispered at each other.

Stephen and the doctor also entered the operating room, following Ethan. Stephen held Ethan's shoulders. The young boy was not wearing a medical gown.

"Ethan, let's go out. We can't stay here. We should wear proper medical gowns to avoid transferring harmful microorganisms to Miss Abi. Her current health condition is very delicate." Stephen explained, convincing Ethan to step out for a moment.

But Ethan was not paying attention to his words. Ethan's eyes were fixed on Abigail's face. Then his gaze moved from top to bottom as if Ethan was searching for something. After a while, Ethan crumpled his face and his eyes teared up while saying, "Where's my Mommy? She's not here."

Stephen and the doctor exchanged glances with one another. They thought Ethan was so shocked that he couldn't recognize Abigail. Perhaps, he was shaken by this incident, making him in denial.

"Don't worry, dear. Your mommy only needs time to heal and recover. We will transfer her to the big hospital in the city." The doctor also tapped Ethan's shoulder, consoling him.

"Where is she? Where is she? She's not here!" Ethan raised his voice. His face filled with fear and panic.

"Ethan, calm down. Let's go out first…" Stephen tried his best to bring Ethan outside. Then he motioned the nurses to transfer Abigail to the ICU.

Ethan cried and cried while hugging Stephen's legs. "Uncle… where is mom? My Mom? She's not my mom."

Stephen didn't know what to do. This was the first time he saw Ethan in this vulnerable state. In Stephen's point of view, Ethan was just shocked after seeing Abigail's condition, that's why he reacted like this. It seemed like he was searching for someone who was not there as if he couldn't accept the fact that Abigail was in that sorry state.

Stephen could only hug the poor boy while stroking his back. He tried his best to comfort him.

Meanwhile, at Stephen's place, Phantomflake got a chance to have a private talk with Bam-Bam. The magical creature returned so she requested Cherry to leave. She told Cherry that she wanted to be alone and rest.

But little did she know, Jane just wanted to talk to Bam-Bam. There were lots of things she wanted to ask him. Furthermore, she asked Bam-bam to check Nathan and Abigail in the hospital a while ago.

"How are they? Is Nathan safe? How about Abigail?" Jane couldn't hide her worries and concerns for the two. She wanted to visit them but Cherry forbade her from leaving the house. She had just regained her consciousness and her body was still weak.

"You don't have to worry about Nathan, Master. He is safe. He has some fractures but they will heal in one to two weeks. Abigail, on the other hand, is in a coma." Bam-bam paused for a moment, scratching his face using his paw.

"When her soul returned to her body, her injury from the fall on the 13th floor of Centerville Hotel a few months ago also returned. But it was not that life-threatening as compared to before because your soul healed some parts of her body and your energy was transferred to her."

Jane didn't know if she should feel glad about that news or not. "Okay. Can you please help me monitor her condition? I owe her a lot. She must survive. Her family is waiting for her… Grandpa… I mean Old Master Yan will be devastated by this. He had just found his missing granddaughter… and now, this happens." Jane was sympathizing with Abigail and her family.

"Sigh. Master. Stop worrying about Abigail. You have to worry about yourself. Now that you are back to your original body, everything will change. Your relationship with Nathan is still…" Bam-Bam stopped talking when he noticed Jane's sharp gaze.

Jane was aware of this. Bam-Bam didn't need to remind her or emphasize her conflict with Nathan.

"I know. Nathan still hates me. And he wants to kill me." Jane felt disheartened by that thought.

"M-Master… the truth is… There is something I have to tell you. Hmm… In fact, your mission is not yet done… You are now in the second part of your mission. Tomorrow… is the 51st day of your mission."

Jane glanced at Bam-Bam with a questioning gaze. "What do you mean by that? What second part of my mission?"

Bam-Bam made sure to distance himself from Jane before answering her question. He was worried that Jane would grab his wings again and twist them out of annoyance and irritation.

"The first part of your mission is making him fall in love using Abigail's body. You succeeded. And now, the second part is… ahem, still the same. You have to make him fall in love with you in the remaining 50 days…as Phantomflake… as Jane… your real self."

"If you fail to do so… you are going to die… after 50 days."

Jane: "..."

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