100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 483 Great Confusion

Day Fifty-Five…


Nathan felt strange when Jane hugged him. What an irony! His enemy was the one comforting him at this moment. But then again, he realized he shouldn't show vulnerability in front of her. He didn't need her pity.

After he recovered, Nathan quickly removed Jane's hands and pushed her away. 'Why do I feel some familiarity from her hug?' Surprisingly, Nathan didn't feel disgusted at all.

"Stop playing with me, Phantomflake. You can't fool me. I hate pretentious people like you," Nathan said through his gritted teeth. He turned around to leave, leaving Jane behind.

"I'm not pretentious. It was Monica who pretended to be someone she did not. When are you going to acknowledge that, Nate?" she whispered while watching Nathan as he walked away. 

Nathan couldn't recognize her because he was blinded by his anger and hatred. His bias toward Phantomflake was stopping him to see the good in her.

Jane could only stare at his back, taking a deep breath. Now, her mission to tame this devil has started. Though she knew that Abigail would unintentionally hurt Nathan, she could see this chance to get closer to him, hoping that Nathan would give her a chance.

Jane returned to Abigail's ward to check on her sister. Dave had been staying by Abigail's side as the doctor examined her. The doctor asked her a few questions. It looked like Abigail lost some of her memories. She couldn't remember even the part of her accident.

The doctor advised them that Abigail needed to rest. He injected her with some medicine before he left. Dave remained inside the ward, just watching over her.  Their hands were still entangled with each other, no one wanted to let go.

"I'm glad you are awake now…" Dave glanced at her with a gentle look in his eyes.

Abigail's lips curled up in a faint smile. She felt so weak but Dave's presence gave her some strength. She missed this guy so much.

"I thought you were leaving for an important mission?" Abigail asked him. She had no idea that 55 days had passed since her accident. She couldn't remember anything. 

Dave didn't know what he should feel about this. Abigail had forgotten Nathan. She could only remember him. Part of him was happy, but part of him could understand Nathan's feelings. Furthermore, he wasn't sure if Abigail only loved him.

A few weeks ago, Dave could see the love between Nathan and Abigail. He couldn't deny the fact that the two liked each other so much. But the tragedy happened. Abigail couldn't remember Nathan. Did her feelings for him had been forgotten as well?

What if Abigail's memory came back? Who would she choose between Dave and Nathan? Dave was afraid that Abigail would choose Nathan over him. He wondered whom she loved the most— was it him or Nathan?

Dave had a lot of thoughts in mind. But since Abigail just woke up, he didn't want to cause some emotional stress. He would find the right time to discuss some important matters with her.

"Abi, I'm not going anywhere. I won't accept any missions for now. I want to take care of you." Dave gently squeezed her hand.

"I think getting sick is not a bad thing. At least, you will stay by my side from now on. You are not leaving me anymore."

"Hey, don't say that. I don't want you to get sick. Every time your life will be in danger my heart is going to burst." Dave pouted his lips while putting on a pitiful face.

Abigail just let out a soft giggle. "I'm just kidding. Don't be upset. I'll get better soon. I bet my fans are already waiting for me. Sigh, how long I have been sleeping? How about my work?"

"Stop thinking about work. You should focus on your recovery," Dave slightly scolded her.

"Yes, Boss. I will do that. By the way, those people… who are they?" Abigail recalled the strangers who stood around her sick bed a while ago. She didn't recognize them at all.

When Abigail brought them up, Dave's eyes lit up. This was a piece of good news he wanted to share with her. "I almost forgot. There is something you need to know."

Abigail gave him a questioning look. She became interested in what he was about to say. "Okay. Tell me."

"The lady who was holding your hand when you woke up… and the first person you saw when you opened your eyes… She is your elder sister!" Dave joyfully revealed to Abigail.

Abigail was surprised when she heard that. "My elder sister?"

Dave bobbed his head. "Yes. Your elder sister… your biological sister. And the middle-aged man who approached you is your biological father. Abigail, your family finally found you!"

Abigail gasped in disbelief. "Is that true?"

"Yes. This is all true! Can't you see? Your sister looks like you." Dave felt amused.

Abigail was still trying to absorb everything. She didn't expect to see her family in this situation. She never thought she would reunite with them.

"Can you call them for me? I want to see them…" Abigail requested Dave. Now she understood why they looked so worried about her a while ago.

"Okay. I'll call them for you." Dave was about to leave when Abigail asked him again.

"How about the tall guy with blue eyes? Who is he? Is he my brother too?" Abigail asked Dave expectantly.

Dave froze the moment he heard her curious question related to Nathan. How would he answer that? He was contemplating whether he should tell her the truth or not. But he didn't want to be selfish.

"That guy with blue eyes… is none other than… Mr. Nathan Sparks."

Abigail's eyes widened in shock when she heard that. No wonder that man looked familiar to her. He was the famous CEO of the SYP Twilight Corp. But why was he there? Nathan was holding her hand a while ago and he looked concerned about her too. 

As far as she could remember, she didn't have any close encounters with Nathan Sparks. How did he know her? She could only see him in business magazines and on television.

"Why is it the mighty CEO of the SYP Twilight Corp is here in my ward?" Abigail asked Dave in utter disbelief.

"Because… this is his medical facility… and Nathan Sparks is… your new boyfriend," Dave informed her.

Abigail: "..."

She was stupefied when she heard Dave's last remarks. Was he serious? Or he was just joking? Who would believe that? She didn't even meet him personally before. How could she become his girlfriend? Dave was her boyfriend, not Nathan.

"Hey, Dave. Don't joke around like that. This is not funny at all. You are my only boyfriend. I have nothing to do with him." Abigail thought Dave was just pranking her. However, Dave's expression was serious. He was not laughing at all.

"Dave? What's wrong? Why are you making up a story? Where did you get that ridiculous idea?" Abigail didn't believe him at first. But his seriousness made her uneasy. There were scenarios she couldn't understand. She felt like she missed a lot of things.

On the other hand, Dave sighed deeply. He didn't mean to surprise her with the truth. But he couldn't hide it from her. As much as possible, he would like to be honest with her.

"Abi… It's a long story. You lost some of your memory. That is the reason why you can't remember Nathan. For the past few weeks, you've been living with him…" 

Abigail was at a loss for words. She seemed to lose the ability to speak. She opened her mouth only to close it again. 'What happened? I'm confused.'

"How is that possible? Did I betray you? No! I won't do that. I love you, Dave." Abigail tried to sit up but Dave stopped her from moving.

"Hey, calm down. Let me explain." Dave assisted her. He helped her up, making her lean on her bed.

"How can I calm down? I don't know what happened. Why can't I remember a thing?" Abigail felt so helpless. She was on the verge of crying. "Did we break up?"

Dave grabbed her shoulders as he looked straight into her eyes. "Abi… you didn't betray me. Okay. Something bad happened to you. You lost some of your memories… including me. And during those times… you met Nathan. In that short period of time… you both fell in love with each other."

Dave's heart constricted. Part of him was scolding himself inwardly. He was being a martyr here, telling Abigail those things even though he wanted her to choose him over Nathan. But he was the only person who could understand how painful it was for Nathan because the woman he loved couldn't remember him. It already happened to Dave so he was empathizing with Nathan.

Meanwhile, Abigail couldn't accept this fact. It didn't feel right. How could she fall in love with another guy? Even if her mind couldn't remember Dave, her heart should remember him because he was the man she truly loved.

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